How to use the trezor-connect.ethereumSignTransaction function in trezor-connect

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github MyCryptoHQ / MyCrypto / common / v2 / services / WalletService / deterministic / trezor.ts View on Github external
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const { chainId, ...strTx } = getTransactionFields(tx);
      // stripHexPrefixAndLower identical to ethFuncs.getNakedAddress
      const cleanedTx = mapValues(mapValues(strTx, stripHexPrefixAndLower), padLeftEven);
        path: this.getPath(),
        transaction: {
          nonce: cleanedTx.nonce,
          gasPrice: cleanedTx.gasPrice,
          gasLimit: cleanedTx.gasLimit,
          value: cleanedTx.value,
      }).then((res: any) => {
        if (!res.success) {
          return reject(Error(res.error));
        // check the returned signature_v and recalc signature_v if it needed
        // see also
github joincivil / Civil / packages / utils / src / web3 / trezor.ts View on Github external
async signTransaction(txData: any, cb: (err: any, res?: any) => any): Promise {
      const transaction = {
        to: toTrezorHex(,
        value: toTrezorHex(txData.value),
        data: toTrezorHex(,
        chainId: parseInt(network, 16),
        gasLimit: toTrezorHex(txData.gas),
        gasPrice: toTrezorHex(txData.gasPrice),

      try {
        const { v, s, r } = await TrezorConnect.ethereumSignTransaction({

        const res = {
          value: txData.value || "0x00",
          data: addHexPrefix(,
          gasPrice: parseInt(txData.gasPrice, 16),
          nonce: parseInt(txData.nonce, 16),
          gasLimit: txData.gas,
          s: "0x" + s,
          r: "0x" + r,

        const tx = new EthereumTx(res);
github MyEtherWallet / MyEtherWallet / src / wallets / hardware / trezor / index.js View on Github external
const txSigner = async tx => {
      const locTx = Object.assign({}, tx);
      locTx['chainId'] = new BigNumber(tx['chainId']).toNumber();
      tx = new Transaction(locTx, {
        common: commonGenerator(
      const networkId = tx.getChainId();
      const options = {
        path: this.basePath + '/' + idx,
        transaction: getHexTxObject(tx)
      const result = await Trezor.ethereumSignTransaction(options);
      if (!result.success) throw new Error(result.payload.error);
      tx.v = getBufferFromHex(result.payload.v);
      tx.r = getBufferFromHex(result.payload.r);
      tx.s = getBufferFromHex(result.payload.s);
      const signedChainId = calculateChainIdFromV(tx.v);
      if (signedChainId !== networkId)
        throw new Error(
          'Invalid networkId signature returned. Expected: ' +
            networkId +
            ', Got: ' +
      return getSignTransactionObject(tx);
    const msgSigner = async msg => {
github Synthetixio / synthetix-js / lib / signers / trezorSigner.js View on Github external
async sign(transaction) {
    if (transaction.value) {
      transaction.value = transaction.value.toHexString();
    transaction.gasPrice = utils.hexlify(transaction.gasPrice);
    if (!transaction.chainId) {
      transaction.chainId = this.chainId;
    const tx = new EthereumTx(transaction);
    const txFields = getTransactionFields(tx);
    const signature = await TrezorConnect.ethereumSignTransaction({
      transaction: txFields,
      path: this.derivationPath + this.addressIndex,
    const txToSerialize = {
    return '0x' + new EthereumTx(txToSerialize).serialize().toString('hex');
github MyEtherWallet / MyEtherWallet / src / wallets / hardware / trezor / index.js View on Github external
const txSigner = async tx => {
      tx = new Transaction(tx, {
        common: commonGenerator(
      const networkId = tx.getChainId();
      const options = {
        path: this.basePath + '/' + idx,
        transaction: getHexTxObject(tx)
      const result = await Trezor.ethereumSignTransaction(options);
      if (!result.success) throw new Error(result.payload.error);
      tx.v = getBufferFromHex(result.payload.v);
      tx.r = getBufferFromHex(result.payload.r);
      tx.s = getBufferFromHex(result.payload.s);
      const signedChainId = calculateChainIdFromV(tx.v);
      if (signedChainId !== networkId)
        throw new Error(
          'Invalid networkId signature returned. Expected: ' +
            networkId +
            ', Got: ' +
      return getSignTransactionObject(tx);
    const msgSigner = async msg => {
github AugurProject / augur / packages / augur-ui / src / modules / auth / helpers / trezor-signer.ts View on Github external
sign = async (transaction: TransactionRequest) => {

    const tx = await buildTransaction(transaction, this.address, this.provider);

    const result = await TrezorConnect.ethereumSignTransaction({
      path: this.path,
      transaction: tx,

    if (result.success) {
      const sig = {
        v: parseInt(result.payload.v.substring(2), 16),
        r: result.payload.r,
        s: result.payload.s,

      return utils.serializeTransaction(tx, sig);

github AdExNetwork / adex-platform / src / services / smart-contracts / signers / trezor.js View on Github external
signTx = async params => {
		const txProps = await utils.resolveProperties(params)

		txProps.value = txProps.value || utils.hexlify(0)

		const { success, payload } = await TrezorConnect.ethereumSignTransaction({
			path: this.path,
			transaction: txProps,

		if (success) {
			const signature = {
				r: payload.r,
				s: payload.s,
				v: parseInt(payload.v),

			const txSigned = utils.serializeTransaction(txProps, signature)

			return txSigned
		} else {
			throw new Error(payload.error)
github urbit / bridge / src / lib / trezor.js View on Github external
const trezorSignTransaction = async (txn, hdpath) => {
  const trezorFormattedTxn = {
    value: txn.value.toString('hex'),
    gasLimit: txn.gasLimit.toString('hex'),
    gasPrice: txn.gasPrice.toString('hex'),
    nonce: txn.nonce.length === 0 ? '00' : txn.nonce.toString('hex'),
    chainId: formatChainId(txn.getChainId()),

  const sig = await TrezorConnect.ethereumSignTransaction({
    path: hdpath,
    transaction: trezorFormattedTxn,

  if (!sig.success) {
    throw new Error(sig.payload.error);

  const payload = sig.payload;

  txn.v = Buffer.from(payload.v.slice(2), 'hex');
  txn.r = Buffer.from(payload.r.slice(2), 'hex');
  txn.s = Buffer.from(payload.s.slice(2), 'hex');

  return txn;