Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
} from 'vscode-languageserver';
import { nls } from '../messages';
// Create a connection for the server. The connection uses Node's IPC as a transport
const connection: IConnection = createConnection(
new IPCMessageReader(process),
new IPCMessageWriter(process)
// Create a simple text document manager. The text document manager
// supports full document sync only
const documents: TextDocuments = new TextDocuments();
// Make the text document manager listen on the connection
// for open, change and close text document events
// After the server has started the client sends an initialize request. The server receives
// in the passed params the rootPath of the workspace plus the client capabilities.
(params): InitializeResult => {
return {
capabilities: {
function main() {
connection = server.createConnection(
new server.IPCMessageReader(process),
new server.IPCMessageWriter(process));
reportErrors(function() {
// Listen to open documents
openDocuments = new server.TextDocuments;
// Grab the workspace when the connection opens
connection.onInitialize(function(params) {
workspaceRoot = params.rootPath || null;
return {
capabilities: {
textDocumentSync: openDocuments.syncKind,
hoverProvider: true,
TextDocuments, TextDocument, Diagnostic,
InitializeResult, RequestType, Command, TextEdit, TextDocumentIdentifier, DidChangeConfigurationNotification,
} from 'vscode-languageserver';
import {DevSkimProblem, Fixes, AutoFix, DevSkimSettings} from "./devskimObjects";
import {DevSkimWorker} from "./devskimWorker";
import {DevSkimSuppression} from "./suppressions";
import {DevSkimWorkerSettings} from "./devskimWorkerSettings";
let hasConfigurationCapability = false;
let hasWorkspaceFolderCapability = false;
let hasDiagnosticRelatedInformationCapability = false;
// Create a connection for the server. The connection uses Node's IPC as a transport
let connection: IConnection = createConnection(new IPCMessageReader(process), new IPCMessageWriter(process));
// Create a simple text document manager. The text document manager
// supports full document sync only
let documents: TextDocuments = new TextDocuments();
// Make the text document manager listen on the connection
// for open, change and close text document events
//Set up a new instance of a DevSkimWorker analysis engine. This is the object that does all the real
//work of analyzing a file.
const dsWorkerSettings = new DevSkimWorkerSettings();
const dsSettings = dsWorkerSettings.getSettings();
const dsSuppression = new DevSkimSuppression(dsSettings);
const analysisEngine: DevSkimWorker = new DevSkimWorker(connection, dsSuppression);
'use strict';
import path = require('path');
import { wrapper } from './wrapper';
import {
IPCMessageReader, IPCMessageWriter,
createConnection, IConnection, TextDocuments
} from 'vscode-languageserver';
let config;
let connection: IConnection = createConnection(new IPCMessageReader(process), new IPCMessageWriter(process));
let documents = new TextDocuments();
function validate(document) {
return wrapper({
code: document.getText(),
}).then(diagnostics => {
connection.sendDiagnostics({ uri: document.uri, diagnostics });
}).catch(err => {
connection.window.showErrorMessage(err.stack.replace(/\n/g, ' '));
function validateAll() {
return Promise.all(documents.all().map(doc => validate(doc)));
var provider = require('./provider.js');
var server = require('vscode-languageserver')
var fs = require("fs");
var path = require("path");
var Uri = require("vscode-uri").default;
var connection = server.createConnection(
new server.IPCMessageReader(process),
new server.IPCMessageWriter(process));
/** @type {Array} */
var workspaceRoots;
/** @type {Array} */
var includeDirs;
/** @type {number} */
var workspaceDepth;
/** @type {boolean} */
var wordBasedSuggestions;
/** @type {Object.} */
var files;
/** @type {Object.} */
var includes;
/** the list of documentation harbour base functions
export default function createConnection(method: ConnectionMethod): IConnection {
logger.debug(`createConnection: method {${method}}`)
switch (method) {
case 'stdio': return _createConnection(process.stdin, process.stdout)
case 'node-ipc':
return _createConnection(new IPCMessageReader(process), new IPCMessageWriter(process))
import {
IPCMessageReader, IPCMessageWriter ,IConnection, createConnection,
TextDocuments, CompletionItemKind, CompletionItem, TextDocumentSyncKind
} from "vscode-languageserver";
import * as glob from 'glob';
import * as path from 'path';
import { Completion, CompletionRepository } from './completions';
import { parse_file } from './parser';
let connection = createConnection(new IPCMessageReader(process), new IPCMessageWriter(process));
let documents = new TextDocuments();
let completions = new CompletionRepository(documents);
let workspaceRoot: string;
connection.onInitialize((params) => {
workspaceRoot = params.rootPath;
return {
capabilities: {
textDocumentSync: documents.syncKind,
completionProvider: {
resolveProvider: false