How to use the ts-md5/dist/md5.Md5.hashAsciiStr function in ts-md5

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github moodlehq / moodlemobile2 / src / addon / messages / pages / discussion / discussion.ts View on Github external
protected addMessage(message: any, keep: boolean = true): void {
        /* Create a hash to identify the message. The text of online messages isn't reliable because it can have random data
           like VideoJS ID. Try to use id and fallback to text for offline messages. */
        message.hash = Md5.hashAsciiStr(String( || message.text || '')) + '#' + message.timecreated + '#' +

        if (typeof this.keepMessageMap[message.hash] === 'undefined') {
            // Message not added to the list. Add it now.
        // Message needs to be kept in the list.
        this.keepMessageMap[message.hash] = keep;


TypeScript MD5 implementation

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