Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
constant("const")(undefined, []);
// $ExpectError
constant("const")(undefined, {});
array(string)(undefined, []);
// $ExpectError
array(string)(undefined, {});
dict(string)(undefined, []);
// $ExpectError
dict(string)(undefined, {});
record(() => "")(undefined, []);
// $ExpectError
record(() => "")(undefined, {});
tuple(() => "")(undefined, []);
// $ExpectError
tuple(() => "")(undefined, {});
pair(string, boolean)(undefined, []);
// $ExpectError
pair(string, boolean)(undefined, {});
triple(string, boolean, boolean)(undefined, []);
// $ExpectError
triple(string, boolean, boolean)(undefined, {});
autoRecord({})(undefined, []);
// $ExpectError
autoRecord({})(undefined, {});
deep([], string)(undefined, []);
// $ExpectError
deep({}, string)(undefined, []);
optional(string)(undefined, []);
// $ExpectError
optional(string)(undefined, {});
map(string, string)(undefined, []);
// $ExpectError
// $ExpectType string[]
// $ExpectType { [key: string]: string; }
// $ExpectType string
record(() => "")(undefined);
// $ExpectType { a: string; }
record(field => ({ a: field("a", string) }))(undefined);
// $ExpectType string
tuple(() => "")(undefined);
// $ExpectType string[]
tuple(item => [item(0, string)])(undefined);
// $ExpectType [string]
tuple<[string]>(item => [item(0, string)])(undefined);
// $ExpectType [string, boolean]
pair(string, boolean)(undefined);
// $ExpectType [string, boolean, boolean]
triple(string, boolean, boolean)(undefined);
// $ExpectType {}
// $ExpectType { a: string; }
autoRecord({ a: string })(undefined);
// $ExpectType { a: string; b: number; }
autoRecord({ a: string, b: number })(undefined);
// $ExpectType { a: string; b: number; }
autoRecord({ a: string, b: number })(undefined);
// $ExpectType { a: string; b: number; c: boolean | undefined; }
autoRecord({ a: string, b: number, c: optional(boolean) })(undefined);
// $ExpectType string
deep([], string)(undefined);
// $ExpectType string | undefined
switch (type) {
case "Click":
case "ManyClick":
case "ManyTab":
case "BackgroundTab":
case "ForegroundTab":
case "Select":
return type;
throw new TypeError(`Invalid HintsMode: ${repr(type)}`);
export type KeyPair = [string, string];
export const decodeKeyPair: Decoder = pair(string, string);
export type KeyTranslations = { [code: string]: KeyPair, ... };
export const EN_US_QWERTY_TRANSLATIONS: KeyTranslations = {
Backquote: ["`", "~"],
Backslash: ["\\", "|"],
BracketLeft: ["[", "{"],
BracketRight: ["]", "}"],
Comma: [",", "<"],
Digit0: ["0", ")"],
Digit1: ["1", "!"],
Digit2: ["2", "@"],
Digit3: ["3", "#"],
Digit4: ["4", "$"],
Digit5: ["5", "%"],
Digit6: ["6", "^"],
import {
type Decoder,
} from "tiny-decoders";
export const MAX_PERF_ENTRIES = 9;
export type Durations = Array<[string, number]>;
export const decodeDurations: Decoder = array(pair(string, number));
export type Stats = {
url: string,
numTotalElements: number,
numTrackedElements: number,
numVisibleElements: number,
numVisibleFrames: number,
bailed: number,
durations: Durations,
export const decodeStats: Decoder = autoRecord({
url: string,
numTotalElements: number,
numTrackedElements: number,
numVisibleElements: number,