How to use thywill - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few thywill examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github exratione / thywill / test / lib / tools.js View on Github external
var childProcess = require('child_process');
var path = require('path');
var http = require('http');
var async = require('async');
var vows = require('vows');
var assert = require('assert');
var clone = require('clone');
var express = require('express');
var redis = require('redis');
var Client = require('work-already').Client;
var MemorySocketStore = require('');
var RedisSocketStore = require('');
var RedisSessionStore = require('connect-redis')(express);
var MemorySessionStore = require('connect/lib/middleware/session/memory');
var Thywill = require('thywill');
var Message = Thywill.getBaseClass('Message');

// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Relating to setting up headless Thywill instances without
// applications running in this process.
// ------------------------------------------------------------

exports.headless = {};

 * Utility function to create a client for a local Redis server.
 * @return {object}
 *   A Redis client.
function createRedisClient () {
  var options = {};
github exratione / thywill / test / lib / echo.js View on Github external
 * @fileOverview
 * Batches for testing the Echo example application.

var assert = require("assert");
var Thywill = require("thywill");
var Message = Thywill.getBaseClass("Message");
var tools = require("./tools");

 * Add general tests for the Echo application to the suite.
exports.general = function (suite) {
  var instanceIndex = 0;
  var applicationIndex = 0;
  // The initial batches load the application page and then connect via
  // Socket.IO. The matches are checked against the page contents. Here
  // we're looking at the templates that should be included.
  var pageMatches = [
    '<div class="echoed-message">{{data}}</div>'
  tools.workAlready.addInitialBatches(suite, instanceIndex, pageMatches);
github exratione / thywill / test / lib / calculations.js View on Github external
 * @fileOverview
 * Batches for testing the Calculations example application.

var assert = require("assert");
var Thywill = require("thywill");
var Message = Thywill.getBaseClass("Message");
var RpcCapableApplication = Thywill.getBaseClass("RpcCapableApplication");
var tools = require("./tools");

 * Add general tests for the Calculations application to the suite.
exports.general = function (suite) {
  var instanceIndex = 0;
  var applicationIndex = 0;
  // The initial batches load the application page and then connect via
  // Socket.IO. The matches are checked against the page contents. Here
  // we're looking at the templates that should be included.
  var pageMatches = [
    '<div id="calculations-wrapper">'
  tools.workAlready.addInitialBatches(suite, instanceIndex, pageMatches);</div>
github exratione / thywill / core / lib / component / cluster / cluster.js View on Github external
* });
 * thywill.cluster.on(thywill.cluster.eventNames.CLUSTER_MEMBER_UP, function (data) {
 *   console.log('Cluster process up: ' + data.clusterMemberId);
 * });
function Cluster() {;
  this.componentType = 'cluster';

  // Useful shortcuts.
  this.clusterMemberStatus = Cluster.CLUSTER_MEMBER_STATUS;
  this.eventNames = Cluster.EVENT_NAMES;
util.inherits(Cluster, Thywill.getBaseClass('Component'));
var p = Cluster.prototype;

// 'Static' parameters

Cluster.EVENT_NAMES = {
  CLUSTER_MEMBER_DOWN: 'thywill.cluster.down',
  CLUSTER_MEMBER_UP: 'thywill.cluster.up'

  DOWN: false,
  UNKNOWN: undefined,
  UP: true
github exratione / thywill / extra / lib / component / clientTracker / inMemoryClientTracker.js View on Github external
 * @fileOverview
 * InMemoryClientTracker class definition.

var util = require('util');
var Thywill = require('thywill');
var Client = Thywill.getBaseClass('Client');

