How to use the wix-ui-test-utils/protractor.createStoryUrl function in wix-ui-test-utils

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few wix-ui-test-utils examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github wix / wix-ui-tpa / src / components / CopyUrlButton / CopyUrlButton.e2e.ts View on Github external
describe('copyUrlButton', () => {
  const storyUrl = createStoryUrl({
    kind: 'Components/Share',
    story: 'CopyUrlButton',
    withExamples: true,
  const dataHook = 'storybook-CopyUrlButton';

  beforeEach(() => browser.get(storyUrl));

  it('should copy text', async () => {
    const driver = copyUrlButtonTestkitFactory({ dataHook });
    await waitForVisibilityOf(
      await driver.element(),
      'Cannot find CopyUrlButton',

    const buttonEl = await driver.element();
github wix / wix-ui-tpa / src / components / SocialBar / SocialBar.e2e.ts View on Github external
describe('socialBar', () => {
  const storyUrl = createStoryUrl({
    kind: 'Components/Share',
    story: 'SocialBar',
    withExamples: true,
  const dataHook = 'storybook-SocialBar';

  beforeEach(() => browser.get(storyUrl));

  it('should render', async () => {
    const driver = socialBarTestkitFactory({ dataHook });
    await waitForVisibilityOf(await driver.element(), 'Cannot find SocialBar');
    expect((await driver.element()).isDisplayed()).toBe(true);