Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
return constants[key];
var definition = config[key];
// Ignore options that are not defined
if (!definition) {
var option = options[key];
if (option != null) {
if (typeof option === 'function') {
option =, definition.type, option);
if (option != null) {
constants[key] = option;
return option;
var fallback = definition.default;
if (option == null && typeof fallback !== 'function') {
constants[key] = fallback;
return fallback;
'use strict';
var through = require('through2');
var valueOrFunction = require('value-or-function');
var fo = require('../file-operations');
var number = valueOrFunction.number;
function makeDirs(opt) {
function makeFileDirs(file, enc, callback) {
// TODO: Can this be put on file.stat?
var dirMode = number(opt.dirMode, file);
fo.mkdirp(file.dirname, dirMode, onMkdirp);
function onMkdirp(mkdirpErr) {
if (mkdirpErr) {
return callback(mkdirpErr);
callback(null, file);
function getTimesDiff(fsStat, vinylStat) {
var mtime = date(vinylStat.mtime) || 0;
if (!mtime) {
var atime = date(vinylStat.atime) || 0;
if (+mtime === +fsStat.mtime &&
+atime === +fsStat.atime) {
if (!atime) {
atime = date(fsStat.atime) || undefined;
var timesDiff = {
mtime: vinylStat.mtime,
function getTimesDiff(fsStat, vinylStat) {
var mtime = date(vinylStat.mtime) || 0;
if (!mtime) {
var atime = date(vinylStat.atime) || 0;
if (+mtime === +fsStat.mtime &&
+atime === +fsStat.atime) {
if (!atime) {
atime = date(fsStat.atime) || undefined;
var timesDiff = {
mtime: vinylStat.mtime,
atime: atime,
return timesDiff;
function getTimesDiff(fsStat, vinylStat) {
var mtime = date(vinylStat.mtime) || 0;
if (!mtime) {
var atime = date(vinylStat.atime) || 0;
if (+mtime === +fsStat.mtime &&
+atime === +fsStat.atime) {
if (!atime) {
atime = date(fsStat.atime) || undefined;
var timesDiff = {
mtime: vinylStat.mtime,
atime: atime,
return timesDiff;
'use strict';
var assign = require('object-assign');
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('graceful-fs');
var valueOrFunction = require('value-or-function');
var koalas = require('koalas');
var fo = require('./file-operations');
var boolean = valueOrFunction.boolean;
var number = valueOrFunction.number;
var string = valueOrFunction.string;
function prepareWrite(outFolder, file, opt, callback) {
if (!opt) {
opt = {};
var defaultMode = file.stat ? file.stat.mode : null;
var options = assign({}, opt, {
cwd: koalas(string(opt.cwd, file), process.cwd()),
mode: koalas(number(opt.mode, file), defaultMode),
dirMode: number(opt.dirMode, file),
overwrite: koalas(boolean(opt.overwrite, file), true),
options.flag = (options.overwrite ? 'w' : 'wx');
function toResolve() {
var option = normalize.apply(resolver, args);
if (option == null) {
option = fallback;
if (typeof option === 'function') {
option = option.apply(resolver, appliedArgs);
return option;
'use strict';
var assign = require('object-assign');
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('graceful-fs');
var valueOrFunction = require('value-or-function');
var koalas = require('koalas');
var fo = require('./file-operations');
var boolean = valueOrFunction.boolean;
var number = valueOrFunction.number;
var string = valueOrFunction.string;
function prepareWrite(outFolder, file, opt, callback) {
if (!opt) {
opt = {};
var defaultMode = file.stat ? file.stat.mode : null;
var options = assign({}, opt, {
cwd: koalas(string(opt.cwd, file), process.cwd()),
mode: koalas(number(opt.mode, file), defaultMode),
dirMode: number(opt.dirMode, file),
overwrite: koalas(boolean(opt.overwrite, file), true),
options.flag = (options.overwrite ? 'w' : 'wx');
'use strict';
var assign = require('object-assign');
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('graceful-fs');
var valueOrFunction = require('value-or-function');
var koalas = require('koalas');
var fo = require('./file-operations');
var boolean = valueOrFunction.boolean;
var number = valueOrFunction.number;
var string = valueOrFunction.string;
function prepareWrite(outFolder, file, opt, callback) {
if (!opt) {
opt = {};
var defaultMode = file.stat ? file.stat.mode : null;
var options = assign({}, opt, {
cwd: koalas(string(opt.cwd, file), process.cwd()),
mode: koalas(number(opt.mode, file), defaultMode),
dirMode: number(opt.dirMode, file),
overwrite: koalas(boolean(opt.overwrite, file), true),
options.flag = (options.overwrite ? 'w' : 'wx');
var cwd = path.resolve(options.cwd);