How to use the wonka.make function in wonka

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few wonka examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github FormidableLabs / urql / src / exchanges / subscription.ts View on Github external
const createSubscriptionSource = (
    operation: Operation
  ): Source => {
    // This excludes the query's name as a field although subscription-transport-ws does accept it since it's optional
    const observableish = forwardSubscription({
      key: operation.key.toString(36),
      query: print(operation.query),
      variables: operation.variables,
      context: { ...operation.context },

    return make(([next, complete]) => {
      let isComplete = false;

      const sub = observableish.subscribe({
        next: result => next(makeResult(operation, result)),
        error: err => next(makeErrorResult(operation, err)),
        complete: () => {
          if (!isComplete) {
              operationName: 'teardown',

github FormidableLabs / urql / src / exchanges / fetch.ts View on Github external
const createFetchSource = (operation: Operation) => {
  if (
    process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' &&
    operation.operationName === 'subscription'
  ) {
    throw new Error(
      'Received a subscription operation in the httpExchange. You are probably trying to create a subscription. Have you added a subscriptionExchange?'

  return make(([next, complete]) => {
    const abortController =
      typeof AbortController !== 'undefined'
        ? new AbortController()
        : undefined;

    const { context } = operation;

    const extraOptions =
      typeof context.fetchOptions === 'function'
        ? context.fetchOptions()
        : context.fetchOptions || {};

    const operationName = getOperationName(operation.query);

    const body: Body = {
      query: print(operation.query),