How to use the vega-statistics.bin function in vega-statistics

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few vega-statistics examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github domoritz / line-density / demo / demo.ts View on Github external
let canvas;
  document.getElementById("regl").innerText = "";
  if ((document.getElementById("debug") as HTMLInputElement).checked) {
    canvas = document.createElement("canvas");

  const maxY = ( as Float32Array).reduce(
    (agg, val) => Math.max(agg, val),

  // compute nice bin boundaries
  const binConfigX = bin({ maxbins: binsx, extent: [0, points - 1] });
  const binConfigY = bin({ maxbins: binsy, extent: [0, maxY] });

  start =;
  compute(data, binConfigX, binConfigY, canvas).then(heatmapData => {
    document.getElementById("computetime").innerText = `${( - start) /
      1000} seconds`;
    heatmap(heatmapData, binConfigX, binConfigY);
github uwdata / errudite / ui / src / components / attr-manager / AttrBar.tsx View on Github external
extent.push(extent[0] === 1 ? extent[0] + 0.1 : extent[0] + 1);
            // the performance distribution is always [0, 1]
            const binIdxes = d3.range(0, this.binCount - 2);
            const binFunction = d3.scaleQuantile()
                    this.flatCounts.correct.concat(this.flatCountsRewrite.correct) as number[], 
                    this.flatCounts.incorrect.concat(this.flatCountsRewrite.incorrect) as number[]]))

            let bins = d3.merge([
                [extent[1]]]).filter(utils.uniques) as number[];            
            if ( (bins[bins.length-1] - bins[0] <= 1) || bins.length < this.binCount * 0.6) {
                const bins_ = vegaStat.bin({extent: extent, nice: false, maxbins: this.binCount });
                this.scale.bins = d3.range(bins_.start, bins_.stop + bins_.step, bins_.step);
            } else {
                //bins.push(extent[1] === 1 ? extent[1] + 0.1 : extent[1] + 1);
                this.scale.bins = bins;
        } else {
            this.scale.bins = this.domain.slice();// => s.value);
            this.scale.attrScale_discrete.domain(this.scale.bins as string[]);
        if ( === "groundtruths_length") {
            this.scale.attrScale_continue.domain([1, 20]);
            this.scale.bins = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 20]
        if ( === "prediction_length") {
            this.scale.attrScale_continue.domain([1, 50]);
github domoritz / line-density / demo / demo.ts View on Github external

  let canvas;
  document.getElementById("regl").innerText = "";
  if ((document.getElementById("debug") as HTMLInputElement).checked) {
    canvas = document.createElement("canvas");

  const maxY = ( as Float32Array).reduce(
    (agg, val) => Math.max(agg, val),

  // compute nice bin boundaries
  const binConfigX = bin({ maxbins: binsx, extent: [0, points - 1] });
  const binConfigY = bin({ maxbins: binsy, extent: [0, maxY] });

  start =;
  compute(data, binConfigX, binConfigY, canvas).then(heatmapData => {
    document.getElementById("computetime").innerText = `${( - start) /
      1000} seconds`;
    heatmap(heatmapData, binConfigX, binConfigY);
github vega / vega-dataflow / src / transforms / Bin.js View on Github external
prototype._bins = function(_) {
  if (this.value && !_.modified()) {
    return this.value;

  var field = _.field,
      bins  = bin(_),
      start = bins.start,
      stop  = bins.stop,
      step  = bins.step,
      a, d;

  if ((a = _.anchor) != null) {
    d = a - (start + step * Math.floor((a - start) / step));
    start += d;
    stop += d;

  var f = function(t) {
    var v = field(t);
    if (v == null) {
      return null;
    } else {
github vega / vega / packages / vega-transforms / src / Bin.js View on Github external
prototype._bins = function(_) {
  if (this.value && !_.modified()) {
    return this.value;

  var field = _.field,
      bins  = bin(_),
      step  = bins.step,
      start = bins.start,
      stop  = start + Math.ceil((bins.stop - start) / step) * step,
      a, d;

  if ((a = _.anchor) != null) {
    d = a - (start + step * Math.floor((a - start) / step));
    start += d;
    stop += d;

  var f = function(t) {
    var v = field(t);
    return v == null ? null
      : v < start ? -Infinity
      : v > stop ? +Infinity