How to use the xcode.getVersion function in xcode

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few xcode examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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async startCapture () {
    if (this.udid) { // if we have a real device
      return await this.startCaptureRealDevice();
    // otherwise, if we have a simulator...
    let xcodeVersion = await xcode.getVersion();
    let ver = parseInt(xcodeVersion.split('.')[0], 10);

    if (ver < 5) {
      logger.debug('Starting iOS6.* simulator log capture');
      this.proc = new SubProcess('tail', ['-f', '-n', '1', '/var/log/system.log']);
      await this.finishStartingLogCapture();

    let logsPath;

    if (ver >= 6) {
      logger.debug('Starting iOS 8.*/9.* simulator log capture');
      if (_.isUndefined(this.simUdid)) {
        logger.errorAndThrow('iOS 8*/9.* log capture requires a sim udid');


parser for xcodeproj/project.pbxproj files

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