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init() {
let orderId = this.$route.query.orderId;
orderDetail({ orderId: orderId }).then(res => {
var data =;
this.orderInfo = data.orderInfo;
this.orderGoods = data.orderGoods;
this.handleOption = data.orderInfo.handleOption;
this.expressInfo = data.expressInfo;
components: {
[]: Dialog,
[]: CellGroup,
[]: Cell,
[]: Button,
[]: SubmitBar,
[]: Card,
[]: Field
name: "女"
uploadToken: {
token: ""
coverJoinUrl: "",
apiParams: {},
sex: "",
domain: ""
components: {
[]: NavBar,
[]: Cell,
[]: CellGroup,
[]: Actionsheet,
[]: Toast
mounted() {
methods: {
onRead(file) {
this.$refs.avatar.src = file.content;
let data = new FormData();
data.append("token", this.uploadToken.token);
data.append("file", file.content);
const axiosInstance = axios.create({ withCredentials: false });
console.log("data: ", data);
name: this.$t(""),
content: this.$t("m.meta.member.content")
data() {
return {};
computed: {
components: {
[]: NavBar,
[]: Cell,
[]: CellGroup
mounted() {
methods: {
onInfo() {
this.$store.state.user.user ? this.$router.push("./info") : this.toLogin();
toOrder() {
if (this.$store.state.user.user) {
} else {
rightOver: false,
leftOver: true,
isShowArrow: itemsLen > col
methods: {
scrollMore(obj) {
this.rightOver = !obj.isLeftOver;
this.leftOver = !obj.isRightOver;
directives: {
components: {
[]: Cell,
[]: CellGroup,
[]: Icon,
[]: ItemCardVert,
[]: ItemCardHori
areaList: null,
showArea: false,
title: this.$t("addAddressTitle"),
state: "add"
computed: {
components: {
[]: NavBar,
[]: Area,
[]: Field,
[]: Dialog,
[]: SwitchCell,
[]: Cell,
[]: CellGroup,
[]: Icon,
[]: Toast
created() {
this.areaList = areaList;
if (this.$route.query.state == "edit") {
let data = this.$route.query.item;
this.addressInfo = data;
this.title = this.$t("editAddressTitle");
this.state = "edit";
mounted() {},
methods: {
name: this.$t(""),
content: this.$t("m.meta.login.content")
data() {
return {
userAccount: "guest",
userPasswd: "guest"
components: {
[]: NavBar,
[]: Cell,
[]: CellGroup,
[]: Toast,
[]: Button,
[]: Field
mounted() {},
methods: {
async onLogin() {
const userAccountEmpty = strategies.isNonEmpty(this.userAccount, this.$t(""));
const userPasswdLength = strategies.isNonEmpty(this.userPasswd, 4, this.$t("m.strategies.pwdLenth"));
const result = userAccountEmpty || userPasswdLength;
if (result) {
message: result,
position: "bottom"
allCoach: 0,
havePage: false,
productId: [],
addressData: [],
orderData: [],
addressInfo: {}
components: {
[]: NavBar,
[]: Dialog,
[]: Popup,
[]: Card,
[]: SubmitBar,
[]: Cell,
[]: CellGroup,
[]: ContactList,
[]: Toast
computed: {
cardType() {
return this.chosenContactId !== null ? "edit" : "add";
currentContact() {
const id = this.chosenContactId;
return id !== null ? this.list.filter(item => === id)[0] : {};
...mapGetters(["this.$store.state.orders", "this.$store.state.address", "this.$store.state.addressStatus"])
created() {},
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