How to use utilities - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few utilities examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github geddy / model / test / unit / create_user.js View on Github external
, 'test no password confirmation': function () {
    var p = utils.mixin({}, _params),
    p.confirmPassword = 'fdsa';
    var user = User.create(p);
    // Error message should be customized
    assert.ok(typeof user.errors.password != 'undefined');
github Azure / pcs-remote-monitoring-webui / src / components / shared / forms / formGroup.js View on Github external
render() {
    // Attach the formGroupId to allow automatic focus when a label is clicked
    const childrenWithProps =,
      child => {
        if (React.isValidElement(child) && isFunc(child.type)) {
          return React.cloneElement(child, { formGroupId: this.formGroupId });
        return child;
    return <div>{childrenWithProps}</div>;
github geddy / model / lib / adapters / sql / mysql.js View on Github external = 'mysql';
  this.type = 'sql';
  this.config = _baseConfig;
  this.client = null;
  this.generator = generator.getGeneratorForAdapter(this);

  utils.mixin(this.config, opts);

  this.init.apply(this, arguments);

Adapter.prototype = new BaseAdapter();
Adapter.prototype.constructor = Adapter;

utils.mixin(Adapter.prototype, new (function () {


  // Pseudo-private -- utility and for testing only
  this._getClient = function () {
    return mysql.createConnection(this.config);

  this._handleDisconnect = function (callback) {
      var self = this;
      setTimeout(function() {
        self.client = self._getClient();
      }, Math.pow(3, reconnectAttempts) * 1000);
github geddy / model / lib / adapters / level / index.js View on Github external
var Adapter = function (options) {
  var opts = options || {}
    , config; = 'level';
  this.config = this.loadConfig(_baseConfig, opts);
  this.client = null;
  this.db = null;

  this.init.apply(this, arguments);

Adapter.prototype = new BaseAdapter();
Adapter.prototype.constructor = Adapter;

utils.mixin(Adapter.prototype, new (function () {

  this._initLevel = function (config) {
    var db
      , sublevel;

    db = level(config.db, {keyEncoding: 'utf8', valueEncoding: 'json'});

    if (config.sublevel) {
      // Load sublevel, and set db
      sublevel = utils.file.requireLocal('level-sublevel');
      db = sublevel(db);
      db = db.sublevel(config.sublevel);

    this.db = db;
github mde / ejs / gen / build / build.js View on Github external
window.geddy = {}

// require model
geddy.model = require('model');

// mix utilities into geddy
var utilities = require('utilities');
utilities.mixin(geddy, utilities);

// require = require('');
geddy.socket ='/'); = function (model) {
  var events = [
  , 'update'
  , 'remove'

  for (var e in events) {
    (function (event) {
      geddy.socket.on(model.modelName + ':' + event, function (data) {
        var instance;
github mde / ejs / lib / geddy.js View on Github external
var geddy = global.geddy || {}
  , EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
  , utils = require('utilities')
  , pkg = require('../package');

// Set the One True Geddy Global
global.geddy = geddy;

utils.enhance(geddy, new EventEmitter());

utils.mixin(geddy, {version: pkg.version});
utils.mixin(geddy, utils);
utils.mixin(geddy, new (function () {
  var _started = false
    , _master
    , _worker

  this.start = function (options) {
    var opts = options || {}
      , App
      , app
      , worker
      , config = require('./config')
      , c = config.readConfig(opts);

    geddy.config = c;

    App = require('./app').App;
github geddy / model / lib / adapters / sql / base.js View on Github external
query._sqlMetadata = this._getSqlMetadata(query);
        sql = this._createSelectStatementWithConditions(query);

        processor = new EventedQueryProcessor(query, cb);
        setTimeout(function () {
        }, 0);
        return processor;


// Mix in basic conversion methods
utils.mixin(Adapter.prototype, converter);

// Mix in query transformer methods
utils.mixin(Adapter.prototype, sqlTransformer);

EventedQueryProcessor = function (query, callback) {
  this._source = null;
  this._allItems = [];
  this._allItemsHash = {};
  this._lastMainModel = null;
  this._rowEventName = query.model.getAdapter().name == 'mysql' ?
      'result' : 'row';
  this.models = {};
  this.callback = callback;
github mde / ejs / lib / server.js View on Github external
var _readConfig = function () {
        var opts = this.opts
          , dir = process.cwd()
          , baseConfig = require(dir + '/config/environment.js')
          , envConfig;

        this.config.environment = opts.environment || this.config.environment;
        envConfig = require(dir + '/config/' + this.config.environment + '.js');

        // Start with a blank slate, mix everything in
        utils.mixin(this.config, baseConfig);
        utils.mixin(this.config, envConfig);
        utils.mixin(this.config, opts);
        if (this.config.workers &lt; 2) {
          this.config.rotateWorkers = false;
github geddy / model / test / unit / create_user.js View on Github external
, 'setting default values': function () {
    var p = utils.mixin({}, _params),
    delete p.firstName;
    user = User.create(p);
    assert.equal('Zerp', user.firstName);
github mde / ejs / lib / geddy.js View on Github external
app.init(_worker.config, function () {
        utils.mixin(geddy, app);
        _worker.startServer(function () {


A classic collection of JavaScript utilities

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Popular utilities functions