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function cleanDomainFromTitle(splitTitle, url) {
// Search the ends of the title, looking for bits that fuzzy match
// the URL too closely. If one is found, discard it and return the
// rest.
// Strip out the big TLDs - it just makes the matching a bit more
// accurate. Not the end of the world if it doesn't strip right.
const { host } = URL.parse(url);
const nakedDomain = host.replace(DOMAIN_ENDINGS_RE, '');
const startSlug = splitTitle[0].toLowerCase().replace(' ', '');
const startSlugRatio = wuzzy.levenshtein(startSlug, nakedDomain);
if (startSlugRatio > 0.4 && startSlug.length > 5) {
return splitTitle.slice(2).join('');
const endSlug = splitTitle
.replace(' ', '');
const endSlugRatio = wuzzy.levenshtein(endSlug, nakedDomain);
if (endSlugRatio > 0.4 && endSlug.length >= 5) {
return splitTitle.slice(0, -2).join('');
return null;
// accurate. Not the end of the world if it doesn't strip right.
const { host } = URL.parse(url);
const nakedDomain = host.replace(DOMAIN_ENDINGS_RE, '');
const startSlug = splitTitle[0].toLowerCase().replace(' ', '');
const startSlugRatio = wuzzy.levenshtein(startSlug, nakedDomain);
if (startSlugRatio > 0.4 && startSlug.length > 5) {
return splitTitle.slice(2).join('');
const endSlug = splitTitle
.replace(' ', '');
const endSlugRatio = wuzzy.levenshtein(endSlug, nakedDomain);
if (endSlugRatio > 0.4 && endSlug.length >= 5) {
return splitTitle.slice(0, -2).join('');
return null;