How to use the webfont.getWebsafeFonts function in webfont

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few webfont examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github adobe / brackets-edge-web-fonts / main.js View on Github external
} else { // not in the text
                        query = "";
                } else if (modeSupport.isFontNameToken(token)) { // is not wrapped in quotes
                    query = token.string.substring(0, - token.start);
                } else { // after a ":", a space, or a ","
                    query = "";

                // candidate hints are lower case, so the query should be too
                lowerCaseQuery = query.toLocaleLowerCase();
                var candidates = parser.parseCurrentEditor(true);

                candidates = candidates.concat(lastTwentyFonts);
                candidates = candidates.concat(webfont.getWebsafeFonts());
                candidates = webfont.lowerSortUniqStringArray(candidates);
                candidates = webfont.filterAndSortArray(query, candidates);
                candidates = (hint) {
                    var index       = hint.indexOf(lowerCaseQuery),
                        $hintObj    = $('<span>'),
                        slugs       = webfont.searchBySlug(hint);

                    // load the matching font scripts individually for cachability
                    slugs.forEach(function (slug) {
                        var font = webfont.getFontBySlug(slug),
                        if (!(scriptCache.hasOwnProperty(slug)) &amp;&amp; window.navigator.onLine) {
                            script = webfont.createInclude([font]);
                            scriptCache[slug] = true;


Generator of fonts from svg icons, svg icons to svg font, svg font to ttf, ttf to eot, ttf to woff, ttf to woff2

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