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await goodClient.resetDB();
await goodClient.addLogContentsToReputationTree();
await advanceMiningCycleNoContest({ colonyNetwork, test: this, client: goodClient });
await goodClient.saveCurrentState();
// The update log should contain the person being rewarded for the previous
// update cycle, and reputation updates for one task completion (manager, worker (skill and domain), evaluator);
// That's five in total.
const repCycle = await getActiveRepCycle(colonyNetwork);
const nLogEntries = await repCycle.getReputationUpdateLogLength();
const badClient = new MaliciousReputationMinerExtraRep(
{ loader, realProviderPort, useJsTree, minerAddress: MINER2 },
await badClient.initialise(colonyNetwork.address);
// Moving the state to the bad client
const currentGoodClientState = await goodClient.getRootHash();
await badClient.loadState(currentGoodClientState);
await submitAndForwardTimeToDispute([goodClient, badClient], this);
await accommodateChallengeAndInvalidateHash(colonyNetwork, this, goodClient, badClient, {
client2: { respondToChallenge: "colony-reputation-mining-reputation-not-max-int128" }
await repCycle.confirmNewHash(1);
const tokenSupplyCeiling = toBN(2)
await newColony.setTokenSupplyCeiling(tokenSupplyCeiling);
const payoutTokenArgs = getTokenArgs();
const payoutToken = await;
await fundColonyWithTokens(newColony, payoutToken, data.totalAmountOfPayoutTokens.toString());
// Issuing colony's native tokens so they can be given to users in `bootstrapColony`
await newColony.mintTokens(data.totalReputation.toString());
// Every user has equal amount of reputation and tokens (totalReputationAndTokens / 3)
const reputationPerUser = data.totalReputation.div(toBN(3));
const tokensPerUser = toBN(reputationPerUser);
// Giving colony's native tokens to 3 users.
// Reputation log is appended to inactive reputation mining cycle
await newColony.bootstrapColony(
[userAddress1, userAddress2, userAddress3],
[reputationPerUser.toString(), reputationPerUser.toString(), reputationPerUser.toString()]
// Submit current hash in active reputation mining cycle
await miningClient.addLogContentsToReputationTree();
await forwardTime(MINING_CYCLE_DURATION, this);
await miningClient.submitRootHash();
let addr = await;
let repCycle = await;
await repCycle.confirmNewHash(0);
const promises =, i) => {
const squareRoots = [...initialSquareRoots];
// If we are passing total reputation, total tokens or denominator, we will divide by 2, else multiply
const functionName = [2, 3, 5].includes(i) ? "div" : "mul";
squareRoots[i] = toBN(squareRoots[i])
return checkErrorRevert(
colony.claimRewardPayout(payoutId, squareRoots, ...userReputationProof1, {
from: userAddress1
describe("when creating reward payouts", async () => {
let miningClient;
let colonyWideReputationProof;
let userReputationProof1;
const initialFunding = toBN(100 * 1e18);
const userReputation = toBN(50 * 1e18);
const userTokens = toBN(userReputation);
const totalReputation = toBN(userReputation);
const totalTokens = toBN(userReputation);
const userAddress1 = accounts[0];
const userAddress2 = accounts[1];
const userAddress3 = accounts[2];
let initialSquareRoots;
beforeEach(async () => {
await fundColonyWithTokens(colony, otherToken, initialFunding.toString());
await colony.mintTokens(initialFunding.toString());
await colony.bootstrapColony([userAddress1], [userReputation.toString()]);
await token.approve(tokenLocking.address, userReputation.toString(), {
from: userAddress1
export function satoshiToDecimal(number) {
if (!number) {
return number;
let bn;
if (isNaN(Number(number))) {
bn = toBN(number, 16);
} else {
const toStringNumber = String(number);
const splitArr = toStringNumber.split('.');
const integerPart = splitArr[0];
bn = toBN(integerPart);
const conversionBN = toBN(SATOSHI_CONVERSION);
const integerPart = bn.div(conversionBN).toNumber();
const decimalPartBN = bn.sub(conversionBN.mul(toBN(integerPart)));
const decimalPart = NP.divide(decimalPartBN.toNumber(), SATOSHI_CONVERSION);
return, decimalPart);
deployTokenHolderOnAuxiliary: async function() {
const oThis = this;
let web3 = oThis.ic().chainWeb3();
let abiBinProvider = oThis.ic().abiBinProvider();
let contractName = 'TokenHolder';
let bnSuggestedGas = utils.toBN('4000000');
let bnConfiguredGas = utils.toBN(oThis.gas || '0');
let bnGasToUse = bnSuggestedGas.cmp(bnConfiguredGas) < 0 ? bnSuggestedGas : bnConfiguredGas;
let tokenHolderDeployResponse = await new DeployContract({
web3: web3,
contractName: contractName,
from: oThis.from,
gasPrice: oThis.gasPrice,
gas: bnGasToUse.toString(10),
abi: abiBinProvider.getABI(contractName),
bin: abiBinProvider.getBIN(contractName),
args: oThis.args
oThis.tokenHolderContractAddress = tokenHolderDeployResponse.receipt.contractAddress;
console.log('TokenHolder Contract Address :', oThis.tokenHolderContractAddress);
return tokenHolderDeployResponse;
async getMaximumSendableBalance(address) {
const [balance, sendFee] = await Promise.all([
return toBN(balance).sub(toBN(sendFee)).toString();
validJSONSubmit = false;
var maxShareDifficulty = self.getPoolMaximumShareDifficulty() ;
if( maxShareDifficulty != null && difficulty > maxShareDifficulty)
difficulty = maxShareDifficulty;
var poolEthAddress = self.getMintHelperAddress() ;
var poolChallengeNumber = await self.tokenInterface.getPoolChallengeNumber();
var computed_digest = web3utils.soliditySha3( poolChallengeNumber , poolEthAddress, nonce )
var digestBigNumber = web3utils.toBN(digest);
var claimedTarget = self.getTargetFromDifficulty( difficulty )
if(computed_digest !== digest || digestBigNumber.gte(claimedTarget))
validJSONSubmit = false;
var ethBlock = await self.redisInterface.getEthBlockNumber();
var shareData = {block: ethBlock ,
nonce: nonce,
minerEthAddress: minerEthAddress,
challengeNumber: challenge_number,
digest: digest,
difficulty: difficulty,
customVardiff: custom_vardiff_used
async getNextEndpointParams({provider, endpoint, index}){
return this.contract.methods.getNextEndpointParam(
const txnCost = (web3, msg) => {
const costWei = msg.match(/upfront cost is: ([0-9]+)/);
const costEth = fromWei(toBN(costWei[1]), 'ether');
return parseFloat(costEth).toFixed(4);