How to use xpath - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few xpath examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github socialtables / saml-protocol / test / sp-security-checklist.js View on Github external
const chai = require("chai");
const chaiAsPromised = require("chai-as-promised");
const should = chai.should(); // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars

const xmldom = require("xmldom");
const xpath  = require("xpath");
const entityFixtures = require("./fixtures/entities");
const ModelStub      = require("./fixtures/model-stub");
//const samlFixtures   = require("./fixtures/saml");
const credentials = require("../lib/util/credentials");
const randomID    = require("../lib/util/random-id");
const signing     = require("../lib/util/signing");
const errors      = require("../lib/errors");
const namespaces  = require("../lib/namespaces");
const select      = xpath.useNamespaces(namespaces);
const moment      = require("moment");

 * Tests for SP request construction and response handling for the
 * security-conscious. The protocol binding layer is tested seperately, as
 * its functionality is shared by both IDPs and SPs.
describe("Service Provider security checklist", function() {

	const requestConstruction = require("../lib/request-construction");
	const responseConstruction = require("../lib/response-construction");
	const responseHandling = require("../lib/response-handling");

	let sp = entityFixtures.simpleSPWithCredentials;
	let idp = entityFixtures.simpleIDPWithCredentials;
	const idpWithLatency = entityFixtures.simpleIDPWithLatency;
github Justin-Credible / Ionic-TypeScript-MDHA-Starter / gulpfile.js View on Github external

    // Attempt to grab the website URL.
    try {
        websiteUrl = xpath.select1("/*[local-name() = 'widget']/*[local-name() = 'author']/@href", configXmlDoc).value;
    catch (err) {
        console.error("Unable to parse href from the author node from the config.xml file.");

    // Attempt to query and parse the version information from config.xml.
    // Default to 0.0.0 if there are any problems.
    try {
        var versionString = xpath.select1("/*[local-name() = 'widget']/@version", configXmlDoc).value;
        var versionParts = versionString.split(".");
        majorVersion = parseInt(versionParts[0], 10);
        minorVersion = parseInt(versionParts[1], 10);
        buildVersion = parseInt(versionParts[2], 10);
    catch (err) {
        console.log("Error parsing version from config.xml; using 0.0.0 instead.", err);

    // Create the structure of the buildVars variable.
    var buildVars = {
        applicationName: applicationName,
        email: email,
        websiteUrl: websiteUrl,
        majorVersion: majorVersion,
        minorVersion: minorVersion,
github kiliman / operator-mono-lig / gsub.js View on Github external
const buildGsubTables = (_dom, ligature) => {
  dom = _dom;

  if (/_/.test(ligature.glyph) === false) {
    // not a ligature, so see if glyph exists in font (as substitute)
    const glyphNode =
    if (!glyphNode) {

  const glyphs =\.liga$/, '').split('_');
  const isSingleGlyph = glyphs.length == 1;

  gsubDom ='ttFont/GSUB', dom, true);

  // look for 'calt' feature
  featureListDom ='FeatureList', gsubDom, true);
github junkoro / make-9patched-splash-ionic / index.js View on Github external
fs.readFile(CONFING_XML, 'utf8', function (err, xml) {

    // get splash nodes
    var doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xml);
    var select = xpath.useNamespaces({'widget': ''});
    var nodes = select('//widget:platform[@name="android"]/widget:splash', doc);

    // for each splash nodes
    var EXT_PNG = '.png';
    var EXT_9PNG = '.9.png';
    for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
      var node = nodes[i];
      var fname = node.getAttribute('src');
      if (fname.indexOf(EXT_9PNG) === -1) {
        fname = fname.substring(0, fname.length - EXT_PNG.length);
        fname += EXT_9PNG;
        console.log('adding .9 :' + fname);
        node.setAttribute('src', fname);
      } else {
        console.log('.9 already added : ' + fname);
github auth0 / node-samlp / lib / utils.js View on Github external
function configureSigningCredentials(xml, cb) {
    if (options.signingCert || options.thumprints) { return cb(null, true) };

    if (!options.getCredentials) {
      return cb(null, false);

    var issuer, sessionIndex, nameId;
    var issuerNode =[type].ISSUER_PATH, xml);

    if (issuerNode && issuerNode.length > 0) {
      issuer = issuerNode[0].textContent;

    // If LogoutRequest, we should check sessionIndex too
    if (constants.ELEMENTS[type].SESSION_INDEX_PATH){
      var sessionIndexNode =[type].SESSION_INDEX_PATH, xml);
      if (sessionIndexNode && sessionIndexNode.length > 0) {
        sessionIndex = sessionIndexNode[0].textContent;