// Class Definition

 * @class
 * A ClientTracker implementation that stores all data in memory. Every cluster
 * member process keeps an up to date record of client connections to all
 * cluster processes.
 * Obviously this doesn't scale as well as other implementations to large
 * numbers of cluster member processes - there is a lot of cross-talk needed
 * between cluster members to keep the data updated in all of them. It is best
 * used when your applications must make very frequent requests to ClientTracker
 * methods.
github exratione / thywill / extra / lib / component / clientTracker / clientTracker.js View on Github external
* Emit when a client disconnects from this or any other cluster member.
 * clientTracker.on(, function (clusterMemberId, client {});
 * Emit on disconnection of a client to this cluster member.
 * clientTracker.on(, function (client) {});
 * Emit when a client disconnects from this or any other cluster member.
 * clientTracker.on(, function (clusterMemberId, client) {});
function ClientTracker() {;
  this.componentType = 'clientTracker';
  // Convenience reference. = ClientTracker.EVENTS;
util.inherits(ClientTracker, Thywill.getBaseClass('Component'));
var p = ClientTracker.prototype;

// 'Static'

ClientTracker.EVENTS = {
  CONNECTION: 'connection',
  CONNECTION_TO: 'connectionTo',
  DISCONNECTION: 'disconnection',
  DISCONNECTION_FROM: 'disconnectionFrom',
  CLUSTER_MEMBER_DOWN: 'clusterMemberDown'

// Methods
github exratione / thywill / extra / lib / component / channelManager / channelManager.js View on Github external
* A channelManager implementation must emit the following events, which
 * require integration with the cluster communication mechanisms.
 * Sessions are added to a channel in any process in the cluster.
 * channelManager.on(, function (channelId, sessionIds) {});
 * Sessions are removed from a channel in any process in the cluster.
 * channelManager.on(, function (channelId, sessionIds) {});
function ChannelManager() {;
  this.componentType = 'channelManager';
  // Convenience reference. = ChannelManager.EVENTS;
util.inherits(ChannelManager, Thywill.getBaseClass('Component'));
var p = ChannelManager.prototype;

// 'Static'

ChannelManager.EVENTS = {
  SESSIONS_ADDED: 'sessionsAdded',
  SESSIONS_REMOVED: 'sessionsRemoved'

// Methods

github exratione / thywill / core / lib / component / templateEngine / templateEngine.js View on Github external
var util = require('util');
var Thywill = require('thywill');

// Class Definition

 * @class
 * The superclass for interfaces to templating systems.
function TemplateEngine() {;
  this.componentType = 'templateEngine';
util.inherits(TemplateEngine, Thywill.getBaseClass('Component'));
var p = TemplateEngine.prototype;

// Methods.

 * @see Component#_getDependencies
p._getDependencies = function () {
  return {
    components: [
github exratione / thywill / extra / lib / component / channelManager / redisChannelManager.js View on Github external
* A channel manager that stores channel information in Redis.
 * It maintains lookup sets for each channel and each session that belongs to
 * at least one channel.
 * This implementation requires that a clientTracker implementation is used.
 * TODO: mechanisms for clearing out old sessions?
 * @see ChannelManager
function RedisChannelManager() {;
  this.channels = {};
util.inherits(RedisChannelManager, Thywill.getBaseClass('ChannelManager'));
var p = RedisChannelManager.prototype;

// 'Static' parameters

RedisChannelManager.CONFIG_TEMPLATE = {
  redisPrefix: {
    _configInfo: {
      description: 'A prefix applied to Redis keys.',
      types: 'string',
      required: true
  redisClient: {
    _configInfo: {
github exratione / thywill / core / lib / component / messageManager / simpleMessageManager.js View on Github external
var Thywill = require("thywill");
var Message = require("./message");

// Class Definition

 * @class
 * A trivial synchronous in-memory resource manager.
function SimpleMessageManager () {; = {};
util.inherits(SimpleMessageManager, Thywill.getBaseClass("MessageManager"));
var p = SimpleMessageManager.prototype;

// "Static" parameters

SimpleMessageManager.CONFIG_TEMPLATE = null;

// Methods

 * @see MessageManager#createMessage
p.createMessage = function (data, metadata) {


A Node.js clustered framework for single page web applications based on asynchronous messaging.

Latest version published 12 years ago

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