How to use typed-css-modules - 4 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few typed-css-modules examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Feiyang1 / awesome-typed-sass-modules / src / cli.js View on Github external

    // If search directory doesn't exits, exit
    if (!fs.existsSync(searchDir)) {
        console.error(`Error: Input directory ${searchDir} doesn't exist.`));

    // use foward slash. e.g. chokidar only supports glob with forward slashes
    const filesPattern = path.join(searchDir, argv.p).trim().replace(/\\/g, '/');

    const rootDir = process.cwd();

    const creator = new DtsCreator({
        outDir: argv.o,
        camelCase: argv.c,
        dropExtension: argv.d,

    const cache = !!argv.w;

    if (!argv.w) {
        const globOptions = argv.i ? { ignore: argv.i } : null;
        glob(filesPattern, globOptions, (err, pathNames) => {
            if (err) {
            } else if (!pathNames || !pathNames.length) {
github olegstepura / typed-css-modules-loader / index.js View on Github external
this.cacheable && this.cacheable();
  var callback = this.async();

  // Pass on query parameters as an options object to the DtsCreator. This lets
  // you change the default options of the DtsCreator and e.g. use a different
  // output folder.
  var options = loaderUtils.getOptions(this) || {};
  var context = options.context || this.context || this.rootContext;
  var emitFile = !options.noEmit;

  // Make sure to not modify options object directly
  var creatorOptions = Object.assign({}, options);
  delete creatorOptions.noEmit;

  var creator = new DtsCreator(creatorOptions);

  // creator.create(..., source) tells the module to operate on the
  // source variable. Check API for more details.
    .create(this.resourcePath, source)
    .then(content => {
      if (emitFile) {
        // Emit the created content as well
          path.relative(context, content.outputFilePath),
          content.formatted || '',

      return content.writeFile().then(_ => {
github GoogleChromeLabs / proxx / lib / css-module-types.js View on Github external
function newCreator() {
  return new DtsCreator({
    camelCase: true
github dropbox / typed-css-modules-webpack-plugin / src / index.ts View on Github external
constructor({globPattern, postCssPlugins = cssModuleCore.defaultPlugins}: Options) {
    this.globPattern = globPattern;
    if (typeof postCssPlugins === 'function') {
      postCssPlugins = postCssPlugins(cssModuleCore.defaultPlugins);
    this.dtsCreator = new DtsCreator({searchDir: __dirname, loaderPlugins: postCssPlugins});


Creates .d.ts files from CSS Modules .css files

Latest version published 11 months ago

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Popular typed-css-modules functions