How to use the workbox-core/_private/cacheNames.js.cacheNames.getPrecacheName function in workbox-core

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github GoogleChrome / workbox / packages / workbox-precaching / src / utils / addFetchListener.ts View on Github external
export const addFetchListener = ({
  ignoreURLParametersMatching = [/^utm_/],
  directoryIndex = 'index.html',
  cleanURLs = true,
}: FetchListenerOptions = {}) => {
  const cacheName = cacheNames.getPrecacheName();

  // See
  self.addEventListener('fetch', ((event: FetchEvent) => {
    const precachedURL = getCacheKeyForURL(event.request.url, {
    if (!precachedURL) {
      if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
        logger.debug(`Precaching did not find a match for ` +
github GoogleChrome / workbox / packages / workbox-routing / src / registerNavigationRoute.ts View on Github external
export const registerNavigationRoute = (cachedAssetUrl: string,
    options: NavigationRouteOptions = {}): NavigationRoute => {
  if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
    assert!.isType(cachedAssetUrl, 'string', {
      moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
      funcName: 'registerNavigationRoute',
      paramName: 'cachedAssetUrl',

  const cacheName = cacheNames.getPrecacheName(options.cacheName);
  const handler = async () => {
    try {
      const response = await caches.match(cachedAssetUrl, {cacheName});

      if (response) {
        return response;

      // This shouldn't normally happen, but there are edge cases:
      throw new Error(`The cache ${cacheName} did not have an entry for ` +
    } catch (error) {
      // If there's either a cache miss, or the caches.match() call threw
      // an exception, then attempt to fulfill the navigation request with
      // a response from the network rather than leaving the user with a
github GoogleChrome / workbox / packages / workbox-precaching / src / cleanupOutdatedCaches.ts View on Github external
self.addEventListener('activate', ((event: ExtendableEvent) => {
    const cacheName = cacheNames.getPrecacheName();

    event.waitUntil(deleteOutdatedCaches(cacheName).then((cachesDeleted) => {
      if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
        if (cachesDeleted.length > 0) {
          logger.log(`The following out-of-date precaches were cleaned up ` +
              `automatically:`, cachesDeleted);
  }) as EventListener);
github GoogleChrome / workbox / packages / workbox-precaching / src / PrecacheController.ts View on Github external
constructor(cacheName?: string) {
    this._cacheName = cacheNames.getPrecacheName(cacheName);
    this._urlsToCacheKeys = new Map();
    this._urlsToCacheModes = new Map();
    this._cacheKeysToIntegrities = new Map();