How to use the webpack-bundle-analyzer/lib/analyzer.readStatsFromFile function in webpack-bundle-analyzer

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few webpack-bundle-analyzer examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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function analyzeBundle() {
	console.log( 'Analyze: reading stats.json file' );
	const stats = readStatsFromFile( 'stats.json' );
	console.log( 'Analyze: analyzing' );
	const chart = getViewerData( stats, './public/evergreen' );
	console.log( 'Analyze: writing chart.json file' );
	writeFileSync( 'chart.json', JSON.stringify( chart, null, 2 ) );
	console.log( 'Analyze: analyzing the style.css file' );
	analyzeStylesheet( './public/style.css', 'style.json' );
	console.log( 'Analyze: finished' );


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