How to use the xdl.Config.offline function in xdl

To help you get started, weā€™ve selected a few xdl examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github react-community / create-react-native-app / react-native-scripts / src / scripts / android.js View on Github external
// @flow

import { Android, Config, ProjectSettings, UrlUtils } from 'xdl';

import chalk from 'chalk';
import indent from 'indent-string';
import path from 'path';
import pathExists from 'path-exists';
import qr from 'qrcode-terminal';
import log from '../util/log';

import packager from '../util/packager';

Config.validation.reactNativeVersionWarnings = false;
Config.developerTool = 'crna';
Config.offline = true;;

// print a nicely formatted message with setup information
async function startAndroidAndPrintInfo() {
  const address = await UrlUtils.constructManifestUrlAsync(process.cwd());
  log.withTimestamp('Starting Android...');

  const { success, error } = await Android.openProjectAsync(process.cwd());

  qr.generate(address, qrCode => {
    log.withTimestamp(`${'Packager started!')}`);
To view your app with live reloading, point the Expo app to this QR code.
You'll find the QR scanner on the Projects tab of the app.
github expo / exp / src / exp.js View on Github external
return this.action(async (...args) => {
    if (!skipUpdateCheck) {
      try {
        await checkForUpdateAsync();
      } catch (e) {}

    try {
      let options = _.last(args);
      if (options.output === 'raw') {
        log.config.raw = true;
      if (options.offline) {
        Config.offline = true;
      await asyncFn(...args);
      // After a command, flush the analytics queue so the program will not have any active timers
      // This allows node js to exit immediately
    } catch (err) {
      // TODO: Find better ways to consolidate error messages
      if (err._isCommandError) {
      } else if (err._isApiError) {
      } else if (err.isXDLError) {
      } else {
        // TODO: Is there a better way to do this? EXPO_DEBUG needs to be set to view the stack trace
github expo / exp / src / exp.js View on Github external
return this.action(async (...args) => {
    if (!skipUpdateCheck) {
      try {
        await checkForUpdateAsync();
      } catch (e) {}

    try {
      let options = _.last(args);
      if (options.output === 'raw') {
        log.config.raw = true;
      if (options.offline) {
        Config.offline = true;

      await asyncFn(...args);
      // After a command, flush the analytics queue so the program will not have any active timers
      // This allows node js to exit immediately
    } catch (err) {
      // TODO: Find better ways to consolidate error messages
      if (err._isCommandError) {
      } else if (err._isApiError) {
      } else if (err.isXDLError) {
      } else {
github react-community / create-react-native-app / react-native-scripts / src / scripts / ios.js View on Github external
import { Config, ProjectSettings, Simulator, UrlUtils } from 'xdl';

import chalk from 'chalk';
import indent from 'indent-string';
import path from 'path';
import pathExists from 'path-exists';
import qr from 'qrcode-terminal';
import log from '../util/log';
import { hasYarn } from '../util/pm';

import packager from '../util/packager';

Config.validation.reactNativeVersionWarnings = false;
Config.developerTool = 'crna';
Config.offline = true;

const command: string = hasYarn(process.cwd()) ? 'yarnpkg' : 'npm';

if (!Simulator.isPlatformSupported()) {
      '\nThis command only works on macOS computers with Xcode and the iOS simulator installed.'
      `If you run \`${chalk.cyan(command + ' start')}\` then you can view your app on a physical device.\n`
github sysgears / apollo-universal-starter-kit / tools / View on Github external
async function startExpoServer(projectRoot, packagerPort) {
  Config.validation.reactNativeVersionWarnings = false;
  Config.developerTool = 'crna';
  Config.offline = true;

  await Project.startExpoServerAsync(projectRoot);
  await ProjectSettings.setPackagerInfoAsync(projectRoot, {
github NervJS / taro / packages / taro-rn-runner / src / index.js View on Github external
} = require('xdl')

const chalk = require('chalk')
const indent = require('indent-string')
const qr = require('qrcode-terminal')
const readline = require('readline')

const clearConsole = require('./util/clearConsole')
const log = require('./util/log')
const packager = require('./util/packager')

Config.validation.reactNativeVersionWarnings = false
Config.developerTool = 'crna'
Config.offline = true

let dev = true
let projectDir

const options = {
  interactive: true

const { stdin } = process
const startWaitingForCommand = () => {
  stdin.on('data', handleKeypress)
github react-community / create-react-native-app / react-native-scripts / src / scripts / start.js View on Github external
import { Android, Config, Project, ProjectSettings, Simulator, UrlUtils, UserSettings } from 'xdl';

import chalk from 'chalk';
import indent from 'indent-string';
import qr from 'qrcode-terminal';
import minimist from 'minimist';
import readline from 'readline';
import { Exp } from 'xdl';

import clearConsole from '../util/clearConsole';
import log from '../util/log';
import packager from '../util/packager';

Config.validation.reactNativeVersionWarnings = false;
Config.developerTool = 'crna';
Config.offline = true;

const args = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
  boolean: ['reset-cache', 'interactive'],
  default: { interactive: true },
let dev = true;

const options = {};
if (args['reset-cache']) {
  options.reset = true;
  log('Asking packager to reset its cache...');

const { stdin } = process;
const startWaitingForCommand = () => {