How to use the typechecker.isEmptyArray function in typechecker

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few typechecker examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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const result = arrangekeys(
				'description directory entry tags engines'
			if (result.tags) result.tags = Array.from(result.tags.values())
			return result
	} else {
		delete packageData.editions

	// trim empty keys
	for (const key in packageData) {
		if (packageData.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
			const value = packageData[key]
			if (typeChecker.isArray(value) && typeChecker.isEmptyArray(value)) {
				console.log(`trim: array: package.json:${key}`)
				delete packageData[key]
			} else if (
				typeChecker.isPlainObject(value) &&
			) {
				console.log(`trim: empty: package.json:${key}`)
				delete packageData[key]
			} else if (value == null || value === '') {
				console.log(`trim: null|'': package.json:${key}`)
				delete packageData[key]

	// ---------------------------------


Utilities to get and check variable types (isString, isPlainObject, isRegExp, etc)

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