Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
public async applyEdits(_nvim: Neovim, edits: TextEdit[], sync = true): Promise {
if (edits.length == 0) return
let orig = this.lines.join('\n') + (this.eol ? '\n' : '')
let textDocument = TextDocument.create(this.uri, this.filetype, 1, orig)
let content = TextDocument.applyEdits(textDocument, edits)
// could be equal sometimes
if (orig === content) {
} else {
let d = diffLines(orig, content)
await this.buffer.setLines(d.replacement, {
start: d.start,
end: d.end,
strictIndexing: false
// can't wait vim sync buffer
this.lines = (this.eol && content.endsWith('\n') ? content.slice(0, -1) : content).split('\n')
if (sync) this.forceSync()
private update(): void {
const snippet = this.tmSnippet
const placeholders = snippet.placeholders
const { line, character } = this.position
const document = TextDocument.create('untitled:/1', 'snippet', 0, snippet.toString())
this._placeholders =, idx) => {
const offset = snippet.offset(p)
const position = document.positionAt(offset)
const start: Position = {
line: line + position.line,
character: position.line == 0 ? character + position.character : position.character
const value = p.toString()
const lines = value.split('\n')
let res: CocSnippetPlaceholder = {
range: Range.create(start, {
line: start.line + lines.length - 1,
character: lines.length == 1 ? start.character + value.length : lines[lines.length - 1].length
transform: p.transform != null,
public get range(): Range {
let { position } = this
const content = this.tmSnippet.toString()
const doc = TextDocument.create('untitled:/1', 'snippet', 0, content)
const pos = doc.positionAt(content.length)
const end = pos.line == 0 ? position.character + pos.character : pos.character
return Range.create(position, Position.create(position.line + pos.line, end))
private createDocument(changeCount = 1): void {
let { version, uri, filetype } = this
version = version + changeCount
this.textDocument = TextDocument.create(
public setFiletype(filetype: string): void {
let { uri, version } = this
this._filetype = this.convertFiletype(filetype)
version = version ? version + 1 : 1
let textDocument = TextDocument.create(uri, this.filetype, version, this.content)
this.textDocument = textDocument
export function convertErrors(uri: string, content: string, errors: ParseError[]): ErrorItem[] {
let items: ErrorItem[] = []
let document = TextDocument.create(uri, 'json', 0, content)
for (let err of errors) {
let msg = 'parse error'
switch (err.error) {
case 2:
msg = 'invalid number'
case 8:
msg = 'close brace expected'
case 5:
msg = 'colon expeted'
case 6:
msg = 'comma expected'
case 9: