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static _createMap(domEl, mapProps) {
warning(`undefined` !== typeof google,
`Make sure you've put a
componentWillMount() {
`"async/ScriptjsLoader" is now rendering "GoogleMapLoader".
Migrate to use "GoogleMapLoader" instead.
The old behavior will be removed in next major release (5.0.0).
See for more details.`
if (!canUseDOM) {
* External commonjs require dependency -- begin
const scriptjs = require(`scriptjs`); // eslint-disable-line global-require
* External commonjs require dependency -- end
const { protocol, hostname, port, pathname, query } = this.props;
static _createMap(domEl, mapProps) {
warning(`undefined` !== typeof google,
`Make sure you've put a
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (`production` !== process.env.NODE_ENV) {
const changedKeys = getUrlObjChangedKeys(this.props, nextProps);
changedKeys.length === 0,
`ScriptjsLoader doesn't support mutating url related props after initial render.
Changed props: %s`,
`[${changedKeys.join(`, `)}]`
componentWillMount() {
`"async/ScriptjsGoogleMap" is deprecated now and will be removed in next major release (5.0.0). Use "async/ScriptjsLoader" instead.
See for more details.`