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export interface ITransform extends XmlCore.IXmlSerializable {
Algorithm: string;
LoadInnerXml(node: Node): void;
GetInnerXml(): Node | null;
GetOutput(): any;
export type ITransformConstructable = new() => Transform;
* The Transform element contains a single transformation
localName: XmlSignature.ElementNames.Transform,
export class Transform extends XmlSignatureObject implements ITransform {
// Public properties
localName: XmlSignature.AttributeNames.Algorithm,
defaultValue: "",
public Algorithm: string;
* XPath of the transformation
localName: XmlSignature.ElementNames.XPath,
* <element>
* <element>
* <element>
* </element></element></element>
* Represents the element of an XML signature.
localName: XmlSignature.ElementNames.Reference,
export class Reference extends XmlSignatureObject {
* Gets or sets the ID of the current Reference.
defaultValue: "",
public Id: string;
* Gets or sets the Uri of the current Reference.
import { XmlContent, XmlElement } from "xml-core";
import { XmlXades } from "./xml";
import { XadesCollection, XadesObject } from "./xml_base";
localName: XmlXades.ElementNames.Any,
export class Any extends XadesObject {
public Value: string;
localName: XmlXades.ElementNames.Any,
export class AnyCollection extends XadesCollection { }
* <element>
* <element>
* <element>
* <element>
* </element></element></element></element>
* Represents the element of an XML signature.
localName: XmlSignature.ElementNames.Signature,
export class Signature extends XmlSignatureObject {
* Gets or sets the ID of the current Signature.
localName: XmlSignature.AttributeNames.Id,
defaultValue: "",
public Id: string;
* Gets or sets the SignedInfo of the current Signature.
@XmlElement({ localName: XmlXades.ElementNames.SigPolicyId })
export class SigPolicyId extends ObjectIdentifier { }
@XmlElement({ localName: XmlXades.ElementNames.SigPolicyHash })
export class SigPolicyHash extends DigestAlgAndValueType { }
@XmlElement({ localName: XmlXades.ElementNames.SigPolicyQualifier })
export class SigPolicyQualifier extends AnyCollection { }
@XmlElement({ localName: "int" })
export class Integer extends XadesObject {
@XmlContent({ converter: XmlNumberConverter, required: true })
public Value: number;
@XmlElement({ localName: "IntegerList", parser: Integer })
export class IntegerList extends XadesCollection { }
@XmlElement({ localName: XmlXades.ElementNames.NoticeRef })
export class NoticeReference extends XadesObject {
localName: XmlXades.ElementNames.Organization,
namespaceURI: XmlXades.NamespaceURI,
prefix: XmlXades.DefaultPrefix,
export type IdentifierQualifier = "OIDAsURI" | "OIDAsURN";
localName: XmlXades.ElementNames.Identifier,
export class Identifier extends XadesObject {
localName: XmlXades.AttributeNames.Qualifier,
public Qualifier: IdentifierQualifier;
defaultValue: "",
required: true,
public Value: string;