How to use troika-animation - 6 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few troika-animation examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github protectwise / troika / packages / troika-core / src / facade / Animatable.js View on Github external
// Build a MultiTween with tweens for each keyframe+property
              let keyframePropTweens = []
              for (let j = 1, len = keyframes.length; j < len; j++) {
                let keyframe = keyframes[j]
                let props = keyframe.props
                for (let prop in props) {
                  if (props.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                    let prevKeyframe = null
                    for (let k = j; k--;) {
                      if (prop in keyframes[k].props) {
                        prevKeyframe = keyframes[k]
                    if (prevKeyframe) {
                      let propTween = new Tween(
                        this[prop + '➤anim:actuallySet'].bind(this), //callback
                        prevKeyframe.props[prop], //fromValue
                        props[prop], //toValue
                        (keyframe.time - prevKeyframe.time) * duration, //duration
                        prevKeyframe.time * duration, //delay
                        'linear', //easing
                        1, //iterations
                        'forward', //direction
                        animDesc.interpolate && animDesc.interpolate[prop] || 'number'
                      propTween.$$property = prop
github protectwise / troika / packages / troika-core / src / facade / Animatable.js View on Github external
// If there's no active transition tween, or the new value is different than the active tween's
            // target value, initiate a new transition tween. Otherwise ignore it.
            let tween = this[activeTweenKey]
            let needsNewTween = false
            if (tween) {
              // Active tween - start new one if new value is different than the old tween's target value
              if (value !== tween.toValue) {
                needsNewTween = true
            } else if (value !== this[propName]) {
              // No active tween - only start one if the value is changing
              needsNewTween = true
            if (needsNewTween) {
              tween = this[activeTweenKey] = new Tween(
                actuallySet.bind(this), //callback
                this[propName], //fromValue
                value, //toValue
                transition.duration || DEFAULT_DURATION, //duration
                transition.delay || 0, //delay
                transition.easing || DEFAULT_EASING, //easing
                1, //iterations
                'forward', //direction
                transition.interpolate || 'number' //interpolate

          // No animation or transition will be started; set the value.
github protectwise / troika / packages / troika-xr / src / facade / WorldXRFacade.js View on Github external
afterUpdate() {
    // Disable pointer events on the onscreen canvas when in an immersive XR session


    const {xrSession, _threeRenderer:renderer} = this

    const prevXrSession = _xrSessions.get(this)
    if (xrSession !== prevXrSession) {
      _xrSessions.set(this, xrSession)
      this.renderingScheduler = xrSession || window
      setAnimationScheduler(xrSession || window)
      if (xrSession) {
        let baseLayer = xrSession.renderState.baseLayer
        const gl = renderer.getContext()

        // If the session has an existing valid XRWebGLLayer, just grab its framebuffer.
        // Otherwise, create a new XRWebGLLayer
        if (baseLayer && baseLayer._glContext === gl) {
        } else {
          const promise = gl.makeXRCompatible ? gl.makeXRCompatible() : Promise.resolve() //not always implemented?
          promise.then(() => {
            if (this.xrSession === xrSession) {
              baseLayer = new XRWebGLLayer(xrSession, gl, {
                antialias: !!renderer.getContextAttributes().antialias
              baseLayer._glContext = gl
github protectwise / troika / packages / troika-xr / src / webvr-deprecated / facade / WorldVrFacade.js View on Github external
afterUpdate() {
    // Disable pointer events on the onscreen canvas when in VR
    const vrDisplay = this._isInVR() ? this.vrDisplay : null

    // Update the animation scheduler
    if (vrDisplay !== this._lastVrDisplay) {
      this._lastVrDisplay = vrDisplay
      this.renderingScheduler = vrDisplay || window
      setAnimationScheduler(vrDisplay || window)

github protectwise / troika / packages / troika-core / src / facade / Animatable.js View on Github external
prevKeyframe.props[prop], //fromValue
                        props[prop], //toValue
                        (keyframe.time - prevKeyframe.time) * duration, //duration
                        prevKeyframe.time * duration, //delay
                        'linear', //easing
                        1, //iterations
                        'forward', //direction
                        animDesc.interpolate && animDesc.interpolate[prop] || 'number'
                      propTween.$$property = prop
              let tween = newAnimTweens[animId] = new MultiTween(keyframePropTweens, duration, delay, easing, iterations, direction)
              if (!animDesc.paused) {

              // The tween runner won't do anything until next tick, so immediately sync to the first frame's
              // properties if the animation has no delay to avoid a flash of bad initial state
              if (delay === 0) {
                let firstKeyframeProps = keyframes[0].props
                for (let prop in firstKeyframeProps) {
                  if (firstKeyframeProps.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                    this[prop + '➤anim:actuallySet'](firstKeyframeProps[prop])
github protectwise / troika / packages / troika-core / src / facade / Animatable.js View on Github external
constructor(...args) {

      // Create root runner for all this object's animation and transition tweens
      this.animation$runner = new Runner()
      this.animation$runner.onTick = () => {


Troika Animation Utilities

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