How to use vsls - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few vsls examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github DonJayamanne / pythonVSCode / src / client / datascience / jupyter / liveshare / roleBasedFactory.ts View on Github external
import { ILiveShareApi } from '../../../common/application/types';
import { IAsyncDisposable } from '../../../common/types';
import { ClassType } from '../../../ioc/types';
import { ILiveShareHasRole, ILiveShareParticipant } from './types';

export interface IRoleBasedObject extends IAsyncDisposable, ILiveShareParticipant {


// tslint:disable:no-any
export class RoleBasedFactory> implements ILiveShareHasRole {
    private ctorArgs: ConstructorParameters[];
    private firstTime: boolean = true;
    private createPromise: Promise | undefined;
    private sessionChangedEmitter = new vscode.EventEmitter();
    private _role: vsls.Role = vsls.Role.None;

    constructor(private liveShare: ILiveShareApi, private hostCtor: CtorType, private guestCtor: CtorType, ...args: ConstructorParameters) {
        this.ctorArgs = args;
        this.createPromise = this.createBasedOnRole(); // We need to start creation immediately or one side may call before we init.

    public get sessionChanged(): vscode.Event {
        return this.sessionChangedEmitter.event;

    public get role(): vsls.Role {
        return this._role;

    public get(): Promise {
        // Make sure only one create happens at a time
github auchenberg / vscode-browser-preview / ext-src / liveShare.ts View on Github external
service.onNotify(NOTIFICATION_WINDOW_INTERACTION, async (args: any) => {
    const { peerNumber, url, data } = args;

    if (peerNumber === liveShare.session.peerNumber) {
      // This is a re-broadcasted event from
      // the same user.

    const window = windowManager.getByUrl(url);
    window!.browserPage!.send(data.type, data.params);

    if (liveShare.session.role === vsls.Role.Host) {
      service.notify(NOTIFICATION_WINDOW_INTERACTION, args);
github DonJayamanne / pythonVSCode / src / client / datascience / jupyter / liveshare / guestJupyterNotebook.ts View on Github external
public async onAttach(api: vsls.LiveShare | null): Promise {
        await super.onAttach(api);

        if (api) {
            const service = await this.waitForService();

            // Wait for sync up
            const synced = service ? await service.request(LiveShareCommands.syncRequest, []) : undefined;
            if (!synced && api.session && api.session.role !== vsls.Role.None) {
                throw new Error(localize.DataScience.liveShareSyncFailure());

            if (service) {
                // Listen to responses
                service.onNotify(LiveShareCommands.serverResponse, this.onServerResponse);

                // Request all of the responses since this guest was started. We likely missed a bunch
                service.notify(LiveShareCommands.catchupRequest, { since: this.startTime });
github DonJayamanne / pythonVSCode / src / client / datascience / jupyter / liveshare / hostJupyterExecution.ts View on Github external
public async onDetach(api: vsls.LiveShare | null): Promise {
        await super.onDetach(api);

        // clear our cached servers if our role is no longer host or none
        const newRole = api === null || (api.session && api.session.role !== vsls.Role.Guest) ?
            vsls.Role.Host : vsls.Role.Guest;
        if (newRole !== vsls.Role.Host) {
            await this.serverCache.dispose();
github DonJayamanne / pythonVSCode / src / client / datascience / liveshare / postOffice.ts View on Github external
import { LiveShare } from '../constants';

// tslint:disable:no-any

interface IMessageArgs {
    args: string;

// This class is used to register two communication between a host and all of its guests
export class PostOffice implements IAsyncDisposable {

    private name: string;
    private startedPromise: Deferred | undefined;
    private hostServer: vsls.SharedService | null = null;
    private guestServer: vsls.SharedServiceProxy | null = null;
    private currentRole: vsls.Role = vsls.Role.None;
    private currentPeerCount: number = 0;
    private peerCountChangedEmitter: vscode.EventEmitter = new vscode.EventEmitter();
    private commandMap: { [key: string]: { thisArg: any; callback(...args: any[]): void } } = {};

        name: string,
        private liveShareApi: ILiveShareApi,
        private hostArgsTranslator?: (api: vsls.LiveShare | null, command: string, role: vsls.Role, args: any[]) => void) { = name;

