Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
async provide (): Promise {
if (this.hostApp.platform !== Platform.Windows) {
return []
const cygwinPath = wnr.getRegistryValue(wnr.HK.LM, 'Software\\Cygwin\\setup', 'rootdir')
if (!cygwinPath) {
return []
return [{
id: 'cygwin64',
name: 'Cygwin',
command: path.join(cygwinPath, 'bin', 'bash.exe'),
icon: require('../icons/cygwin.svg'),
env: {
TERM: 'cygwin',
async provide (): Promise {
if (this.hostApp.platform !== Platform.Windows) {
return []
let gitBashPath = wnr.getRegistryValue(wnr.HK.LM, 'Software\\GitForWindows', 'InstallPath')
if (!gitBashPath) {
gitBashPath = wnr.getRegistryValue(wnr.HK.CU, 'Software\\GitForWindows', 'InstallPath')
if (!gitBashPath) {
return []
return [{
id: 'git-bash',
name: 'Git-Bash',
command: path.join(gitBashPath, 'bin', 'bash.exe'),
args: ['--login', '-i'],
icon: require('../icons/git-bash.svg'),
env: {
TERM: 'cygwin',
async provide (): Promise {
if (this.hostApp.platform !== Platform.Windows) {
return []
const cygwinPath = wnr.getRegistryValue(wnr.HK.LM, 'Software\\WOW6432Node\\Cygwin\\setup', 'rootdir')
if (!cygwinPath) {
return []
return [{
id: 'cygwin32',
name: 'Cygwin (32 bit)',
command: path.join(cygwinPath, 'bin', 'bash.exe'),
icon: require('../icons/cygwin.svg'),
env: {
TERM: 'cygwin',
async provide (): Promise {
if (this.hostApp.platform !== Platform.Windows) {
return []
const pwshPath = wnr.getRegistryValue(wnr.HK.LM, 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\pwsh.exe', '')
if (!pwshPath) {
return []
return [{
id: 'powershell-core',
name: 'PowerShell Core',
command: pwshPath,
args: ['-nologo'],
icon: require('../icons/powershell-core.svg'),
env: {
TERM: 'cygwin',
async provide (): Promise {
if (this.hostApp.platform !== Platform.Windows) {
return []
let gitBashPath = wnr.getRegistryValue(wnr.HK.LM, 'Software\\GitForWindows', 'InstallPath')
if (!gitBashPath) {
gitBashPath = wnr.getRegistryValue(wnr.HK.CU, 'Software\\GitForWindows', 'InstallPath')
if (!gitBashPath) {
return []
return [{
id: 'git-bash',
name: 'Git-Bash',
command: path.join(gitBashPath, 'bin', 'bash.exe'),
args: ['--login', '-i'],
icon: require('../icons/git-bash.svg'),
env: {