How to use the thingtalk.Generate function in thingtalk

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few thingtalk examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github stanford-oval / almond-dialog-agent / lib / rule_dialog.js View on Github external
return Q.try(() => {
            // get the name, description and icon before we factor the remote rules out
            var name = this._getName();
            var description = this.describe();
            var appMeta = { $icon: this.icon };
            if (!this._hasTrigger)
                appMeta.$conversation =;

            [newprogram, sendprograms] = ThingTalk.Generate.factorProgram(this.manager.messaging, this.program);

            if (newprogram !== null) {
                var code = Ast.prettyprint(newprogram);
                return this.manager.apps.loadOneApp(code, appMeta, undefined, undefined,
                                                    name, description, true);
        }).then((app) => {
            return Helpers.sendRules(this, sendprograms, app);
github stanford-oval / almond-cloud / scripts / gen_cheatsheet_sentences.js View on Github external
// Copyright 2017 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
// Author: Giovanni Campagna 
// See COPYING for details
"use strict";


const Q = require('q');
const fs = require('fs');
const csv = require('csv');

const ThingTalk = require('thingtalk');
const Ast = ThingTalk.Ast;
const Generate = ThingTalk.Generate;
const Type = ThingTalk.Type;

const SchemaRetriever = require('./deps/schema_retriever');
const db = require('../util/db');
const i18n = require('../util/i18n');


function getAllThingpediaSentences(dbClient, language) {
    let target_jsons = new Set;
    return db.selectAll(dbClient, "select * from example_utterances where type = 'thingpedia' and is_base = 1 and language = ? order by id asc", [language]).then((rows) => {
            return rows;

        return rows.filter((row) => {
            if (target_jsons.has(row.target_json))
github stanford-oval / almond-dialog-agent / lib / rule_dialog.js View on Github external
// -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// This file is part of Almond
// Copyright 2016 Giovanni Campagna 
// See COPYING for details
"use strict";

const Q = require('q');
const assert = require('assert');

const ThingTalk = require('thingtalk');
const Ast = ThingTalk.Ast;
const Generate = ThingTalk.Generate;
const Describe = ThingTalk.Describe;

const Dialog = require('./dialog');
const DeviceChoiceDialog = require('./device_choice_dialog');
const SlotFillingDialog = require('./slot_filling_dialog');
const ValueCategory = require('./semantic').ValueCategory;
const Helpers = require('./helpers');

module.exports = class RuleDialog extends Dialog {
    constructor() {

        this.program = null;
        this._hasTrigger = false;
        this._primitiveQuery = null;
        this._primitiveAction = null;
github stanford-oval / almond-cmdline / tests / test_network.js View on Github external
return ThingTalk.Grammar.parseAndTypecheck(`now => @org.thingpedia.builtin.test.get_data(count=1,size=1byte), v_data := data => return;`, engine1.schemas).then((prog) => {
            prog.principal = ThingTalk.Ast.Value.Entity(engine2.messaging.type + '-account:' + engine2.messaging.account, 'tt:contact', null);
            for (let param of prog.rules[0].queries[0].in_params) {
                if ( === 'size') {
                    param.value.value = sz;
            let [engine1prog] = ThingTalk.Generate.lowerReturn(engine1.messaging, prog);
            prog.principal = null;
            let uniqueId = uuid.v4();

            console.log(`RTT test begin, size ${sz}, iteration ${i+1}`);
            logfile.write(`${}\ttest-begin\trtt ${sz} ${i+1}/3\n`);
            return Q.Promise((resolve, reject) => {

                let added = (newId) => {
                    if (newId !== uniqueId)
                    conversation.removeListener('notify', added);
                let assistant = engine1.platform.getCapability('assistant');
                let conversation = assistant.getConversation();
                conversation.on('notify', added);
github stanford-oval / almond-dialog-agent / test / check_canonical.js View on Github external
}).then((schema) => {
                this.action.schema = schema;

                this._slotFill(this.trigger, false);
                this._slotFill(this.action, true);

