How to use the timm.getIn function in timm

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few timm examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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for (let i = 0, len = records.length; i < len; i++) {
    const record = records[i];
    if (record.signalType) continue;
    if (record.fStory) {
      const [tempState, pathStr] = rxStory(state, record, options);
      state = tempState;
      if (pathStr) newStories.push(pathStr);
    } else {
      state = rxLog(state, record, options);

  // Don't expand stories that are already closed upon reception
  for (let j = 0, len1 = newStories.length; j < len1; j++) {
    const pathStr = newStories[j];
    const fOpen = timm.getIn(state, (`mainStory/${pathStr}/fOpen`).split('/'));
    if (fOpen) continue;
    state = timm.setIn(state, (`mainStory/${pathStr}/fExpanded`).split('/'), false);
  return state;
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setIn(parentElement, ["value", "items"], [movedElement])

    switch (to.containerType) {
      case "column":
        return simpleMove(oldValue, from, to, movedElement);
      case "row":
        return moveShortcodeToRow(oldValue, from, to, movedElement);
      case "section":
        return moveShortcodeToSection(oldValue, from, to, movedElement);

  if (from.itemType === "column") {
    const parentElement = getIn(oldValue, from.itemPath.slice(0, -3));

    if (
      from.containerType === "posts" ||
      (from.containerType === "carousel" &&
        parentElement.value.dynamic === "on")
    ) {
      // Cloned Column and changed the paths for the first column
      from.itemPath[from.itemPath.length - 1] = "0";
      const movedElement = setIds(getIn(oldValue, from.itemPath));
      oldValue = addIn(oldValue, from.itemPath, movedElement);

    switch (to.containerType) {
      case "column":
        return moveColumnToSection(oldValue, from, to);
      case "row":
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    // Normal case
    if (nextRecords == null) nextRecords = timm.addLast(prevRecords, record);
    return nextRecords;

  // Flag stories containing warnings and errors
  const fWarn = record.level === k.LEVEL_STR_TO_NUM.WARN;
  const fError = record.level >= k.LEVEL_STR_TO_NUM.ERROR;
  if (fWarn || fError) {
    const recurPath = [].concat(path);
    while (true) {  // eslint-disable-line no-constant-condition
      recurPath.pop();  // recurPath is now the story path
      const story = timm.getIn(state, recurPath);
      if (story.fMain) break;
      if (fWarn && !story.fHasWarning) {
        state = timm.setIn(state, recurPath.concat(['fHasWarning']), true);
      if (fError && !story.fHasError) {
        state = timm.setIn(state, recurPath.concat(['fHasError']), true);

  return { state, fDuplicate };
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function getValue(value, { from, to }) {
  let oldValue = value;

  if (from.itemType === "shortcode") {
    let movedElement = getIn(oldValue, from.itemPath);
    if (from.containerType === "cloneable") {
      let parentElement = getIn(oldValue, from.itemPath.slice(0, -3));
      // if cloneable has only one item we remove it
      if (parentElement.value.items.length <= 1) {
        from.containerPath = from.itemPath.slice(0, -4);
        from.itemPath = from.itemPath.slice(0, -3);
        from.itemIndex = Number(from.itemPath[from.itemPath.length - 1]);

        // if the cloneable will be removed
        // and we do not decrement to.index then
        // it will go one position after the desired one
        // in the case when dragging from up to down
        if (
          _.isEqual(from.containerPath, to.containerPath) &&
          from.itemIndex < to.itemIndex
        ) {
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const forgetRecords = (state0, action, settings) => {
  let state = state0;
  const { pathStr } = action;
  const { maxRecords, forgetHysteresis } = settings;
  const path = `mainStory/${pathStr}`.split('/');
  const prevStory = timm.getIn(state, path);
  const { numRecords } = prevStory;
  const targetForget = Math.ceil((numRecords - maxRecords) + (maxRecords * forgetHysteresis));
  const { nextStory, numForgotten, updatedStoryPaths } =
    forgetRecursively(prevStory, targetForget, {}, prevStory.pathStr);
  nextStory.numRecords = numRecords - numForgotten;
  state = timm.setIn(state, path, nextStory);
  const openStories = updateStoryPaths(state.openStories, updatedStoryPaths);
  const closedStories = updateStoryPaths(state.closedStories, updatedStoryPaths);
  state = timm.merge(state, { openStories, closedStories });
  return state;
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const path = (`mainStory/${action.pathStr}/fExpanded`).split('/');
    return timm.updateIn(state, path, (fExpanded) => !fExpanded);

  if (action.type === 'TOGGLE_HIERARCHICAL') {
    if (action.pathStr == null) return state;
    const path = (`mainStory/${action.pathStr}/fHierarchical`).split('/');
    return timm.updateIn(state, path, (fHierarchical) => !fHierarchical);

  if (action.type === 'TOGGLE_ATTACHMENT') {
    let { pathStr } = action;
    const { recordId } = action;
    if (pathStr == null || recordId == null) return state;
    pathStr = `mainStory/${pathStr}`;
    const story = timm.getIn(state, pathStr.split('/'));
    if (story == null) return state;
    const recordPathStr = findRecord(story, recordId, !story.fHierarchical, pathStr);
    if (recordPathStr == null) return state;
    const recordPath = recordPathStr.split('/');
    const record = timm.getIn(state, recordPath);
    return timm.setIn(state, recordPath, !record.objExpanded);

  if (action.type === 'EXPAND_ALL_STORIES') return expandCollapseAll(state, true);
  if (action.type === 'COLLAPSE_ALL_STORIES') return expandCollapseAll(state, false);

  if (action.type === 'QUICK_FIND') {
    const { txt } = action;
    let quickFind;
    if (txt.length) {
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const normalizeColumnsWidths = (value, path, from) => {
  const targetColumns = getIn(value, path);
  const { containerType, containerPath } = from;
  const inCarousel =
    containerType === "carousel" && _.isEqual(containerPath, path);

  if (
    !targetColumns ||
    !_.every(targetColumns, ({ type }) => type === "Column") ||
    return value;

  return setIn(value, path, normalizeRowColumns(targetColumns));
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const addIn = (object, [...path], value) => {
  let index = path.pop();
  index = Number(index) ? Number(index) : index;
  let newObj = getIn(object, path);
  newObj = insert(newObj, index, value);

  return setIn(object, path, newObj);
const removeIn = (object, [...path]) => {
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const removeIn = (object, [...path]) => {
  let index = path.pop();
  index = Number(index) ? Number(index) : index;
  let newObj = getIn(object, path);
  newObj = removeAt(newObj, index);

  return setIn(object, path, newObj);