    // If LogoutRequest, we should check sessionIndex too
    if (constants.ELEMENTS[type].NAME_ID){
      var nameIdNode =[type].NAME_ID, xml);
github yaronn / xml-crypto / lib / enveloped-signature.js View on Github external
EnvelopedSignature.prototype.process = function (node, options) {
  if (null == options.signatureNode) {
    // leave this for the moment...
    var signature ="./*[local-name(.)='Signature' and namespace-uri(.)='']", node)[0];
    if (signature) signature.parentNode.removeChild(signature);
    return node;
  var signatureNode = options.signatureNode;
  var expectedSignatureValue = utils.findFirst(signatureNode, ".//*[local-name(.)='SignatureValue']/text()").data;
  var signatures =".//*[local-name(.)='Signature' and namespace-uri(.)='']", node);
  for (var h in signatures) {
    if (!signatures.hasOwnProperty(h)) continue;
    var signature = signatures[h];
    var signatureValue = utils.findFirst(signature, ".//*[local-name(.)='SignatureValue']/text()").data;
    if (expectedSignatureValue === signatureValue) {
  return node;
github kiliman / operator-mono-lig / index.js View on Github external

  // patch CFFFont
  const cffFont ='/ttFont/CFF/CFFFont', dom, true);

  cffFont.setAttribute('name', ligFontName);
  setAttribute(cffFont, 'FullName', 'value', fullName);
  setAttribute(cffFont, 'FamilyName', 'value', familyName);

  const charStrings ='/CharStrings/CharString', configDom);
  const targetCharStrings ='CharStrings', cffFont, true);

  const subrs = {
    map: [],
    source: await loadConfigAsync('subrs'),
    target:'/ttFont/CFF/CFFFont/Private/Subrs', dom, true)
  const gsubrs = {
    map: [],
    source: await loadConfigAsync('gsubrs'),
    target:'/ttFont/CFF/GlobalSubrs', dom, true)

  charStrings.forEach(node => {
    patchCharStringSubrs(node, subrs, gsubrs);
github SunGard-Labs / fix2json / fix2json.js View on Github external
var fieldName = groupFields[l].attributes[0].value;

            var groupComponents = componentGroups[k].getElementsByTagName('component');
            for (l = 0; l < groupComponents.length; l++) {
                var compName = groupComponents[l].attributes[0].value;
                componentGroupFields[componentName][componentGroupName] = componentGroupFields[componentName][componentGroupName].concat(flattenComponent(compName, dom));



    var names = messageNames(dom);
    var messages ='//fix/messages/message', dom);

    for (var m = 0; m < messages.length; m++) {
        var messageName = messages[m].attributes[0].value;
        GROUPS[messageName] = {};
        var messageComponents = messages[m].getElementsByTagName('component');

        for (var n = 0; n < messageComponents.length; n++) {
            var componentName = messageComponents[n].attributes[0].value;
            var groupNames = Object.keys(componentGroupFields[componentName]);

            for (o = 0; o < groupNames.length; o++) { // collapse fields into GROUPS index
                GROUPS[messageName][groupNames[o]] = componentGroupFields[componentName][groupNames[o]];
github adelphes / android-dev-ext / src / debugMain.js View on Github external
this.readAndroidManifest((err, manifest) => {
                if (err) return done.rejectWith(this, [new Error('Manifest read error. ' + err.message)]);
                done.result.manifest = manifest;
                try {
                    const doc = new dom().parseFromString(manifest);
                    // extract the package name from the manifest
                    const pkg_xpath = '/manifest/@package';
                    done.result.package = xpath.select1(pkg_xpath, doc).value;
                    const android_select = xpath.useNamespaces({"android": ""});
                    // extract a list of all the (named) activities declared in the manifest
        			const activity_xpath='/manifest/application/activity/@android:name';
                    var nodes = android_select(activity_xpath, doc);
                    nodes && (done.result.activities = => n.value));

                    // extract the default launcher activity
        			const launcher_xpath='/manifest/application/activity[intent-filter/action[@android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"] and intent-filter/category[@android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"]]/@android:name';
                    var nodes = android_select(launcher_xpath, doc);
                    // should we warn if there's more than one?
                    if (nodes && nodes.length >= 1)
                        done.result.launcher = nodes[0].value
                } catch(err) {
                    return done.rejectWith(this, [new Error('Manifest parse failed. ' + err.message)]);
                done.resolveWith(this, [done.result]);
github socialtables / saml-protocol / lib / util / encryption.js View on Github external
"use strict";

const xpath = require("xpath");
const xmldom = require("xmldom");
const xmlenc = require("xml-encryption");

const credentials   = require("./credentials");
const pemFormatting = require("./pem-formatting");

const namespaces = require("../namespaces");

const DOMParser     = xmldom.DOMParser;
const XMLSerializer = xmldom.XMLSerializer;
const select        = xpath.useNamespaces(namespaces);

// these are the encryption algorithms supported by xml-encryption
const supportedAlgorithms = {
	encryption: [
	keyEncryption: [

const defaultAlgorithms = {
	encryption: "",


DOM 3 XPath implemention and helper for node.js and the web

Latest version published 1 year ago

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