How to use the velocity-animate.Utilities function in velocity-animate

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few velocity-animate examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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        } else if (node === null) {
            // Velocity stores data on elements using the jQuery .data()
            // method, and assumes you'll be using jQuery's .remove() to
            // remove the element, but we don't use jQuery, so we need to
            // blow away the element's data explicitly otherwise it will leak.
            // This uses Velocity's internal jQuery compatible wrapper.
            // See the bug at
            // and the FAQ entry, "Preventing memory leaks when
            // creating/destroying large numbers of elements"
            // (
            const domNode = ReactDom.findDOMNode(this.nodes[k]);
            if (domNode) Velocity.Utilities.removeData(domNode);
        this.nodes[k] = node;