How to use the xml-crypto.SignedXml function in xml-crypto

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few xml-crypto examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github AzureAD / passport-azure-ad / lib / saml.js View on Github external
SAML.prototype.validateSignature = function validSignature(xml, cert) {
  const doc = new xmldom.DOMParser().parseFromString(xml);
  const xpathExpression = '//*[local-name(.)="Signature" and namespace-uri(.)="http: //"]';
  const signature = xmlCrypto.xpath(doc, xpathExpression)[0];
  const sig = new xmlCrypto.SignedXml();
  sig.keyInfoProvider = {
    getKeyInfo: () => {
      return '';
    getKey: () => {
      // should I use the key in keyInfo or in cert?
      return pem.certToPEM(cert);
  return sig.checkSignature(xml);
github socialtables / saml-protocol / lib / util / signing.js View on Github external
function signXML(xml, signatureLocation, signedXPath, credentials, options) {

	options = options || {};

	// create and configure xml-crypto SignedXml instance
	const signatureAlgorithm = resolveSignatureAlgorithm(options.signatureAlgorithm);
	const signer = new SignedXml(null, {
		signatureAlgorithm: signatureAlgorithm

	signer.keyInfoProvider = new CertKeyInfo(credentials.certificate);
	signer.signingKey = pemFormatting.addPEMHeaders("RSA PRIVATE KEY", credentials.privateKey);

	signer.addReference(signedXPath, [

	// compute signature and return signed XML document string
	signer.computeSignature(xml, {
		prefix: options.prefix || "ds",
		location: signatureLocation || ""
github auth0 / node-saml / lib / saml20.js View on Github external
if (!options.cert)
    throw new Error('Expect a public key cert in pem format');

  options.signatureAlgorithm = options.signatureAlgorithm || 'rsa-sha256';
  options.digestAlgorithm = options.digestAlgorithm || 'sha256';

  options.includeAttributeNameFormat = (typeof options.includeAttributeNameFormat !== 'undefined') ? options.includeAttributeNameFormat : true;
  options.typedAttributes = (typeof options.typedAttributes !== 'undefined') ? options.typedAttributes : true;

  // 0.10.1 added prefix, but we want to name it signatureNamespacePrefix - This is just to keep supporting prefix
  options.signatureNamespacePrefix = options.signatureNamespacePrefix || options.prefix;
  options.signatureNamespacePrefix = typeof options.signatureNamespacePrefix === 'string' ? options.signatureNamespacePrefix : '' ; 

  var cert = utils.pemToCert(options.cert);

  var sig = new SignedXml(null, { signatureAlgorithm: algorithms.signature[options.signatureAlgorithm], idAttribute: 'ID' });
                  ["", ""],

  sig.signingKey = options.key;
  sig.keyInfoProvider = {
    getKeyInfo: function (key, prefix) {
      prefix = prefix ? prefix + ':' : prefix;
      return "<" + prefix + "X509Data><" + prefix + "X509Certificate>" + cert + "";

  var doc;
  try {
    doc = new Parser().parseFromString(saml20.toString());
github RocketChat / Rocket.Chat / app / meteor-accounts-saml / server / saml_utils.js View on Github external
SAML.prototype.validateSignature = function(xml, cert) {
	const self = this;

	const doc = new xmldom.DOMParser().parseFromString(xml);
	const signature = xmlCrypto.xpath(doc, '//*[local-name(.)=\'Signature\' and namespace-uri(.)=\'\']')[0];

	const sig = new xmlCrypto.SignedXml();

	sig.keyInfoProvider = {
		getKeyInfo(/* key*/) {
			return '';
		getKey(/* keyInfo*/) {
			return self.certToPEM(cert);


	return sig.checkSignature(xml);
github tngan / samlify / lib / SamlLib.js View on Github external
verifySignature: function verifySignature(xml, signature, opts) {
      var options = opts || {};
      var refXPath = options.referenceXPath;
      var signatureAlgorithm = options.signatureAlgorithm || signatureAlgorithms.RSA_SHA1; // SS1.1
      var sig = new SignedXml();
      sig.signatureAlgorithm = signatureAlgorithm; // SS1.1
      // Add assertion sections as reference
      if(options.keyFile) {
        sig.keyInfoProvider = new FileKeyInfo(options.keyFile);
      } else if(options.cert) {
        sig.keyInfoProvider = new this.getKeyInfo(options.cert.getX509Certificate(certUsage.SIGNING));
      } else {
        throw new Error('Undefined certificate or keyfile in \'opts\' object');
      var res = sig.checkSignature(xml);
      if (!res) {
        throw new Error(sig.validationErrors);
      } else {
        return true;
github auth0 / node-samlp / test / xmlhelper.js View on Github external
exports.verifySignature = function(assertion, cert) {
  try {
    var doc = new xmldom.DOMParser().parseFromString(assertion);
    var signature = xmlCrypto.xpath(doc, "/*/*[local-name(.)='Signature' and namespace-uri(.)='']")[0];
    var sig = new xmlCrypto.SignedXml(null, { idAttribute: 'AssertionID' });
    sig.keyInfoProvider = {
      getKeyInfo: function (key) {
        return "";
      getKey: function (keyInfo) {
        return cert;
    var result = sig.checkSignature(assertion);

    if (!result) {
    return result;
github FabianBravoA / tbk_node / lib / security / WSSecurityCertTBK.js View on Github external
function WSSecurityCertTBK(privatePEM, publicP12PEM, password, encoding, debug) {
  if (!ursa) {
    throw new Error('Module ursa must be installed to use WSSecurityCertTBK');
  this.debug              = debug;
  this.privateKey         = ursa.createPrivateKey(privatePEM, password, encoding);
  this.publicP12PEM       = publicP12PEM.toString().replace('-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----', '').replace('-----END CERTIFICATE-----', '').replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '');

  this.signer             = new SignedXml();
  this.signer.signingKey  = this.privateKey.toPrivatePem();
  this.x509Id             = "x509-" + generateId();

  var _this = this;
    function(pemError, pemData){
      if( pemError ){
        console.error("PEM read error, cannot retrieve cert data : "+pemError);

      _this.certSerial    = "";
      if(!Number.isNaN(parseInt(pemData.serial.split(" ")[0])) && pemData.serial.indexOf(":") < 0){
        _this.certSerial = pemData.serial.split(" ")[0];
        var tokens  = pemData.serial.split(":");
        for( var i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i ){
github socialtables / saml-protocol / lib / util / signing.js View on Github external
function validateXMLSignature(xml, signatureNode, credential) {

	const sigCheck = new SignedXml();
	sigCheck.keyInfoProvider = new CertKeyInfo(credential.certificate);
	const isValid = sigCheck.checkSignature(xml);
	if (isValid) {
		return 0;
	else {
		return sigCheck.validationErrors;
github vpulim / node-soap / src / security / WSSecurityCert.ts View on Github external
constructor(privatePEM: any, publicP12PEM: any, password: any, options: IWSSecurityCertOptions = {}) {
    this.publicP12PEM = publicP12PEM.toString()
      .replace('-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----', '')
      .replace('-----END CERTIFICATE-----', '')
      .replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '');

    this.signer = new SignedXml();
    if (options.signatureAlgorithm === '') {
      this.signer.signatureAlgorithm = options.signatureAlgorithm;
        [ '' ],

    if (options.additionalReferences && options.additionalReferences.length > 0) {
      this.additionalReferences = options.additionalReferences;

    if (options.signerOptions) {
      const { signerOptions } = options;
      this.signerOptions = signerOptions;
github lealhugui / node-dfe / src / factory / signature.ts View on Github external
public static signXml(xml: string, tag: string, certificado: any) {
    let sig = new SignedXml();
    sig.addReference("//*[local-name(.)='"+tag+"']","","","","","", true);
    sig.signingKey = certificado.pem;
    return sig.getSignedXml();


Xml digital signature and encryption library for Node.js

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