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if (auth) {
if (apiState.token) {
options.headers.authorization = `Bearer ${apiState.token}`;
adjustedEndpoint = adjustedEndpoint.endsWith('/')
? adjustedEndpoint
: `${adjustedEndpoint}/`;
let apiURL = `${config.get('apiHost')}${adjustedEndpoint}${queryString}`;
if (_config.get('server')) {
_log.debug('Encoding `apiURL` in UTF8 before fetch().');
// Workaround for
apiURL = utf8.encode(apiURL);
return fetch(apiURL, options)
.then((response) => {
// There isn't always a 'Content-Type' in headers, e.g., with a DELETE
// method or 5xx responses.
let contentType = response.headers.get('Content-Type');
contentType = contentType && contentType.toLowerCase();
// This is a bit paranoid, but we ensure the API returns a JSON response
// (see
// If not we'll store the text response in JSON and log an error.
// If the JSON parsing fails; we log the error and return an "unknown
// error".
if (contentType === 'application/json') {
return response
var value = ""
if( web3._extend.utils.isBigNumber( v ) ) { value = v }
else if( HEXRE.test( v ) ) { value = web3.toBigNumber( v ) }
else if( SHA256RE.test( v ) )
var out = bs58.decode( v )
ar = MH.decode( new Buffer( out ) )
if ( ar.length != 32 ) throw "HASH code should be 32 bytes long"
if ( ar.code != 0x12 ) throw "Only sha2-256 hashes are excepted"
var hex = "0x" + arrayToHex( ar.digest )
value = web3.toBigNumber( hex )
var utf = utf8.encode( v ).slice(0, 32);
var hex = "0x" + this.asciiToHex( utf )
value = web3.toBigNumber( hex )
if( v == 0 ) throw "Value cannot be zero"
if( typeof params == "function"){
callback = params
params = {}
if( params == undefined )
params = {}
ascii = ""
if( HEXRE.test(s) )
a = hexToArray( s )
hex = arrayToHex( a )
hex = "0x" + hex.substr( 0, 64 )
ascii = ""
try {
ascii = utf8.decode( toAscii( hex ) )
catch( x ) {}
utf = utf8.encode( s ).slice(0, 32);
hex = "0x" + asciiToHex( utf )
try {
ascii = utf8.decode( toAscii( hex ) )
catch( x ) {}
hex = remove0Prefix( hex )
current_domain = web3.toBigNumber( hex );
$("#domain_hex").text( hex );
$("#domain_ascii").text( ascii );
function stringToHex(str) {
const utf8_str = utf8.encode(str)
return Buffer.from(utf8_str, 'utf8').toString('hex')
convertToByteString: function(str, type) {
switch (type.toLowerCase()) {
case "hex":
return Utils.byteArrayToChars(Utils.fromHex(str));
case "base64":
return Utils.byteArrayToChars(Utils.fromBase64(str, null, "byteArray"));
case "utf8":
return utf8.encode(str);
case "latin1":
return str;
function stringToDebugString(str) {
return utf8.encode(str);
points.forEach(function(marker) {
var label = marker.label;
label = escapeHtml(label);
label = utf8.encode(label);
const normalizedSegments = normalizeLines(segments);
if (normalizedSegments.length > 0) {
name = name || 'Track';
name = escapeHtml(name);
name = utf8.encode(name);
gpx.push('\t\t' + name + '');
for (let segment of normalizedSegments) {
for (let point of segment) {
let x = point.lng.toFixed(6);
let y =;
//time element is not necessary, added for compatibility to Garmin Connect only
module.exports = function orgs (options, callback) {
var requestOptions = {
url: '' + options.owner + '/' + options.repo + '/contents/' + options.path,
headers: { authorization: 'token ' + options.token },
method: 'put',
json: {
path: options.path,
message: options.message,
content: base64.encode(utf8.encode(options.content)),
sha: options.sha,
branch: options.branch
require('./github-get-blob')(options, function (err, res) {
if (err) return callback(err)
request(requestOptions, function (err, res, body) {
if (err) return callback(err)
callback(null, body)
module.exports = function createBlob (options, callback) {
var opts = {
url: '' + options.owner + '/' + options.repo + '/contents/' + options.path,
headers: { authorization: 'token ' + options.token },
method: 'put',
json: {
path: options.path,
message: options.message,
content: base64.encode(utf8.encode(options.content)),
branch: options.branch
request(opts, function (err, res, body) {
if (err) return callback(err)
var save = {
branch: options.branch,
owner: options.owner,
repo: options.repo,
location: body.content,
source: 'github'
callback(null, body, save)