Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
localClient = LocalClient.instance();
localServer = LocalServer.instance;
undoWatcher = new BatchUpdate(
name => `${name} modification`,
(headJS) => {
const hasher = XXHash(0xdeadbeef);
export default {
'/create-step': async ({name, description, choice}) => {
// check if everything correct with the form
if (name === undefined || name === '' || String(name).trim() === '') {
const patch = prototypoStore
.set('errorAddStep', 'You must choose a name for your step')
localServer.dispatchUpdate('/prototypoStore', patch);
// done checking if everything is correct with the form
// create new step
const newStep = {
_getCachedPath(link) {
link = link.replace(/^github\:/, 'github#'); // replace ':' for '#' in github protocol
link = link.replace(/\:\/\//, '#'); // replace '://' for '#' in url
link = link.replace(/\//g, '-'); // replace '/' for '-'
const parts = link.match(/^([^\?]*)(\?(.*))?$/); // delete get parameters from url
if (parts && parts[3]) {
link = parts[1] + XXHash.h64(parts[3], HASH_SEED);
if (link.length > MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH) {
const startPart = link.substr(0, 100);
const endPart = link.substr(link.length - 100);
const middlePart = XXHash.h64(link, HASH_SEED);
link = startPart + endPart + middlePart;
return path.join(this._cacheDir, link);
_getCachedPath(link) {
link = link.replace(/^github\:/, 'github#'); // replace ':' for '#' in github protocol
link = link.replace(/\:\/\//, '#'); // replace '://' for '#' in url
link = link.replace(/\//g, '-'); // replace '/' for '-'
const parts = link.match(/^([^\?]*)(\?(.*))?$/); // delete get parameters from url
if (parts && parts[3]) {
link = parts[1] + XXHash.h64(parts[3], HASH_SEED);
if (link.length > MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH) {
const startPart = link.substr(0, 100);
const endPart = link.substr(link.length - 100);
const middlePart = XXHash.h64(link, HASH_SEED);
link = startPart + endPart + middlePart;
return path.join(this._cacheDir, link);
function queryHash(value) {
if (value === null)
return null;
if (value.indexOf('exec sp_executesql') === 0) {
value = value.replace(/,@\w+=.*/g, ''); // Remove everything after ',@Param1='
value = value.replace(/varchar\(\d+\)/g, 'varchar()'); // Change 'varchar(xxx)' to 'varchar()'
value = value.replace(/[^0-9A-Za-z]+/g, ''); // Remove all non-alphanumeric characters
return XXH.h64(value, 0xabcd).toString(36);
it('xxhashjs, xxhash, twice, expect 2847076442', function() {
let js1 = XXH.h32("abcd", 0x01020304).toNumber()
let js2 = XXH.h32("abcd", js1).toNumber()
let buf = new Buffer("abcd")
let ntv1 = xxhash.hash(buf, 0x01020304)
let ntv2 = xxhash.hash(buf, ntv1)
let enc = new Buffer(4)
let enc2 = new Buffer(4)
xxhash.hash(buf, 0x01020304, enc)
expect(enc.equals(new Buffer('b5bfecd1', 'hex')))
xxhash.hash(buf, enc.readUInt32LE(), enc)
it('xxhashjs, xxhash, twice, expect 2847076442', function() {
let js1 = XXH.h32("abcd", 0x01020304).toNumber()
let js2 = XXH.h32("abcd", js1).toNumber()
let buf = new Buffer("abcd")
let ntv1 = xxhash.hash(buf, 0x01020304)
let ntv2 = xxhash.hash(buf, ntv1)
let enc = new Buffer(4)
let enc2 = new Buffer(4)
xxhash.hash(buf, 0x01020304, enc)
expect(enc.equals(new Buffer('b5bfecd1', 'hex')))
xxhash.hash(buf, enc.readUInt32LE(), enc)
if(!Buffer.isBuffer(item)) item = Buffer.from(item);
for(let i = 0; i < this.seeds.length; ++i){
let hash = xxhash(item, this.seeds[i]).toString();
let bit = hash % this.bits;
export const getHashFunction = (): HashFunction => {
const hasher = h32();
return contents =>
addRelationId(relationData) { = XXHash.h64(
[relationData.fromKey, relationData.fromType, relationData.fromId, relationData.toKey, relationData.toType, relationData.toId].join(','),
return relationData;