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const getScript = (code: string): string => {
// if in JSX mode just parse code as is
if (config.jsxInExamples) {
return code
// script is at the beginning of a line after a return
// In case we are loading a vue component as an example, extract script tag
if (isCodeVueSfc(code)) {
const parts = parseComponent(code)
return parts && parts.script ? parts.script.content : ''
//else it could be the weird almost jsx of vue-styleguidist
return code.split(/\n[\t ]*
function prepareVueCodeForEvalFunction(code: string, config: any): EvaluableComponent {
let style,
vsgMode = false,
// if the component is written as a Vue sfc,
// transform it in to a "return"
// even if jsx is used in an sfc we still use this use case
if (isCodeVueSfc(code)) {
return normalizeSfcComponent(code)
// if it's not a new Vue, it must be a simple template or a vsg format
// lets separate the template from the script
if (!/new Vue\(/.test(code)) {
// this for jsx examples without the SFC shell
// export default {render: (h) => <button>}
if (config.jsx) {
const { preprocessing, component, postprocessing } = parseScriptCode(code)
return {
script: `${preprocessing};\nreturn {${component}};\n${postprocessing}`
const findStartTemplateMatch = /^\W*</button>
const rootComponent = renderRootJsx
? renderRootJsx.default(previewComponent)
: { render: createElement => createElement(previewComponent) }
try {
new Vue({
} catch (err) {
// Add the scoped style if there is any
if (style) {
addScopedStyle(style, moduleId)
const rootComponent = renderRootJsx
? renderRootJsx.default(previewComponent)
: { render: createElement => createElement(previewComponent) }
try {
new Vue({
} catch (err) {
// Add the scoped style if there is any
if (style) {
addScopedStyle(style, moduleId)