How to use tiddlywiki - 6 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few tiddlywiki examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mklauber / TiddlyServer / source / js / server.js View on Github external
Server.prototype.start = function(prefix) {
  var socketPath = path.join(this.socketDir, prefix);
  var wikiPath   = path.join(this.wikiDir, prefix);
  console.log("Starting server at " + prefix + " for " + wikiPath);

  // Create the server on a unix socket path
  var $tw = require("tiddlywiki/boot/bootprefix.js").bootprefix();
  delete $tw.browser;
  var server = require("tiddlywiki/boot/boot.js").TiddlyWiki($tw);
  server.boot.argv = [wikiPath, '--unixserver', socketPath]

  // Save the server to the object, so we can shut it down later if needed.
  this.servers[prefix] = server;
  // Setup the proxy rules to route to the correct location.
  this.proxyRules.rules["/" + prefix] = {socketPath: socketPath};
github mklauber / TiddlyServer / source / js / server.js View on Github external
Server.prototype.start = function(prefix) {
  var socketPath = path.join(this.socketDir, prefix);
  var wikiPath   = path.join(this.wikiDir, prefix);
  console.log("Starting server at " + prefix + " for " + wikiPath);

  // Create the server on a unix socket path
  var $tw = require("tiddlywiki/boot/bootprefix.js").bootprefix();
  delete $tw.browser;
  var server = require("tiddlywiki/boot/boot.js").TiddlyWiki($tw);
  server.boot.argv = [wikiPath, '--unixserver', socketPath]

  // Save the server to the object, so we can shut it down later if needed.
  this.servers[prefix] = server;
  // Setup the proxy rules to route to the correct location.
  this.proxyRules.rules["/" + prefix] = {socketPath: socketPath};
github felixhayashi / TW5-TiddlyMap / gulpfile.babel.js View on Github external
gulp.task('bundle the plugin', (cb) => {

  // init the tw environment
  const $tw = TiddlyWiki.TiddlyWiki();

  // set the output to verbose;
  // Attention: argv always needs to contain at least one element,
  // otherwise the wiki instance will issue a help output.
  // @see
  $tw.boot.argv = [

  // trigger the startup; since we are not in a browser environment,
  // we need to call boot() explicitly.

  // bundle from the plugin files as json
  const plugin = $tw.loadPluginFolder(path.resolve(outPath.dist, pluginNamespace));
github whacked / tiddlywiki-org / twloader.js View on Github external
function loadTiddlyWiki(wikiPath) {
	// ref $TiddlyWikiRepoRoot/boot/boot.js at _boot top
    var $tw0 = require(path.join(tiddlywiki_root,
                                 "boot", "bootprefix.js")).bootprefix({
                                     browser: null
	// ref $TiddlyWikiRepoRoot/boot/boot.js:startup()
    var $tw = tiddlywiki.TiddlyWiki($tw0);
    $tw.boot.argv = [];
    $tw.boot.wikiPath = expandUserHome(wikiPath);

	// Get the URL hash and check for safe mode
	$tw.locationHash = "#";
	if($tw.browser && !$tw.node) {
		if(location.hash === "#:safe") {
			$tw.safeMode = true;
		} else {
			$tw.locationHash = $tw.utils.getLocationHash();
	// Initialise some more $tw properties
		modules: { // Information about each module
			titles: Object.create(null), // hashmap by module title of {fn:, exports:, moduleType:}
github TheDiveO / TW5FontAwesome / twserver.js View on Github external
   Run the TW5FontAwesome development TiddlyWiki server by simply running
   this Nodejs module. This module is wired up as the "main" module in the
   package metadata "package.json".
var $tw = require("tiddlywiki").TiddlyWiki();
if (process.argv.length > 2) {
  $tw.boot.argv = process.argv.slice(2);
} else {
  $tw.boot.argv = "editions/develop --verbose --server 8080 $:/core/save/all text/plain text/html".split(" ");
console.log("Booting TW:", $tw.boot.argv.join(" "));
github Arlen22 / TiddlyServer / datafolder.old.ts View on Github external
function loadTiddlyWiki(prefix: string, folder: string) {

    const $tw = require("tiddlywiki").TiddlyWiki();
    $tw.boot.argv = [folder];
    const execute = $tw.boot.executeNextStartupTask;
    $tw.boot.executeNextStartupTask = function () {
        const res = execute();
        if (!res) complete();
        return true;
    function complete() {
        //we use $tw.modules.execute so that the module has its respective $tw variable.
        var serverCommand = $tw.modules.execute('$:/core/modules/commands/server.js').Command;
        var command = new serverCommand([], { wiki: $ });
        var server = command.server;



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