Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
this.root.gpmHandler.on( 'mouse' , ( name , data ) => {
self.root.emit( 'mouse' , name , data ) ;
} ) ;
this.root.gpmHandler.on( 'error' , ( /* error */ ) => {
//console.log( 'mouseDrag error:' , error ) ;
} ) ;
/* Key Mapping */
var keymap = tree.extend( null , Object.create( xterm.keymap ) , {
F1: '\x1b[[A' ,
F2: '\x1b[[B' ,
F3: '\x1b[[C' ,
F4: '\x1b[[D' ,
F5: '\x1b[[E' ,
SHIFT_F1: '\x1b[25~' ,
SHIFT_F2: '\x1b[26~' ,
SHIFT_F3: '\x1b[28~' ,
SHIFT_F4: '\x1b[29~' ,
SHIFT_F5: '\x1b[31~' ,
SHIFT_F6: '\x1b[32~' ,
SHIFT_F7: '\x1b[33~' ,
SHIFT_F8: '\x1b[34~' ,
// SHIFT F9-F12 is not supported by the Linux console jobContext , job , jobContext.callback ) ;
else if ( typeof job === 'function' )
if ( this.waterfallMode && indexOfKey > 0 )
// remove the first, error arg if waterfallTransmitError is false
//console.log( index , key , execContext.results ) ;
args = execContext.results[ execContext.jobsKeys[ indexOfKey - 1 ] ].slice( this.waterfallTransmitError ? 0 : 1 ) ;
args.push( jobContext.callback ) ;
job.apply( jobContext , args ) ;
else if ( Array.isArray( this.jobsUsing ) || this.execMappingMaxInputs )
if ( Array.isArray( this.jobsUsing ) ) { args = treeExtend( null , [] , this.jobsUsing , execContext.execInputs ) ; }
else { args = treeExtend( null , [] , execContext.execInputs ) ; }
args.push( jobContext.callback ) ;
job.apply( jobContext , args ) ;
{ jobContext , jobContext.callback ) ;
else if ( Array.isArray( job ) && typeof job[ 0 ] === 'function' )
args = job.slice( 1 ) ;
args.push( jobContext.callback ) ;
job[ 0 ].apply( jobContext , args ) ;
} jobContext , job , jobContext.callback ) ;
else if ( typeof job === 'function' )
if ( this.waterfallMode && indexOfKey > 0 )
// remove the first, error arg if waterfallTransmitError is false
//console.log( index , key , execContext.results ) ;
args = execContext.results[ execContext.jobsKeys[ indexOfKey - 1 ] ].slice( this.waterfallTransmitError ? 0 : 1 ) ;
args.push( jobContext.callback ) ;
job.apply( jobContext , args ) ;
else if ( Array.isArray( this.jobsUsing ) || this.execMappingMaxInputs )
if ( Array.isArray( this.jobsUsing ) ) { args = treeExtend( null , [] , this.jobsUsing , execContext.execInputs ) ; }
else { args = treeExtend( null , [] , execContext.execInputs ) ; }
args.push( jobContext.callback ) ;
job.apply( jobContext , args ) ;
{ jobContext , jobContext.callback ) ;
else if ( Array.isArray( job ) && typeof job[ 0 ] === 'function' )
args = job.slice( 1 ) ;
args.push( jobContext.callback ) ;
job[ 0 ].apply( jobContext , args ) ;
else if ( typeof job === 'function' )
if ( this.waterfallMode && indexOfKey > 0 )
// remove the first, error arg if waterfallTransmitError is false
//console.log( index , key , execContext.results ) ;
args = execContext.results[ execContext.jobsKeys[ indexOfKey - 1 ] ].slice( this.waterfallTransmitError ? 0 : 1 ) ;
args.push( jobContext.callback ) ;
job.apply( jobContext , args ) ;
else if ( Array.isArray( this.jobsUsing ) || this.execMappingMaxInputs )
if ( Array.isArray( this.jobsUsing ) ) { args = treeExtend( null , [] , this.jobsUsing , execContext.execInputs ) ; }
else { args = treeExtend( null , [] , execContext.execInputs ) ; }
args.push( jobContext.callback ) ;
job.apply( jobContext , args ) ;
{ jobContext , jobContext.callback ) ;
else if ( Array.isArray( job ) && typeof job[ 0 ] === 'function' )
args = job.slice( 1 ) ;
args.push( jobContext.callback ) ;
job[ 0 ].apply( jobContext , args ) ;
else if ( typeof job === 'object' && job instanceof async.Plan )
else if ( typeof job === 'function' )
if ( this.waterfallMode && indexOfKey > 0 )
// remove the first, error arg if waterfallTransmitError is false
//console.log( index , key , execContext.results ) ;
args = execContext.results[ execContext.jobsKeys[ indexOfKey - 1 ] ].slice( this.waterfallTransmitError ? 0 : 1 ) ;
args.push( jobContext.callback ) ;
job.apply( jobContext , args ) ;
else if ( Array.isArray( this.jobsUsing ) || this.execMappingMaxInputs )
if ( Array.isArray( this.jobsUsing ) ) { args = treeExtend( null , [] , this.jobsUsing , execContext.execInputs ) ; }
else { args = treeExtend( null , [] , execContext.execInputs ) ; }
args.push( jobContext.callback ) ;
job.apply( jobContext , args ) ;
{ jobContext , jobContext.callback ) ;
else if ( Array.isArray( job ) && typeof job[ 0 ] === 'function' )
args = job.slice( 1 ) ;
args.push( jobContext.callback ) ;
job[ 0 ].apply( jobContext , args ) ;
else if ( typeof job === 'object' && job instanceof async.Plan )
configPath = paths.configDir + paths.configFile ;
if ( options.baseDir && ! options.baseDir.some( e => configPath.startsWith( e ) ) ) {
throw new Error( 'Cannot load config file, path denied by baseDir option: ' + configPath_ ) ;
//console.log( '\n### Trying:' , configPath , "\n" ) ;
// Search the cache
if ( options.fileObjectMap.has( configPath ) ) {
// Found in the cache, exit now!
