How to use the typed-inject.tokens function in typed-inject

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few typed-inject examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github stryker-mutator / stryker / packages / stryker / src / reporters / ClearTextReporter.ts View on Github external
import chalk from 'chalk';
import { Reporter, MutantResult, MutantStatus, ScoreResult } from 'stryker-api/report';
import { Position, StrykerOptions } from 'stryker-api/core';
import ClearTextScoreTable from './ClearTextScoreTable';
import * as os from 'os';
import { tokens } from 'typed-inject';
import { commonTokens } from 'stryker-api/plugin';
import { Logger } from 'stryker-api/logging';

export default class ClearTextReporter implements Reporter {

  public static inject = tokens(commonTokens.logger, commonTokens.options);
  constructor(private readonly log: Logger, private readonly options: StrykerOptions) {

  private readonly out: NodeJS.WritableStream = process.stdout;

  private writeLine(output?: string) {
    this.out.write(`${output || ''}${os.EOL}`);

  private configConsoleColor() {
    if (!this.options.allowConsoleColors) {
      chalk.level = 0; // All colors disabled
github stryker-mutator / stryker / packages / core / src / reporters / ClearTextReporter.ts View on Github external
import * as os from 'os';

import { Position, StrykerOptions } from '@stryker-mutator/api/core';
import { Logger } from '@stryker-mutator/api/logging';
import { commonTokens } from '@stryker-mutator/api/plugin';
import { MutantResult, MutantStatus, mutationTestReportSchema, Reporter } from '@stryker-mutator/api/report';
import { calculateMetrics } from 'mutation-testing-metrics';
import { tokens } from 'typed-inject';

import chalk = require('chalk');

import ClearTextScoreTable from './ClearTextScoreTable';

export default class ClearTextReporter implements Reporter {
  public static inject = tokens(commonTokens.logger, commonTokens.options);
  constructor(private readonly log: Logger, private readonly options: StrykerOptions) {

  private readonly out: NodeJS.WritableStream = process.stdout;

  private writeLine(output?: string) {
    this.out.write(`${output || ''}${os.EOL}`);

  private configConsoleColor() {
    if (!this.options.allowConsoleColors) {
      chalk.level = 0; // All colors disabled
github stryker-mutator / stryker / packages / core / src / config / ConfigEditorApplier.ts View on Github external
import { Config, ConfigEditor } from '@stryker-mutator/api/config';
import { commonTokens, PluginKind, PluginResolver } from '@stryker-mutator/api/plugin';
import { tokens } from 'typed-inject';

import { coreTokens } from '../di';
import { PluginCreator } from '../di/PluginCreator';

 * Class that applies all config editor plugins
export class ConfigEditorApplier implements ConfigEditor {
  public static inject = tokens(commonTokens.pluginResolver, coreTokens.pluginCreatorConfigEditor);

  constructor(private readonly pluginResolver: PluginResolver, private readonly pluginCreator: PluginCreator) {}

  public edit(config: Config): void {
    this.pluginResolver.resolveAll(PluginKind.ConfigEditor).forEach(plugin => {
      const configEditor = this.pluginCreator.create(;
github stryker-mutator / stryker / packages / stryker / src / config / ConfigEditorApplier.ts View on Github external
import { Config, ConfigEditor } from 'stryker-api/config';
import { tokens } from 'typed-inject';
import { PluginResolver, PluginKind, commonTokens } from 'stryker-api/plugin';
import { PluginCreator } from '../di/PluginCreator';
import { coreTokens } from '../di';

 * Class that applies all config editor plugins
export class ConfigEditorApplier implements ConfigEditor {

  public static inject = tokens(commonTokens.pluginResolver, coreTokens.pluginCreatorConfigEditor);

  constructor(private readonly pluginResolver: PluginResolver,
              private readonly pluginCreator: PluginCreator) { }

  public edit(config: Config): void {
    this.pluginResolver.resolveAll(PluginKind.ConfigEditor).forEach(plugin => {
      const configEditor = this.pluginCreator.create(;
github stryker-mutator / stryker / packages / core / src / di / PluginLoader.ts View on Github external
import { tokens } from 'typed-inject';

import { importModule } from '../utils/fileUtils';

import * as coreTokens from './coreTokens';

const IGNORED_PACKAGES = ['core', 'api', 'util'];

interface PluginModule {
  strykerPlugins: Array>;

export class PluginLoader implements PluginResolver {
  private readonly pluginsByKind: Map>> = new Map();

  public static inject = tokens(commonTokens.logger, coreTokens.pluginDescriptors);
  constructor(private readonly log: Logger, private readonly pluginDescriptors: readonly string[]) {}

