Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
readableStream.on("end", () => {
// Not passing default encoding means binary
if (defaultEncoding) {
const encoding = detectMetaCharset ?
sniffHTMLEncoding(data, { defaultEncoding }) :
whatwgEncoding.getBOMEncoding(data) || defaultEncoding;
const decoded = whatwgEncoding.decode(data, encoding);
callback(null, decoded, { headers: { "content-type": "text/plain;charset=" + encoding } });
} else {
callback(null, data);
switch (format) {
case "buffer": {
this.result = (new Uint8Array(data)).buffer;
case "binaryString": {
this.result = data.toString("binary");
case "dataURL": {
// Spec seems very unclear here; see
let dataUrl = "data:";
const contentType = MIMEType.parse(file.type);
if (contentType && contentType.type === "text") {
const fallbackEncoding = whatwgEncoding.getBOMEncoding(data) ||
whatwgEncoding.labelToName(contentType.parameters.get("charset")) || "UTF-8";
const decoded = whatwgEncoding.decode(data, fallbackEncoding);
contentType.parameters.set("charset", encoding);
dataUrl += contentType.toString();
dataUrl += ",";
dataUrl += querystring.escape(decoded);
} else {
if (contentType) {
dataUrl += contentType.toString();
dataUrl += ";base64,";
dataUrl += data.toString("base64");
this.result = dataUrl;
function readDataURL(dataURL, { defaultEncoding, detectMetaCharset }, callback) {
try {
const parsed = parseDataURL(dataURL);
// If default encoding does not exist, pass on binary data.
if (defaultEncoding) {
const sniffOptions = {
transportLayerEncodingLabel: parsed.mimeType.parameters.get("charset"),
const encoding = detectMetaCharset ?
sniffHTMLEncoding(parsed.body, sniffOptions) :
whatwgEncoding.getBOMEncoding(parsed.body) ||
whatwgEncoding.labelToName(parsed.mimeType.parameters.get("charset")) ||
const decoded = whatwgEncoding.decode(parsed.body, encoding);
parsed.mimeType.parameters.set("charset", encoding);
callback(null, decoded, { headers: { "content-type": parsed.mimeType.toString() } });
} else {
callback(null, parsed.body, { headers: { "content-type": parsed.mimeType.toString() } });
} catch (err) {
callback(err, null);
return null;
if (this.readyState !== XMLHttpRequest.LOADING && this.readyState !== XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
return "";
if (properties.responseTextCache) {
return properties.responseTextCache;
const responseBuffer = properties.responseBuffer ?
properties.responseBuffer.slice(0, properties.totalReceivedChunkSize) :
if (!responseBuffer) {
return "";
const fallbackEncoding = finalCharset(this) || whatwgEncoding.getBOMEncoding(responseBuffer) || "UTF-8";
const res = whatwgEncoding.decode(responseBuffer, fallbackEncoding);
properties.responseTextCache = res;
return res;
get responseXML() {
let isHTML = false;
let isXML = false;
const parsed = MIMEType.parse(contentType);
if (parsed) {
isHTML = parsed.isHTML();
isXML = parsed.isXML();
if (!isXML && !isHTML) {
return null;
if (this.responseType === "" && isHTML) {
return null;
const encoding = finalCharset(this) || whatwgEncoding.getBOMEncoding(responseBuffer) || "UTF-8";
const resText = whatwgEncoding.decode(responseBuffer, encoding);
if (!resText) {
return null;
const res = Document.create([], { options: {
url: flag.uri,
lastModified: new Date(getResponseHeader(this, "last-modified")),
parsingMode: isHTML ? "html" : "xml",
cookieJar: { setCookieSync: () => undefined, getCookieStringSync: () => "" },
parseOptions: this._ownerDocument._parseOptions
} });
const resImpl = idlUtils.implForWrapper(res);
try {
resImpl._htmlToDom.appendToDocument(resText, resImpl);
let isHTML = false;
let isXML = false;
const parsed = MIMEType.parse(contentType);
if (parsed) {
isHTML = parsed.isHTML();
isXML = parsed.isXML();
if (!isXML && !isHTML) {
return null;
if (this.responseType === "" && isHTML) {
return null;
const encoding = finalCharset(this) || whatwgEncoding.getBOMEncoding(responseBuffer) || "UTF-8";
const resText = whatwgEncoding.decode(responseBuffer, encoding);
if (!resText) {
return null;
const res = Document.create(this._globalObject, [], {
options: {
url: flag.uri,
lastModified: new Date(getResponseHeader(this, "last-modified")),
parsingMode: isHTML ? "html" : "xml",
cookieJar: { setCookieSync: () => undefined, getCookieStringSync: () => "" },
parseOptions: this._ownerDocument._parseOptions
const resImpl = idlUtils.implForWrapper(res);
if (this.readyState !== XMLHttpRequest.LOADING && this.readyState !== XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
return "";
if (properties.responseTextCache) {
return properties.responseTextCache;
const responseBuffer = properties.responseBuffer ?
properties.responseBuffer.slice(0, properties.totalReceivedChunkSize) :
if (!responseBuffer) {
return "";
const fallbackEncoding = finalCharset(this) || whatwgEncoding.getBOMEncoding(responseBuffer) || "UTF-8";
const res = whatwgEncoding.decode(responseBuffer, fallbackEncoding);
properties.responseTextCache = res;
return res;
get responseXML() {
let isHTML = false;
let isXML = false;
const parsed = MIMEType.parse(contentType);
if (parsed) {
isHTML = parsed.isHTML();
isXML = parsed.isXML();
if (!isXML && !isHTML) {
return null;
if (this.responseType === "" && isHTML) {
return null;
const encoding = finalCharset(this) || whatwgEncoding.getBOMEncoding(responseBuffer) || "UTF-8";
const resText = whatwgEncoding.decode(responseBuffer, encoding);
if (!resText) {
return null;
const res = Document.create([], { options: {
url: flag.uri,
lastModified: new Date(getResponseHeader(this, "last-modified")),
parsingMode: isHTML ? "html" : "xml",
cookieJar: { setCookieSync: () => undefined, getCookieStringSync: () => "" },
parseOptions: this._ownerDocument._parseOptions
} });
const resImpl = idlUtils.implForWrapper(res);
try {
resImpl._htmlToDom.appendToDocument(resText, resImpl);
if (this.readyState !== XMLHttpRequest.LOADING && this.readyState !== XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
return "";
if (properties.responseTextCache) {
return properties.responseTextCache;
const responseBuffer = properties.responseBuffer ?
properties.responseBuffer.slice(0, properties.totalReceivedChunkSize) :
if (!responseBuffer) {
return "";
const fallbackEncoding = finalCharset(this) || whatwgEncoding.getBOMEncoding(responseBuffer) || "UTF-8";
const res = whatwgEncoding.decode(responseBuffer, fallbackEncoding);
properties.responseTextCache = res;
return res;
get responseXML() {
const onLoadExternalScript = data => {
const { response } = request;
let contentType;
if (response && response.statusCode !== undefined && response.statusCode >= 400) {
throw new Error("Status code: " + response.statusCode);
if (response) {
contentType = MIMEType.parse(response.headers["content-type"]) || new MIMEType("text/plain");
const encoding = whatwgEncoding.getBOMEncoding(data) ||
(contentType && whatwgEncoding.labelToName(contentType.parameters.get("charset"))) ||
const script = whatwgEncoding.decode(data, encoding);
this._innerEval(script, this.src);