required = options.fileObjectMap.get( configPath ) ;
config = required instanceof kungFig.kfgCommon.KFG ? : required ;
if ( innerPath ) { config = tree.path.get( config , innerPath ) ; }
return config ;
try {
config = required = await this.requireAsync( configPath , paths.configExt , options ) ;
catch ( error_ ) {
if ( error_.metaTagsOnly ) { throw error_ ; }
error = new Error( 'Cannot load config file: ' + configPath + ' (' + error_ + ')' ) ;
error.from = error_ ;
error.badContent = error_.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' ;
error.code = error_.code ;
throw error ;
if ( ! streams.output ) {
this.displayBody( body , incomingMessage ) ;
this.displayTrailer( incomingMessage ) ;
term.dim.magenta( '[Received ' + ( body ? utils.byteString( body.length ) + ' ' : '' ) + 'in ' + this.lastResponse.time + 'ms]\n' ) ;
// Various stuff
switch ( incomingMessage.status ) {
case 200 :
case 201 :
// Add a new entry to pathCompletion
pathArray = ( query.hostname + ':' + query.port + query.pathname ).split( '/' ) ;
if ( pathArray[ pathArray.length - 1 ] === '' ) { pathArray.pop() ; }
tree.path.define( this.pathCompletion , pathArray , true ) ;
break ;
case 404 :
// Remove the entry from pathCompletion
pathArray = ( query.hostname + ':' + query.port + query.pathname ).split( '/' ) ;
if ( pathArray[ pathArray.length - 1 ] === '' ) { pathArray.pop() ; }
tree.path.delete( this.pathCompletion , pathArray ) ;
break ;
// Handle redirections
if ( incomingMessage.headers && incomingMessage.headers.location ) {
switch ( incomingMessage.status ) {
case 301 :
case 307 :
case 308 :
command = { outputFile: command.outputFile , inputFile: command.inputFile } ;
if ( ! streams.output ) {
this.displayBody( query , body , incomingMessage ) ;
this.displayTrailer( query , incomingMessage ) ;
term.dim.magenta( '[Received ' + ( body ? this.byteString( body.length ) + ' ' : '' ) + 'in ' + this.lastResponse.time + 'ms]\n' ) ;
// Various stuff
switch ( incomingMessage.status ) {
case 200 :
case 201 :
// Add a new entry to pathCompletion
pathArray = ( query.hostname + ':' + query.port + query.pathname ).split( '/' ) ;
if ( pathArray[ pathArray.length - 1 ] === '' ) { pathArray.pop() ; }
tree.path.define( pathCompletion , pathArray , true ) ;
break ;
case 404 :
// Remove the entry from pathCompletion
pathArray = ( query.hostname + ':' + query.port + query.pathname ).split( '/' ) ;
if ( pathArray[ pathArray.length - 1 ] === '' ) { pathArray.pop() ; }
tree.path.delete( pathCompletion , pathArray ) ;
break ;
// Handle redirections
if ( incomingMessage.headers && incomingMessage.headers.location ) {
switch ( incomingMessage.status ) {
case 301 :
case 307 :
case 308 :
command = { shellConfig: query.shellConfig } ;
var eterm = require( './eterm.js' ) ;
var esc = tree.extend( { own: true } , Object.create( xterm256.esc ) , eterm.esc , {
color24bits: { on: '%D%D%D' , na: true } , // not capable
bgColor24bits: { on: '%D%D%D' , na: true } // not capable
} ) ;
// So far, we derivate from xterm-256color and then just add specific things (owned properties)
// of Eterm, thus we achieve a clean inheritance model without duplicated code.
module.exports = {
esc: esc ,
keymap: tree.extend( { own: true } , Object.create( xterm256.keymap ) , eterm.keymap ) ,
handler: tree.extend( { own: true } , Object.create( xterm256.handler ) , eterm.handler ) ,
support: {
deltaEscapeSequence: true ,
"256colors": true ,
"24bitsColors": false , // DEPRECATED
"trueColor": false
} ,
colorRegister: eterm.colorRegister
} ;
"use strict" ;
var tree = require( 'tree-kit' ) ;
var xterm256 = require( './xterm-256color.js' ) ;
var gnome = require( './gnome.js' ) ;
// Remove colors
var defaultColor = '\x1b[39m' ; // back to the default color, most of time it is the same than .white
var bgDefaultColor = '\x1b[49m' ; // back to the default color, most of time it is the same than .bgBlack
var esc = tree.extend( { own: true } , Object.create( xterm256.esc ) , gnome.esc , {
color24bits: { on: '\x1b[38;2;%u;%u;%um' , off: defaultColor , optimized: ( r , g , b ) => '\x1b[38;2;' + r + ';' + g + ';' + b + 'm' } ,
bgColor24bits: { on: '\x1b[48;2;%u;%u;%um' , off: bgDefaultColor , optimized: ( r , g , b ) => '\x1b[48;2;' + r + ';' + g + ';' + b + 'm' }
} ) ;
// So far, we derivate from xterm-256color and then just add specific things (owned properties)
// of gnome, thus we achieve a clean inheritance model without duplicated code.
module.exports = {
esc: esc ,
keymap: tree.extend( { own: true } , Object.create( xterm256.keymap ) , gnome.keymap ) ,
handler: tree.extend( { own: true } , Object.create( xterm256.handler ) , gnome.handler ) ,
support: {
deltaEscapeSequence: true ,
"256colors": true ,