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if (focal) focal = Matrix.applyToPoint(matrix, focal);
} else {
const dot = (a, b) => (a.x * b.x) + (a.y * b.y);
const multiply = (coefficient, v) => ({x: coefficient * v.x, y: coefficient * v.y});
const add = (a, b) => ({x: a.x + b.x, y: a.y + b.y});
const subtract = (a, b) => ({x: a.x - b.x, y: a.y - b.y});
// The line through origin and gradientPerpendicular is the line at which the gradient starts
let gradientPerpendicular = Math.abs(origin.x - destination.x) < 1e-8 ?
add(origin, {x: 1, y: (origin.x - destination.x) / (destination.y - origin.y)}) :
add(origin, {x: (destination.y - origin.y) / (origin.x - destination.x), y: 1});
// Transform points
gradientPerpendicular = Matrix.applyToPoint(matrix, gradientPerpendicular);
origin = Matrix.applyToPoint(matrix, origin);
destination = Matrix.applyToPoint(matrix, destination);
// Calculate the direction that the gradient has changed to
const originToPerpendicular = subtract(gradientPerpendicular, origin);
const originToDestination = subtract(destination, origin);
const gradientDirection = Math.abs(originToPerpendicular.x) < 1e-8 ?
{x: 1, y: -originToPerpendicular.x / originToPerpendicular.y} :
{x: -originToPerpendicular.y / originToPerpendicular.x, y: 1};
// Set the destination so that the gradient moves in the correct direction, by projecting the destination vector
// onto the gradient direction vector
const projectionCoeff = dot(originToDestination, gradientDirection) / dot(gradientDirection, gradientDirection);
const projection = multiply(projectionCoeff, gradientDirection);
destination = {x: origin.x + projection.x, y: origin.y + projection.y};
// Put values back into svg
return null;
return stops[stops.length - 1].attributes['stop-color'].value;
// Transform points
// Emulate SVG's gradientUnits="objectBoundingBox"
if (scaleToBounds) {
const boundsMatrix = Matrix.compose(Matrix.translate(bbox.x, bbox.y), Matrix.scale(bbox.width, bbox.height));
origin = Matrix.applyToPoint(boundsMatrix, origin);
if (destination) destination = Matrix.applyToPoint(boundsMatrix, destination);
if (radius) {
radius = _quadraticMean(bbox.width, bbox.height) * radius;
if (focal) focal = Matrix.applyToPoint(boundsMatrix, focal);
if (radial) {
origin = Matrix.applyToPoint(matrix, origin);
const matrixScale = _getScaleFactor(matrix);
radius = _quadraticMean(matrixScale.x, matrixScale.y) * radius;
if (focal) focal = Matrix.applyToPoint(matrix, focal);
} else {
const dot = (a, b) => (a.x * b.x) + (a.y * b.y);
const multiply = (coefficient, v) => ({x: coefficient * v.x, y: coefficient * v.y});
const add = (a, b) => ({x: a.x + b.x, y: a.y + b.y});
const subtract = (a, b) => ({x: a.x - b.x, y: a.y - b.y});
// The line through origin and gradientPerpendicular is the line at which the gradient starts
let gradientPerpendicular = Math.abs(origin.x - destination.x) < 1e-8 ?
add(origin, {x: 1, y: (origin.x - destination.x) / (destination.y - origin.y)}) :
} else {
toCrop = toCrop.rotateLeft();
angle -= 90;
regionTransform = transform(translate(0, toCrop.height), rotateDEG(-90));
let mrzCropOptions;
if (Math.abs(angle) < 1) {
mrzCropOptions = {
x: mrzRoi.roi.minX * originalToTreatedRatio,
y: mrzRoi.roi.minY * originalToTreatedRatio,
width: (mrzRoi.roi.maxX - mrzRoi.roi.minX) * originalToTreatedRatio,
height: (mrzRoi.roi.maxY - mrzRoi.roi.minY) * originalToTreatedRatio
if (regionTransform) {
const rotated = applyToPoint(regionTransform, mrzCropOptions);
const tmp = mrzCropOptions.width;
mrzCropOptions.width = mrzCropOptions.height;
mrzCropOptions.height = tmp;
mrzCropOptions.x = rotated.x;
mrzCropOptions.y = rotated.y - mrzCropOptions.height;
} else {
// convex hull relative to the original image's viewport
let hull = mrzRoi.roi.mask.monotoneChainConvexHull().map(([x, y]) => ({
x: (mrzRoi.roi.minX + x) * originalToTreatedRatio,
y: (mrzRoi.roi.minY + y) * originalToTreatedRatio
if (regionTransform) {
hull = applyToPoints(regionTransform, hull);
radius = _quadraticMean(matrixScale.x, matrixScale.y) * radius;
if (focal) focal = Matrix.applyToPoint(matrix, focal);
} else {
const dot = (a, b) => (a.x * b.x) + (a.y * b.y);
const multiply = (coefficient, v) => ({x: coefficient * v.x, y: coefficient * v.y});
const add = (a, b) => ({x: a.x + b.x, y: a.y + b.y});
const subtract = (a, b) => ({x: a.x - b.x, y: a.y - b.y});
// The line through origin and gradientPerpendicular is the line at which the gradient starts
let gradientPerpendicular = Math.abs(origin.x - destination.x) < 1e-8 ?
