How to use the wechaty.Misc.digestEmoji function in wechaty

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github wechaty / wechaty / examples / monster / listeners / on-message.js View on Github external
export default async function onMessage (message) {
  try {
    const room      =
    const sender    = message.from()
    const content   = message.text()
    const roomName  = room ? `[${await room.topic()}] ` : ''

	`${roomName}<${}>(${message.type()}:${message.typeSub()}): `)

    if (message instanceof MediaMessage) {

    // add an extra CR if too long
    if (content.length > 80) console.log("")

    const config = await hotImport('config.js')
    // Hot import! Try to change the msgKW1&2 to 'ping' & 'pong'
    // after the bot has already started!
    if (content === config.msgKW1) {
      await message.say(`${config.msgKW2}, thanks for ${config.msgKW1} me`)'Bot', `REPLY: ${config.msgKW2}`)
    } else if (content === config.msgKW2) {
      await sender.say('ok, ${config.msgKW2} me is welcome, too.')
    } else if (/^hello/i.test(content)) {
      return `How are you, ${} from ${roomName}`
  } catch (e) {
    log.error('Bot', 'on(message) exception: %s' , e)