How to use webmidi - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few webmidi examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github NERDDISCO / luminave / src / components / midi-manager / index.js View on Github external
constructor() {

    // Web MIDI is disabled

    // Enable Web MIDI
    WebMidi.enable(err => {

      if (err) {
        console.error('Web MIDI API could not be enabled:', err)
      } else {
        // MIDI input / output ports (from a single device) are connected to the computer
        WebMidi.addListener('connected', e => {
          const { manufacturer, name, id, type } = e.port
          console.log('MIDIController added:', 'Manufacturer:', manufacturer, '| Name:', name, '| ID:', id, '| Type:', type)

        WebMidi.addListener('disconnected', e => {
          const { manufacturer, name, type, id } = e.port
          console.log('MIDIController removed:', 'Manufacturer:', manufacturer, '| Name:', name, '| ID:', id, '| Type:', type)

        // Web MIDI is enabled
github garrensmith / abletonpush / src / index.js View on Github external
constructor (opts = {}) {

    const options = Object.assign(opts, {logging: true});
    log.enabled = options.logging;
    this.activePads = [];
    this.batchCommands = []; // batch commands in case something is called before web midi is enabled
    this.midiEnabled = false;
    this.pushConnected = false;

    WebMidi.enable((err) => {
      if (err) {
        log('WebMidi could not be enabled.');

      this.midiEnabled = true;
      log('WebMidi enabled!');

      WebMidi.addListener('connected', (...args) => {
        if (this.pushConnected) {
        this.pushConnected = true;
        log('CONNECTED', args);
github garrensmith / abletonpush / src / index.js View on Github external
setupPush () {
    const push = this;
    push.output = WebMidi.getOutputByName('Ableton Push 2 User Port');
    push.input = WebMidi.getInputByName('Ableton Push 2 User Port');
    if (!push.input || !push.output) {
      log('push not connected');

    push.input.addListener('sysex', 'all', (e) => {
      log('sysex', e);

    // Listen to control change message on all channels
    push.input.addListener('controlchange', 'all', (e) => {
      log('Received \'controlchange\' message.', e);
      if (e.controller) {
        const name =;
github garrensmith / abletonpush / src / index.js View on Github external
setupPush () {
    const push = this;
    push.output = WebMidi.getOutputByName('Ableton Push 2 User Port');
    push.input = WebMidi.getInputByName('Ableton Push 2 User Port');
    if (!push.input || !push.output) {
      log('push not connected');

    push.input.addListener('sysex', 'all', (e) => {
      log('sysex', e);

    // Listen to control change message on all channels
    push.input.addListener('controlchange', 'all', (e) => {
      log('Received \'controlchange\' message.', e);
      if (e.controller) {
        const name =;
        const number = e.controller.number;
github NERDDISCO / luminave / src / components / midi-controller / index.js View on Github external
midiEnabledChanged() {
    if (this.midiEnabled) {
      // MIDI input / output ports (from a single device) are connected to the computer
      WebMidi.addListener('connected', e => {

        const { port } = e
        const { name, type } = port

        // The connected event is triggered twice for input, that's why we need to check
        // if this.input is already defined or not, @see
        if (name === this.inputname && type === 'input' && this.input === null) {
          this.input = port

          // Listen to "noteon" events
          this.input.addListener('noteon', 'all', this.noteon.bind(this))

          // Listen to "controlchange" events
          this.input.addListener('controlchange', 'all', this.controlchange.bind(this))

          // Controller is connected
github NERDDISCO / luminave / src / components / midi-controller / index.js View on Github external
// Listen to "noteon" events
          this.input.addListener('noteon', 'all', this.noteon.bind(this))

          // Listen to "controlchange" events
          this.input.addListener('controlchange', 'all', this.controlchange.bind(this))

          // Controller is connected
          this.connected = true

        } else if (name === this.outputname && type === 'output') {
          this.output = port

      // MIDI input / output ports (from a single device) are disconnected to the computer
      WebMidi.addListener('disconnected', e => {
        const { name, type } = e.port

        if (name === this.inputname && type === 'input') {
          // Remove all listener

          this.input = null
        } else if (name === this.outputname && type === 'output') {
          this.output = null

        this.connected = false

github jupyter-widgets / midicontrols / src / widget.ts View on Github external
initialize(attributes: any, options: any) {
    super.initialize(attributes, options);
    if (!midi.enabled) {
      throw new Error('WebMidi library not enabled');

    const input = midi.inputs.findIndex(x => x.manufacturer === "Behringer" &&"X-TOUCH MINI"));
    if (input === -1) {
      throw new Error("Could not find Behringer X-TOUCH MINI input");

    const output = midi.outputs.findIndex(x => x.manufacturer === "Behringer" &&"X-TOUCH MINI"));
    if (output === -1) {
      throw new Error("Could not find Behringer X-TOUCH MINI output");

    this.set('_controller_input', input);
    this.set('_controller_output', output);

    // Make sure we are in MCU protocol mode
github ambewas / react-audio-tools / src / lib / components / inputs / MidiController / MidiController.js View on Github external
requestMidiAccess = () => {
    webmidi.enable(err => {
      if (err) {
        this.canAccessMidi = false;
        alert("No midi support in your browser."); // eslint-disable-line
      } else {
        this.canAccessMidi = true;
github jupyter-widgets / midicontrols / src / widget.ts View on Github external
const input = midi.inputs.findIndex(x => x.manufacturer === "Behringer" &&"X-TOUCH MINI"));
    if (input === -1) {
      throw new Error("Could not find Behringer X-TOUCH MINI input");

    const output = midi.outputs.findIndex(x => x.manufacturer === "Behringer" &&"X-TOUCH MINI"));
    if (output === -1) {
      throw new Error("Could not find Behringer X-TOUCH MINI output");

    this.set('_controller_input', input);
    this.set('_controller_output', output);

    // Make sure we are in MCU protocol mode
      1 /* MCU mode */,
      1 /* global channel */
    this.setup().then((controls: any) => {
github jupyter-widgets / midicontrols / src / enableMIDI.ts View on Github external
export default async function enableMIDI() {
  if (midi.enabled) {

  const midiEnabled = new PromiseDelegate();
  midi.enable(function(err) {
    if (err) {
    } else {
  await midiEnabled.promise;
  // if (!(midi.inputs[1] && midi.outputs[1])) {
  //   throw new Error("Could not find MIDI device");
  // }


WEBMIDI.js makes it easy to talk to MIDI instruments from a browser or from Node.js. It simplifies the control of external or virtual MIDI instruments with functions such as playNote(), sendPitchBend(), sendControlChange(), etc. It also allows reacting to

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