How to use ts-transformer-keys - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ts-transformer-keys examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github coveo / react-vapor / packages / react-vapor / src / components / subNavigation / SubNavigation.tsx View on Github external
onDestroy?: () => void;
    onClickItem?: (id: string) => void;

export interface ISubNavigationItem {
    id: string;
    label: React.ReactNode;
    link?: string;

export interface ISubNavigationProps
    extends ISubNavigationOwnProps,
        ISubNavigationDispatchProps {}

const ISubNavigationPropsToOmit = keys();

export class SubNavigation extends React.PureComponent> {
    componentWillMount() {

    componentWillUnmount() {

    render() {
        const selected = this.props.selected || this.props.defaultSelected;
        const navProps = omit(this.props, ISubNavigationPropsToOmit);
        const items = map(this.props.items, ({id, link, label}: ISubNavigationItem) => (
            <li id="==">
github coveo / react-vapor / packages / react-vapor / src / components / numericInput / NumericInputConnected.tsx View on Github external
const decrementEnabled =
            _.isUndefined(this.props.min) || _.isNaN(valueAsNumber) || valueAsNumber &gt; this.props.min;
        return (
                    <button type="button">
                                        _.isNumber(this.props.maxLength) &amp;&amp; this.props.maxLength &gt; 0,
github coveo / react-vapor / src / components / select / MultiSelectConnected.tsx View on Github external
export interface IMultiSelectStateProps {
    selected?: string[];

export interface IMultiSelectDispatchProps {
    onRemoveClick?: (item: IItemBoxProps) =&gt; void;
    onRemoveAll?: () =&gt; void;
    onReorder?: (values: string[]) =&gt; void;

export interface IMultiSelectProps extends
    IMultiSelectDispatchProps {}

const selectPropsKeys = keys();

const makeMapStateToProps = () =&gt; {
    const getStateProps = createStructuredSelector({
        selected: SelectSelector.getMultiSelectSelectedValues,

    return (state: IReactVaporState, ownProps: IMultiSelectOwnProps): IMultiSelectStateProps =&gt;
        getStateProps(state, ownProps);

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch: IDispatch, ownProps: IMultiSelectOwnProps): IMultiSelectDispatchProps =&gt; ({
    onRemoveClick: (item: IItemBoxProps) =&gt; dispatch(unselectListBoxOption(, item.value)),
    onRemoveAll: () =&gt; dispatch(clearListBoxOption(,
    onReorder: (values: string[]) =&gt; dispatch(reorderListBoxOption(, values)),
github coveo / react-vapor / packages / react-vapor / src / components / select / MultiSelectConnected.tsx View on Github external
multiSelectStyle?: React.CSSProperties;

export interface IMultiSelectStateProps {
    selected?: string[];

export interface IMultiSelectDispatchProps {
    onRemoveClick?: (item: IItemBoxProps) =&gt; void;
    onRemoveAll?: () =&gt; void;
    onReorder?: (values: string[]) =&gt; void;

export interface IMultiSelectProps extends IMultiSelectOwnProps, IMultiSelectStateProps, IMultiSelectDispatchProps {}

const selectPropsKeys = keys();

const makeMapStateToProps = () =&gt; {
    const getStateProps = createStructuredSelector({
        selected: SelectSelector.getMultiSelectSelectedValues,

    return (state: IReactVaporState, ownProps: IMultiSelectOwnProps): IMultiSelectStateProps =&gt;
        getStateProps(state, ownProps);

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch: IDispatch, ownProps: IMultiSelectOwnProps): IMultiSelectDispatchProps =&gt; ({
    onRemoveClick: (item: IItemBoxProps) =&gt; dispatch(unselectListBoxOption(, item.value)),
    onRemoveAll: () =&gt; dispatch(clearListBoxOption(,
    onReorder: (values: string[]) =&gt; dispatch(reorderListBoxOption(, values)),
github coveo / react-vapor / src / components / table-hoc / TableWithPredicate.tsx View on Github external
export interface ITableWithPredicateConfig {
    id: string;
    values: IItemBoxProps[];
    prepend?: React.ReactNode;
    matchPredicate?: (predicate: string, datum: any) =&gt; boolean;
    isServer?: boolean;

export interface ITableWithPredicateStateProps {
    predicate: string;

export interface ITableWithPredicateProps extends Partial,
    ITableHOCOwnProps {}

const TableWithPredicatePropsToOmit = keys();

const defaultMatchPredicate = (predicate: string, datum: any) =&gt; !predicate || _.some(_.values(datum), (value: string) =&gt; value === predicate);

type TableWithPredicateComponent = React.ComponentClass;

export const tableWithPredicate = (supplier: ConfigSupplier) =&gt; (Component: TableWithPredicateComponent): TableWithPredicateComponent =&gt; {

    const mapStateToProps = (state: IReactVaporState, ownProps: ITableWithPredicateProps): ITableWithPredicateStateProps | ITableHOCOwnProps =&gt; {
        const config = HocUtils.supplyConfig(supplier);
        const predicate = SelectSelector.getListBoxSelected(state, {id: TableHOCUtils.getPredicateId(,})[0];
        const matchPredicate = config.matchPredicate || defaultMatchPredicate;
        const predicateData = () =&gt; !config.isServer &amp;&amp; predicate
            ? _.filter(, (datum: any) =&gt; matchPredicate(predicate, datum))
        return {
            predicate: predicate,
github coveo / react-vapor / packages / react-vapor / src / components / table-hoc / TableWithPagination.tsx View on Github external
pageNb: number;
    perPage: number;

export interface ITableWithPaginationDispatchProps {
    onMount: () =&gt; void;
    onUnmount: () =&gt; void;

