How to use the webdriverio/build/utils.checkUnicode function in webdriverio

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github oxygenhq / oxygen / ox_modules / module-mob / commands / sendKeys.js View on Github external
// However ' DELETE /wd/hub/session/*/actions' is not implmeneted at the very least in uiatomator2
    // and `keys` crashes.
    // thus, do same thing as WDIO except releaseActions

     * replace key with corresponding unicode character
    if (typeof value === 'string') {
        keySequence = checkUnicode(value);
    } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
        // `instanceof Array` behaves strange when executed through vm.runInNewContext,
        // it returns false for arrays and `driver.keys()` tests for arrays using `instaceof Array`
        // thus we test using Array.isArray instead
        for (const charSet of value) {
            keySequence = keySequence.concat(checkUnicode(charSet));
    } else {
        throw new Error('"keys" command requires a string or array of strings as parameter');

     * JsonWireProtocol action
    if (!this.driver.isW3C) {

     * W3C way of handle it key actions
github oxygenhq / oxygen / ox_modules / module-mob / commands / sendKeys.js View on Github external
module.exports = function(value) {

    let keySequence = [];

    // WDIO implmentation of keys command invokes 'releaseActions' for W3C.
    // However ' DELETE /wd/hub/session/*/actions' is not implmeneted at the very least in uiatomator2
    // and `keys` crashes.
    // thus, do same thing as WDIO except releaseActions

     * replace key with corresponding unicode character
    if (typeof value === 'string') {
        keySequence = checkUnicode(value);
    } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
        // `instanceof Array` behaves strange when executed through vm.runInNewContext,
        // it returns false for arrays and `driver.keys()` tests for arrays using `instaceof Array`
        // thus we test using Array.isArray instead
        for (const charSet of value) {
            keySequence = keySequence.concat(checkUnicode(charSet));
    } else {
        throw new Error('"keys" command requires a string or array of strings as parameter');

     * JsonWireProtocol action
    if (!this.driver.isW3C) {


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