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return {
// The minimum block size (in samples) used in the stream.
minimumBlockSize: Token.UINT16_BE.get(buf, off),
// The maximum block size (in samples) used in the stream.
// (Minimum blocksize == maximum blocksize) implies a fixed-blocksize stream.
maximumBlockSize: Token.UINT16_BE.get(buf, off + 2) / 1000,
// The minimum frame size (in bytes) used in the stream.
// May be 0 to imply the value is not known.
minimumFrameSize: Token.UINT24_BE.get(buf, off + 4),
// The maximum frame size (in bytes) used in the stream.
// May be 0 to imply the value is not known.
maximumFrameSize: Token.UINT24_BE.get(buf, off + 7),
// Sample rate in Hz. Though 20 bits are available,
// the maximum sample rate is limited by the structure of frame headers to 655350Hz.
// Also, a value of 0 is invalid.
sampleRate: Token.UINT24_BE.get(buf, off + 10) >> 4,
// probably slower: sampleRate: common.getBitAllignedNumber(buf, off + 10, 0, 20),
// (number of channels)-1. FLAC supports from 1 to 8 channels
channels: common.getBitAllignedNumber(buf, off + 12, 4, 3) + 1,
// bits per sample)-1.
// FLAC supports from 4 to 32 bits per sample. Currently the reference encoder and decoders only support up to 24 bits per sample.
bitsPerSample: common.getBitAllignedNumber(buf, off + 12, 7, 5) + 1,
// Total samples in stream.
// 'Samples' means inter-channel sample, i.e. one second of 44.1Khz audio will have 44100 samples regardless of the number of channels.
// A value of zero here means the number of total samples is unknown.
totalSamples: common.getBitAllignedNumber(buf, off + 13, 4, 36),
// the MD5 hash of the file (see notes for usage... it's a littly tricky)
fileMD5: new Token.BufferType(16).get(buf, off + 18)
get: (buf: Buffer, off: number): IBlockStreamInfo => {
return {
// The minimum block size (in samples) used in the stream.
minimumBlockSize: Token.UINT16_BE.get(buf, off),
// The maximum block size (in samples) used in the stream.
// (Minimum blocksize == maximum blocksize) implies a fixed-blocksize stream.
maximumBlockSize: Token.UINT16_BE.get(buf, off + 2) / 1000,
// The minimum frame size (in bytes) used in the stream.
// May be 0 to imply the value is not known.
minimumFrameSize: Token.UINT24_BE.get(buf, off + 4),
// The maximum frame size (in bytes) used in the stream.
// May be 0 to imply the value is not known.
maximumFrameSize: Token.UINT24_BE.get(buf, off + 7),
// Sample rate in Hz. Though 20 bits are available,
// the maximum sample rate is limited by the structure of frame headers to 655350Hz.
// Also, a value of 0 is invalid.
sampleRate: Token.UINT24_BE.get(buf, off + 10) >> 4,
// probably slower: sampleRate: common.getBitAllignedNumber(buf, off + 10, 0, 20),
// (number of channels)-1. FLAC supports from 1 to 8 channels
channels: common.getBitAllignedNumber(buf, off + 12, 4, 3) + 1,
// bits per sample)-1.
// FLAC supports from 4 to 32 bits per sample. Currently the reference encoder and decoders only support up to 24 bits per sample.
bitsPerSample: common.getBitAllignedNumber(buf, off + 12, 7, 5) + 1,
// Total samples in stream.
// 'Samples' means inter-channel sample, i.e. one second of 44.1Khz audio will have 44100 samples regardless of the number of channels.
// A value of zero here means the number of total samples is unknown.
get: (buf: Buffer, off: number): IMovieHeaderAtom => {
return {
version: Token.UINT8.get(buf, off + 0),
flags: Token.UINT24_BE.get(buf, off + 1),
nextItemID: Token.UINT32_BE.get(buf, off + 4)
get: (buf, off): IIdentificationHeader => {
return {
id: new Token.StringType(7, 'ascii').get(buf, off),
vmaj: buf.readUInt8(off + 7),
vmin: buf.readUInt8(off + 8),
vrev: buf.readUInt8(off + 9),
vmbw: buf.readUInt16BE(off + 10),
vmbh: buf.readUInt16BE(off + 17),
nombr: Token.UINT24_BE.get(buf, off + 37),
nqual: buf.readUInt8(off + 40)
get: (buf: Buffer, off: number): IBlockHeader => {
return {
lastBlock: common.strtokBITSET.get(buf, off, 7),
type: common.getBitAllignedNumber(buf, off, 1, 7),
length: Token.UINT24_BE.get(buf, off + 1)
get: (buf: Buffer, off: number): IBlockHeader => {
return {
lastBlock: common.strtokBITSET.get(buf, off, 7),
type: common.getBitAllignedNumber(buf, off, 1, 7),
length: Token.UINT24_BE.get(buf, off + 1)
private static readFrameHeader(v, majorVer): IFrameHeader {
let header: IFrameHeader;
switch (majorVer) {
case 2:
header = {
id: v.toString('ascii', 0, 3),
length: Token.UINT24_BE.get(v, 3)
case 3:
header = {
id: v.toString('ascii', 0, 4),
length: Token.UINT32_BE.get(v, 4),
flags: ID3v2Parser.readFrameFlags(v.slice(8, 10))
case 4:
header = {
id: v.toString('ascii', 0, 4),
length: UINT32SYNCSAFE.get(v, 4),
flags: ID3v2Parser.readFrameFlags(v.slice(8, 10))
public get(buf: Buffer, off: number): INameAtom {
return {
version: Token.UINT8.get(buf, off),
flags: Token.UINT24_BE.get(buf, off + 1),
name: new Token.StringType(this.len - 4, 'utf-8').get(buf, off + 4)