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export const getChord = (
name: string
): (string[] | null) | (null | string)[] => {
if (isNote(name)) {
throw new Error(`${name} is not a chord!`);
// Separate the octave from the chord
const spl: string[] = name.split('-'); // e.g. CMaj7-4 => ['CMaj7', '4'];
// tonal doesnt recognize 5 and below in the `tokenize` method,
// hence explicitly massage those out
const tokenizedName: string[] = Chord.tokenize(spl[0]); // e.g. ['C', 'Maj7']
let root: string = tokenizedName[0];
let chordName: string = tokenizedName[1];
if (root[1] === '4' || root[1] === '5') {
chordName = root[1];
root = root.replace(/\d/, '');
// Since chords like C5 can also qualify for the note C5,
// Scribbletune treats such chords with the `th` appended to it
const numericalChords: NVP = {
'4th': '4',
'5th': '5',
'7th': '7',
'9th': '9',
export function getDegreeInChord(degree, chord) {
chord = Harmony.getTonalChord(chord);
const intervals = Chord.intervals(chord);
const tokens = Chord.tokenize(chord);
return Distance.transpose(tokens[0], findDegree(degree, intervals));
public static root(chord: string): number {
const root = Chord.tokenize(chord)[0];
if (!root) {
throw new ChordSymbolException(
'Chord symbol has unknown root: ' +
return Note.chroma(root);
export function getStepInChord(note, chord, min = false) {
return getStepFromInterval(
Note.pc(note)), min
export function getVoicing(chord, { voices, previousVoicing, omitRoot, quartal }: {
previousVoicing?: string[],
voices?: number,
omitRoot?: boolean,
quartal?: boolean
} = {}) {
chord = Harmony.getTonalChord(chord);
const tokens = Chord.tokenize(chord);
let notes = Chord.notes(chord);
if (omitRoot) {
notes = notes.filter(n => n !== tokens[0]);
if (quartal) {
if (previousVoicing) {
return notes;
export function getChordNotes(chord, validate?) {
chord = Harmony.getTonalChord(chord);
const tokens = Chord.tokenize(chord);
const notes = Chord.notes(chord);
return notes.filter(note => {
const interval = Distance.interval(tokens[0], note);
return !validate || validate(note, {
root: tokens[0],
symbol: tokens[1],
step: getStepFromInterval(interval),
degree: getDegreeFromInterval(interval + '')
export function getDegreeInChord(degree, chord) {
chord = Harmony.getTonalChord(chord);
const intervals = Chord.intervals(chord);
const tokens = Chord.tokenize(chord);
return Distance.transpose(tokens[0], findDegree(degree, intervals));
export function getStepsInChord(notes: string[], chord: string, min = false) {
const root = Chord.tokenize(Harmony.getTonalChord(chord))[0];
return => {
let interval = Distance.interval(root, Note.pc(note));
return getStepFromInterval(interval, min);
export function getStepInChord(note, chord, min = false) {