How to use tsc-watch - 7 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few tsc-watch examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github eManPrague / redmine_tracker / config / server.js View on Github external
const server = app.listen(PORT, 'localhost', serverError => {
  if (serverError) {
    return console.error(serverError);

  if (argv['start-hot']) {
    tscWatch.on('first_success', () => {
      console.log('typescript watcher ready, start electron...');
      electronProcess = createHotElectronProcess();

    tscWatch.on('subsequent_success', () => {
      console.log('restarting electron...');
      treeKill(, 'SIGKILL', createHotElectronProcess);

    tscWatch.on('compile_errors', () => {
      console.log('compile main error!!!!!!!!!');

    tscWatch.start('-p', 'app');
github eManPrague / redmine_tracker / config / server.js View on Github external
if (serverError) {
    return console.error(serverError);

  if (argv['start-hot']) {
    tscWatch.on('first_success', () => {
      console.log('typescript watcher ready, start electron...');
      electronProcess = createHotElectronProcess();

    tscWatch.on('subsequent_success', () => {
      console.log('restarting electron...');
      treeKill(, 'SIGKILL', createHotElectronProcess);

    tscWatch.on('compile_errors', () => {
      console.log('compile main error!!!!!!!!!');

    tscWatch.start('-p', 'app');

  console.log(`Listening at http://localhost:${PORT}`);
github eManPrague / redmine_tracker / config / server.js View on Github external
const server = app.listen(PORT, 'localhost', serverError => {
  if (serverError) {
    return console.error(serverError);

  if (argv['start-hot']) {
    tscWatch.on('first_success', () => {
      console.log('typescript watcher ready, start electron...');
      electronProcess = createHotElectronProcess();

    tscWatch.on('subsequent_success', () => {
      console.log('restarting electron...');
      treeKill(, 'SIGKILL', createHotElectronProcess);

    tscWatch.on('compile_errors', () => {
      console.log('compile main error!!!!!!!!!');

    tscWatch.start('-p', 'app');

  console.log(`Listening at http://localhost:${PORT}`);
github eManPrague / redmine_tracker / config / server.js View on Github external
if (argv['start-hot']) {
    tscWatch.on('first_success', () => {
      console.log('typescript watcher ready, start electron...');
      electronProcess = createHotElectronProcess();

    tscWatch.on('subsequent_success', () => {
      console.log('restarting electron...');
      treeKill(, 'SIGKILL', createHotElectronProcess);

    tscWatch.on('compile_errors', () => {
      console.log('compile main error!!!!!!!!!');

    tscWatch.start('-p', 'app');

  console.log(`Listening at http://localhost:${PORT}`);
github hmmhmmhm / dva-engine / bin / core / transform / watch.ts View on Github external
tscProcess.stdout.on('data', buffer => {

    const lines = manipulate(buffer)
    print(false, false, lines)

    let isInit = lines.some(line => line.indexOf('Starting compilation in watch mode') != -1)
        Logger.debug(`D.VA ENGINE v${packageData.version}`)
        Logger.debug(`Please hold while first transpile.. Processing...`)
        Logger.debug(`(First transpile can take a few seconds or minutes...)`)

    const state = detectState(lines)
    const compilationError = state.compilationError
    const compilationComplete = state.compilationComplete

    if (compilationComplete) {
        killProcesses(false).then(() => {
            if (compilationError) {
                Logger.debug(`Failed initialization sequence.`)
            } else {

                if (firstTime) {
                    firstTime = false

                } else {
github hmmhmmhm / dva-engine / bin / core / transform / watch.ts View on Github external
tscProcess.stdout.on('data', buffer => {

    const lines = manipulate(buffer)
    print(false, false, lines)

    let isInit = lines.some(line => line.indexOf('Starting compilation in watch mode') != -1)
        Logger.debug(`D.VA ENGINE v${packageData.version}`)
        Logger.debug(`Please hold while first transpile.. Processing...`)
        Logger.debug(`(First transpile can take a few seconds or minutes...)`)

    const state = detectState(lines)
    const compilationError = state.compilationError
    const compilationComplete = state.compilationComplete

    if (compilationComplete) {
        killProcesses(false).then(() => {
            if (compilationError) {
github hmmhmmhm / dva-engine / bin / core / transform / watch.ts View on Github external
tscProcess.stdout.on('data', buffer => {

    const lines = manipulate(buffer)
    print(false, false, lines)

    let isInit = lines.some(line => line.indexOf('Starting compilation in watch mode') != -1)
        Logger.debug(`D.VA ENGINE v${packageData.version}`)
        Logger.debug(`Please hold while first transpile.. Processing...`)
        Logger.debug(`(First transpile can take a few seconds or minutes...)`)

    const state = detectState(lines)
    const compilationError = state.compilationError
    const compilationComplete = state.compilationComplete

    if (compilationComplete) {
        killProcesses(false).then(() => {
            if (compilationError) {
                Logger.debug(`Failed initialization sequence.`)


The TypeScript compiler with onSuccess command

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