        // Note to self, could the callbacks be keeping things alive that we don't want to be alive?

    public get peerCount() {
        return this.currentPeerCount;
github DonJayamanne / pythonVSCode / src / client / datascience / jupyter / liveshare / roleBasedFactory.ts View on Github external
private async createBasedOnRole(): Promise {

        // Figure out our role to compute the object to create. Default is host. This
        // allows for the host object to keep existing if we suddenly start a new session.
        // For a guest, starting a new session resets the entire workspace.
        const api = await this.liveShare.getApi();
        let ctor: CtorType = this.hostCtor;
        let role: vsls.Role = vsls.Role.Host;

        if (api) {
            // Create based on role.
            if (api.session && api.session.role === vsls.Role.Host) {
                ctor = this.hostCtor;
            } else if (api.session && api.session.role === vsls.Role.Guest) {
                ctor = this.guestCtor;
                role = vsls.Role.Guest;
        this._role = role;

        // Create our object
        const obj = new ctor(...this.ctorArgs);

        // Rewrite the object's dispose so we can get rid of our own state.
github DonJayamanne / pythonVSCode / src / client / datascience / liveshare / postOffice.ts View on Github external
private registerGuestCommands(api: vsls.LiveShare) {
        if (api && api.session && api.session.role === vsls.Role.Guest && this.guestServer !== null) {
            const keys = Object.keys(this.commandMap);
            keys.forEach(k => {
                if (this.guestServer !== null) { // Hygiene is too dumb to recognize the if above
                    this.guestServer.onNotify(this.escapeCommandName(k), a => this.onGuestNotify(k, a as IMessageArgs));
github DonJayamanne / pythonVSCode / src / client / datascience / interactive-window / interactiveWindowProvider.ts View on Github external
private async synchronizeCreate(): Promise {
        // Create a new pending wait if necessary
        if (this.postOffice.peerCount > 0 || this.postOffice.role === vsls.Role.Guest) {
            const key = uuid();
            const waitable = createDeferred();
            this.pendingSyncs.set(key, { count: this.postOffice.peerCount, waitable });

            // Make sure all providers have an active interactive window
            await this.postOffice.postCommand(LiveShareCommands.interactiveWindowCreate,, key);

            // Wait for the waitable to be signaled or the peer count on the post office to change
            await waitable.promise;
github eamodio / vscode-gitlens / src / vsls / vsls.ts View on Github external
private async initialize() {
		try {
			// If we have a vsls: workspace open, we might be a guest, so wait until live share transitions into a mode
			if (
				workspace.workspaceFolders !== undefined &&
				workspace.workspaceFolders.some(f => f.uri.scheme === DocumentSchemes.Vsls)
			) {
				this._waitForReady = new Promise(resolve => (this._onReady = resolve));

			this._api = getApi();
			const api = await this._api;
			if (api == null) {
				setCommandContext(CommandContext.Vsls, false);
				// Tear it down if we can't talk to live share
				if (this._onReady !== undefined) {
					this._waitForReady = undefined;


			setCommandContext(CommandContext.Vsls, true);

			this._disposable = Disposable.from(
				api.onDidChangeSession(e => this.onLiveShareSessionChanged(api, e), this)
github vsls-contrib / whiteboard / src / extension.ts View on Github external
export async function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
  const vslsApi = (await vsls.getApi())!;
  const treeDataProvider = registerTreeDataProvider(vslsApi);

  let webviewPanel: vscode.WebviewPanel | null;
    vscode.commands.registerCommand("liveshare.openWhiteboard", async () => {
      if (webviewPanel) {
        return webviewPanel.reveal();
      } else {
        webviewPanel = createWebView(context);

        // If the end-user closes the whiteboard, then we
        // need to ensure we re-created it on the next click.
        webviewPanel.onDidDispose(() => (webviewPanel = null));

      let { default: initializeService } =


Enables VS Code extensions to access Live Share capabilities.

Latest version published 3 years ago

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