  public load() {
    this.resolvePluginModules().forEach(moduleName => {

  public resolve(kind: T, name: string): Plugins[T] {
    const plugins = this.pluginsByKind.get(kind);
    if (plugins) {
      const plugin = plugins.find(plugin => === name.toLowerCase());
      if (plugin) {
        return plugin as any;
      } else {
        throw new Error(
github stryker-mutator / stryker / packages / stryker / src / mutators / ES5Mutator.ts View on Github external
import { copy } from '../utils/objectUtils';
import NodeMutator from './NodeMutator';
import BinaryOperatorMutator from './BinaryOperatorMutator';
import BlockStatementMutator from './BlockStatementMutator';
import LogicalOperatorMutator from './LogicalOperatorMutator';
import RemoveConditionalsMutator from './RemoveConditionalsMutator';
import UnaryOperatorMutator from './UnaryOperatorMutator';
import UpdateOperatorMutator from './UpdateOperatorMutator';
import ArrayDeclaratorMutator from './ArrayDeclaratorMutator';
import BooleanSubstitutionMutator from './BooleanSubstitutionMutator';
import { tokens } from 'typed-inject';
import { commonTokens } from 'stryker-api/plugin';

export default class ES5Mutator implements Mutator {

  public static inject = tokens(commonTokens.logger);
    private readonly log: Logger,
    private readonly mutators: NodeMutator[] = [
      new BinaryOperatorMutator(),
      new BlockStatementMutator(),
      new LogicalOperatorMutator(),
      new RemoveConditionalsMutator(),
      new UnaryOperatorMutator(),
      new UpdateOperatorMutator(),
      new ArrayDeclaratorMutator(),
      new BooleanSubstitutionMutator()
    ]) {
    this.log.warn(`DEPRECATED: The es5 mutator is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please upgrade to the stryker-javascript-mutator (npm install --save-dev stryker-javascript-mutator) and set "mutator: 'javascript'" in your stryker.conf.js! If you have a plugins array in your stryker.conf.js, be sure to add 'stryker-javascript-mutator'.`);

  public mutate(files: File[]): Mutant[] {
github stryker-mutator / stryker / packages / core / src / reporters / BroadcastReporter.ts View on Github external
import { StrykerOptions } from '@stryker-mutator/api/core';
import { Logger } from '@stryker-mutator/api/logging';
import { commonTokens, PluginKind } from '@stryker-mutator/api/plugin';
import { MatchedMutant, MutantResult, mutationTestReportSchema, Reporter, ScoreResult, SourceFile } from '@stryker-mutator/api/report';
import { tokens } from 'typed-inject';

import { coreTokens } from '../di';
import { PluginCreator } from '../di/PluginCreator';

import StrictReporter from './StrictReporter';

export default class BroadcastReporter implements StrictReporter {
  public static readonly inject = tokens(commonTokens.options, coreTokens.pluginCreatorReporter, commonTokens.logger);

  public readonly reporters: {
    [name: string]: Reporter;
    private readonly options: StrykerOptions,
    private readonly pluginCreator: PluginCreator,
    private readonly log: Logger
  ) {
    this.reporters = {};
    this.options.reporters.forEach(reporterName => this.createReporter(reporterName));

  private createReporter(reporterName: string): void {
    if (reporterName === 'progress' && !process.stdout.isTTY) {
github stryker-mutator / stryker / packages / stryker / src / reporters / BroadcastReporter.ts View on Github external
import { Reporter, SourceFile, MutantResult, MatchedMutant, ScoreResult } from 'stryker-api/report';
import { Logger } from 'stryker-api/logging';
import { isPromise } from '../utils/objectUtils';
import StrictReporter from './StrictReporter';
import { commonTokens, PluginKind } from 'stryker-api/plugin';
import { StrykerOptions } from 'stryker-api/core';
import { tokens } from 'typed-inject';
import { coreTokens } from '../di';
import { PluginCreator } from '../di/PluginCreator';

export default class BroadcastReporter implements StrictReporter {

  public static readonly inject = tokens(

  public readonly reporters: {
    [name: string]: Reporter;
    private readonly options: StrykerOptions,
    private readonly pluginCreator: PluginCreator,
    private readonly log: Logger) {
    this.reporters = {};
    this.options.reporters.forEach(reporterName => this.createReporter(reporterName));
github stryker-mutator / stryker / packages / stryker / src / di / PluginLoader.ts View on Github external
import { tokens } from 'typed-inject';
import { importModule } from '../utils/fileUtils';
import { fsAsPromised } from '@stryker-mutator/util';
import { Plugin, PluginKind, PluginResolver, Plugins, commonTokens } from 'stryker-api/plugin';
import * as coreTokens from './coreTokens';

const IGNORED_PACKAGES = ['stryker-cli', 'stryker-api'];

interface PluginModule {
  strykerPlugins: Plugin[];

export class PluginLoader implements PluginResolver {
  private readonly pluginsByKind: Map[]> = new Map();

  public static inject = tokens(commonTokens.logger, coreTokens.pluginDescriptors);
  constructor(private readonly log: Logger, private readonly pluginDescriptors: ReadonlyArray) { }

  public load() {
    this.resolvePluginModules().forEach(moduleName => this.requirePlugin(moduleName));

  public resolve(kind: T, name: string): Plugins[T] {
    const plugins = this.pluginsByKind.get(kind);
    if (plugins) {
      const plugin = plugins.find(plugin => === name.toLowerCase());
      if (plugin) {
        return plugin as any;
      } else {
        throw new Error(`Cannot load ${kind} plugin "${name}". Did you forget to install it? Loaded ${kind
          } plugins were: ${ =>', ')}`);


Type safe dependency injection framework for TypeScript

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