How to use the wretch.default function in wretch

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few wretch examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github snipsco / create-snips-action / static / src / factories / httpFactory.js View on Github external
const { default: wretch } = require('wretch')
const { dedupe } = require('wretch-middlewares')

const BASE_URL = ''

const http = wretch(BASE_URL)
    // Add a dedupe middleware, throttling cache would also be useful to prevent excessive token usage.
    // (

module.exports = {
    init(httpOptions = {}) {
            fetch: httpOptions.mock || require('node-fetch')
    get() { return http }
github snipsco / create-snips-action / static / src / factories / httpFactory.js View on Github external
init(httpOptions = {}) {
            fetch: httpOptions.mock || require('node-fetch')
    get() { return http }


A tiny wrapper built around fetch with an intuitive syntax.

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Popular wretch functions