export interface ITableWithPaginationProps
    extends Partial,
        WithServerSideProcessingProps {}

const TableWithPaginationProps = keys();

const sliceData = (data: any[], startingIndex: number, endingIndex: number) =&gt; data.slice(startingIndex, endingIndex);

export const tableWithPagination = (supplier: ConfigSupplier = {}) =&gt; (
    Component: React.ComponentType
): React.ComponentClass&gt; =&gt; {
    const config = HocUtils.supplyConfig(supplier);
    const mapStateToProps = (
        state: IReactVaporState,
        ownProps: ITableWithPaginationProps
    ): ITableWithPaginationStateProps | ITableHOCOwnProps =&gt; {
        const pageNb = NavigationSelectors.getPaginationPage(state, {id: TableHOCUtils.getPaginationId(});
        const perPage = NavigationSelectors.getPerPage(state, {id:});
        const isServer = ownProps.isServer || config.isServer;
        const length = TableSelectors.getDataCount(state, {
github coveo / react-vapor / packages / react-vapor / src / components / table-hoc / TableRowConnected.tsx View on Github external
tableId: string;
    actions?: IActionOptions[];
    isMultiselect?: boolean;
    collapsible?: CollapsibleRowProps;
    disabled?: boolean;

export type ITableRowStateProps = ReturnType;
export type ITableRowDispatchProps = ReturnType;

export interface ITableRowConnectedProps
    extends ITableRowOwnProps,
        Partial {}

const TableRowPropsToOmit = keys();

const isCollapsible = (props: ITableRowOwnProps): boolean =&gt;
    props.collapsible &amp;&amp; (React.isValidElement(props.collapsible.content) || _.isString(props.collapsible.content));

const mapStateToProps = (state: IReactVaporState, ownProps: ITableRowOwnProps) =&gt; {
    const {selected, opened} = TableSelectors.getTableRow(state, {id:}) || {selected: false, opened: false};
    return {

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch: IDispatch, ownProps: ITableRowOwnProps) =&gt; {
    const refreshActionBarActions = (isMulti: boolean) =&gt; {
        if (!_.isEmpty(ownProps.actions)) {
            dispatch(addActionsToActionBar(ownProps.tableId, ownProps.actions));
github coveo / react-vapor / packages / react-vapor / src / components / table-hoc / TableWithDatePicker.tsx View on Github external
export interface ITableWithDatePickerStateProps {
    lowerLimit: Date;
    upperLimit: Date;

export interface ITableWithFilterDispatchProps {
    onRender: () =&gt; void;

export interface ITableWithDatePickerProps
    extends Partial,
        WithServerSideProcessingProps {}

const TableWithFilterPropsToOmit = keys();

export type FilterableTableComponent = React.ComponentClass;

const defaultMatchDates = () =&gt; true;

export const tableWithDatePicker = (supplier: ConfigSupplier = {}) =&gt; (
    Component: FilterableTableComponent
): FilterableTableComponent =&gt; {
    const config = HocUtils.supplyConfig(supplier);

    const mapStateToProps = (
        state: IReactVaporState,
        ownProps: ITableWithDatePickerProps
    ): ITableWithDatePickerStateProps | ITableHOCOwnProps =&gt; {
        const [lowerLimit, upperLimit] = DatePickerSelectors.getDatePickerLimits(state, {id:});
        const matchDates = config.matchDates || defaultMatchDates;
github coveo / react-vapor / src / components / table-hoc / TableRowConnected.tsx View on Github external

export interface ITableRowDispatchProps {
    onMount: () =&gt; void;
    onUnmount: () =&gt; void;
    onClick: (isMulti: boolean, isOpened: boolean) =&gt; void;
    onUpdateToCollapsibleRow: () =&gt; void;
    onActionBarActionsChanged: () =&gt; void;

export interface ITableRowConnectedProps extends
    Partial {}

const TableRowPropsToOmit = keys();

const isCollapsible = (props: ITableRowOwnProps): boolean =&gt; props.collapsible
    &amp;&amp; (React.isValidElement(props.collapsible.content) || _.isString(props.collapsible.content));

const mapStateToProps = (state: IReactVaporState, ownProps: ITableRowOwnProps) =&gt; {
    const {selected, opened} = TableSelectors.getTableRow(state, {id:}) || {selected: false, opened: false};
    return {

const mapDispatchToProps = (
    dispatch: IDispatch,
    ownProps: ITableRowOwnProps,
): ITableRowDispatchProps =&gt; {
github coveo / react-vapor / packages / react-vapor / src / components / table-hoc / TableWithBlankSlate.tsx View on Github external
import * as _ from 'underscore';

import {IReactVaporState} from '../../ReactVapor';
import {ConfigSupplier, HocUtils} from '../../utils/HocUtils';
import {ReduxConnect} from '../../utils/ReduxUtils';
import {BlankSlate, IBlankSlateProps} from '../blankSlate/BlankSlate';
import {ITableHOCOwnProps} from './TableHOC';
import {TableSelectors} from './TableSelectors';

export interface ITableWithBlankSlateStateProps {
    isEmpty: boolean;

export interface ITableWithBlankSlateProps extends Partial {}

const TableWithBlankSlatePropsToOmit = keys();

export const tableWithBlankSlate = (supplier: ConfigSupplier = {}) =&gt; (
    Component: React.ComponentClass
): React.ComponentClass&gt; =&gt; {
    const mapStateToProps = (
        state: IReactVaporState,
        ownProps: ITableHOCOwnProps
    ): ITableWithBlankSlateStateProps | ITableHOCOwnProps =&gt; {
        const isEmpty = TableSelectors.getIsEmpty(state, ownProps);
        return {
            data: isEmpty ? null :,



A TypeScript custom transformer which enables to obtain keys of given type.

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