How to use the tinify.proxy function in tinify

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few tinify examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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module.exports = (compilation, options) => {
    let reg = new RegExp("\.(" + options.ext.join('|') + ')$', 'i');
    let keys = options.key;
    if (options.proxy) {
        //这里启用proxy 但是proxy因为建立scoket连接,最后需要有个超时的等待时间来关闭这个scoket
        tinify.proxy = options.proxy;
    return co(function* () {
        yield initDict;
        let imgQueue = getImgQueue(compilation.assets, reg);
        tinify.key = _.first(keys);
        keys = _.drop(keys);
        let result = yield Promise.all([
            deImgQueue(imgQueue[0], keys),
            deImgQueue(imgQueue[1], keys),
            deImgQueue(imgQueue[2], keys)

        //将appendDict 保存到dict文件中
        yield appendDictFile;
        return result;


Node.js client for the Tinify API. Tinify compresses your images intelligently. Read more at

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