add(origin, {x: 1, y: (origin.x - destination.x) / (destination.y - origin.y)}) :
add(origin, {x: (destination.y - origin.y) / (origin.x - destination.x), y: 1});
// Transform points
gradientPerpendicular = Matrix.applyToPoint(matrix, gradientPerpendicular);
origin = Matrix.applyToPoint(matrix, origin);
destination = Matrix.applyToPoint(matrix, destination);
// Calculate the direction that the gradient has changed to
const originToPerpendicular = subtract(gradientPerpendicular, origin);
const originToDestination = subtract(destination, origin);
const gradientDirection = Math.abs(originToPerpendicular.x) < 1e-8 ?
{x: 1, y: -originToPerpendicular.x / originToPerpendicular.y} :
{x: -originToPerpendicular.y / originToPerpendicular.x, y: 1};
// Set the destination so that the gradient moves in the correct direction, by projecting the destination vector
// onto the gradient direction vector
const projectionCoeff = dot(originToDestination, gradientDirection) / dot(gradientDirection, gradientDirection);
const projection = multiply(projectionCoeff, gradientDirection);
destination = {x: origin.x + projection.x, y: origin.y + projection.y};
const stops = newGradient.getElementsByTagName('stop');
if (!stops.length || !stops[stops.length - 1].attributes ||
!stops[stops.length - 1].attributes['stop-color']) {
return null;
return stops[stops.length - 1].attributes['stop-color'].value;
// Transform points
// Emulate SVG's gradientUnits="objectBoundingBox"
if (scaleToBounds) {
const boundsMatrix = Matrix.compose(Matrix.translate(bbox.x, bbox.y), Matrix.scale(bbox.width, bbox.height));
origin = Matrix.applyToPoint(boundsMatrix, origin);
if (destination) destination = Matrix.applyToPoint(boundsMatrix, destination);
if (radius) {
radius = _quadraticMean(bbox.width, bbox.height) * radius;
if (focal) focal = Matrix.applyToPoint(boundsMatrix, focal);
if (radial) {
origin = Matrix.applyToPoint(matrix, origin);
const matrixScale = _getScaleFactor(matrix);
radius = _quadraticMean(matrixScale.x, matrixScale.y) * radius;
if (focal) focal = Matrix.applyToPoint(matrix, focal);
} else {
const dot = (a, b) => (a.x * b.x) + (a.y * b.y);
const multiply = (coefficient, v) => ({x: coefficient * v.x, y: coefficient * v.y});
const add = (a, b) => ({x: a.x + b.x, y: a.y + b.y});
const subtract = (a, b) => ({x: a.x - b.x, y: a.y - b.y});
maxX = Math.min(afterRotate.width, Math.round(maxX));
maxY = Math.min(afterRotate.height, Math.round(maxY));
mrzCropOptions = {
x: minX,
y: minY,
width: maxX - minX,
height: maxY - minY
toCrop = afterRotate;
if (mrzCropOptions.y < toCrop.height / 2) {
// image is upside down, turn it back
toCrop = toCrop.rotate(180);
const newXY = applyToPoint(getRotationAround(toCrop, 180), mrzCropOptions);
mrzCropOptions.x = newXY.x - mrzCropOptions.width;
mrzCropOptions.y = newXY.y - mrzCropOptions.height;
let cropped = toCrop.crop(mrzCropOptions);
if (debug) images.crop = cropped;
return debug ? { images } : cropped;
export function testBBox(value) {
const matrix = fromObject(value)
const {SVGMinX, SVGMinY, SVGWidth, SVGHeight} = value
const topLeft = applyToPoint(matrix, {x: 0, y: 0})
const bottomRight = applyToPoint(matrix, {x: SVGWidth - SVGMinX, y: SVGHeight - SVGMinY})
//x1, y1, x2, y2
return [topLeft.x, topLeft.y, bottomRight.x, bottomRight.y]
const getString = function (point) {
const transformed = Matrix.applyToPoint(transform, point);
return `${roundTo4Places(transformed.x)} ${roundTo4Places(transformed.y)} `;