                return ThingTalk.Generate.codegenRule(schemas, this.trigger, this.action);
github stanford-oval / almond-cloud / scripts / gen_random_rules.js View on Github external
return db.selectAll(dbClient, "select kind from device_schema where approved_version is not null and kind_type <> 'global'", []).then((rows) => {
            let kinds = => r.kind);
            let schemaRetriever = new SchemaRetriever(dbClient, language);

            let stream = ThingTalk.Generate.genRandomRules(kinds, schemaRetriever, N, {
                applyHeuristics: true,
                allowUnsynthesizable: false,
                strictParameterPassing: true,
                samplingPolicy: 'uniform',
                actionArgConstantProbability: 0.7,
                argConstantProbability: 0.3,
                requiredArgConstantProbability: 0.9,
                applyFiltersToInputs: false,
                filterClauseProbability: 0.3
            stream.on('data', (r) => {
                //console.log('Rule #' + (i+1));
                if (format === 'turk') {
                    row = row.concat([makeId(), Ast.prettyprint(r, true).trim(), postprocess(describeProgram(gettext, r))]);
                    if (row.length === sentences_per_hit * 3) {
github stanford-oval / almond-dialog-agent / lib / slot_filling_dialog.js View on Github external
constructor(prim, scope) {

        this.prim = prim;
        this._scope = scope;

        this.icon = Helpers.getIcon(prim);
        this._resolving = null;
        this._paring = false;
        this._options = null;
        this._aux = null;

        let [toFill, toConcretize] = ThingTalk.Generate.computeSlots(prim);
        this.toFill = toFill;
        this.toConcretize = toConcretize;
github stanford-oval / almond-dialog-agent / lib / stack-frames / make-dialog.js View on Github external
function makeProgram(stream, query, action, executor=null) {
    let rule;
    if (action)
        action = new ThingTalk.Ast.Action.Invocation(action, null);
        action = ThingTalk.Generate.notifyAction(executor ? 'return' : 'notify');
    if (stream && query)
        rule = new Ast.Statement.Rule(new Ast.Stream.Join(stream, query, [], null), [action]);
    else if (stream)
        rule = new Ast.Statement.Rule(stream, [action]);
        rule = new Ast.Statement.Command(query, [action]);
    return new Ast.Program([], [], [rule], executor);
github stanford-oval / almond-cloud / util / expand_examples.js View on Github external
var copy = {};
            Object.assign(copy, assignments);
            return into.push({ utterance: expanded,
                               assignments: copy });

        let argname = argnames[i];
        let argtype = argtypes[argname];
        if (!argtype)
            throw new TypeError('Invalid placeholder $' + argname);

        let type = argtype;
        if (argtype.isArray)
            type = argtype.elem;

        let choices = chooseValues(ThingTalk.Generate.genRandomValue(argname, type, true), usedValues);
        let placeholder = getPlaceholder(type);

        if (!choices)
            throw new TypeError('Cannot expand placeholder $' + argname + ' of type ' + argtype);

        var argnameRegex = '\\$' + argname;

        if (!forcePlaceholder) {
            choices.forEach(function(c) {
                assignments[argname] = c;
                let description = ThingTalk.Describe.describeArg(gettext, c, true);
                expandRecursively(expanded.replace(new RegExp(argnameRegex, 'g'), description), i+1, false);
                assignments[argname] = undefined;
github stanford-oval / almond-cloud / browser / thingtalk-builder.js View on Github external
_prettyprint() {
        let rule;
        if (!this._stream && !this._query && !this._action)
            return 'Please choose at least one function.';
        let stream = this._stream;
        let query = this._query;
        let action = this._action ? this._action : ThingTalk.Generate.notifyAction();
        if (stream && query) {
            rule = new Ast.Statement.Rule(
                new Ast.Stream.Join(stream, query, [], null), [action]
        } else if (stream) {
            rule = new Ast.Statement.Rule(stream, [action]);
        } else {
            rule = new Ast.Statement.Command(query, [action]);
        return new Ast.Input.Program([], [], [rule]).prettyprint();