How to use text-buffer - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few text-buffer examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github manaflair / mylittledom / sources / core / misc / TextFormatter.js View on Github external
moveRight(position, { copy = false } = {}) {

        if (this.lineInfo.length === 0)
            return new Point();

        position = Point.fromObject(position, copy);

        let tokenLocator = this.tokenLocatorForPosition(position);

        if (!tokenLocator)
            return null;

        let [ row, tokenIndex, line, token ] = tokenLocator;

        // if we're inside the token, or on its left edge
        if (position.column < token.outputOffset + token.outputLength) {

            // if we're a static token, we can just move inside the token
            if (token.type === STATIC_TOKEN) {
                position.column += 1;
github atom / atom / src / grammar-registry.js View on Github external
const _ = require('underscore-plus')
const Grim = require('grim')
const FirstMate = require('first-mate')
const {Disposable, CompositeDisposable} = require('event-kit')
const TextMateLanguageMode = require('./text-mate-language-mode')
const Token = require('./token')
const fs = require('fs-plus')
const {Point, Range} = require('text-buffer')

const GRAMMAR_SELECTION_RANGE = Range(Point.ZERO, Point(10, 0)).freeze()
const PATH_SPLIT_REGEX = new RegExp('[/.]')

// Extended: This class holds the grammars used for tokenizing.
// An instance of this class is always available as the `atom.grammars` global.
module.exports =
class GrammarRegistry {
  constructor ({config} = {}) {
    this.config = config
    this.subscriptions = new CompositeDisposable()
    this.textmateRegistry = new FirstMate.GrammarRegistry({maxTokensPerLine: 100, maxLineLength: 1000})

  clear () {
github atom / atom / src / text-editor-component.js View on Github external
const {target, button, ctrlKey, shiftKey, metaKey} = event

    // Only handle mousedown events for left mouse button
    if (button !== 0) return

    const clickedScreenRow = this.screenPositionForMouseEvent(event).row
    const startBufferRow = model.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([clickedScreenRow, 0]).row

    if (target && target.matches('.foldable .icon-right')) {

    const addOrRemoveSelection = metaKey || (ctrlKey && this.getPlatform() !== 'darwin')
    const endBufferRow = model.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([clickedScreenRow, Infinity]).row
    const clickedLineBufferRange = Range(Point(startBufferRow, 0), Point(endBufferRow + 1, 0))

    let initialBufferRange
    if (shiftKey) {
      const lastSelection = model.getLastSelection()
      initialBufferRange = lastSelection.getBufferRange()
      lastSelection.setBufferRange(initialBufferRange.union(clickedLineBufferRange), {
        reversed: clickedScreenRow < lastSelection.getScreenRange().start.row,
        autoscroll: false,
        preserveFolds: true,
        suppressSelectionMerge: true
    } else {
      initialBufferRange = clickedLineBufferRange
      if (addOrRemoveSelection) {
        model.addSelectionForBufferRange(clickedLineBufferRange, {autoscroll: false, preserveFolds: true})
      } else {
github atom / atom / src / text-mate-language-mode.js View on Github external
scopeDescriptorForPosition(position) {
    let scopes;
    const { row, column } = this.buffer.clipPosition(

    const iterator = this.tokenizedLineForRow(row).getTokenIterator();
    while ( {
      if (iterator.getBufferEnd() > column) {
        scopes = iterator.getScopes();

    // rebuild scope of last token if we iterated off the end
    if (!scopes) {
      scopes = iterator.getScopes();
github manaflair / mylittledom / sources / core / misc / TextFormatter.js View on Github external
moveDown(position, { copy = false, amount = 1 } = {}) {

        if (this.lineInfo.length === 0)
            return new Point();

        position = Point.fromObject(position, copy);

        // if jumping would bring us below the very last line, we just go to the end of this line
        if (position.row + amount >= this.lineInfo.length) {
            position.row = this.lineInfo.length - 1;
            position.column = this.lineInfo[position.row].outputLineLength;

        } else {
            position.row += amount;

            // if we land on the left edge, short-circuit the rest of the procedure
            if (position.column === 0) {
                return position;

            // if we land on the right edge or beyond, we can short-circuit the rest of the procedure too
            } else if (position.column >= this.lineInfo[position.row].outputLineLength) {
                position.column = this.lineInfo[position.row].outputLineLength;
github manaflair / mylittledom / sources / core / misc / TextFormatter.js View on Github external
moveLeft(position, { copy = false } = {}) {

        if (this.lineInfo.length === 0)
            return new Point();

        position = Point.fromObject(position, copy);

        let tokenLocator = this.tokenLocatorForPosition(position);

        if (!tokenLocator)
            return null;

        let [ row, tokenIndex, line, token ] = tokenLocator;

        // if we're inside the token, or on its right edge
        if (position.column > token.outputOffset) {

            // if we're a static token, we can just move inside the token
            if (token.type === STATIC_TOKEN) {
                position.column -= 1;

            // otherwise, we need to teleport to the beginning of the token
github manaflair / mylittledom / sources / core / misc / TextFormatter.js View on Github external
moveUp(position, { copy = false, amount = 1 } = {}) {

        if (this.lineInfo.length === 0)
            return new Point();

        position = Point.fromObject(position, copy);

        // if jumping would bring us above the very first line, we just go to the beginning of this line
        if (position.row - amount < 0) {
            position.row = 0;
            position.column = 0;

        } else {
            position.row -= amount;

            // if we land on the left edge, short-circuit the rest of the procedure
            if (position.column === 0) {
                return position;

            // if we land on the right edge or beyond, we can short-circuit the rest of the procedure too
            } else if (position.column >= this.lineInfo[position.row].outputLineLength) {
                position.column = this.lineInfo[position.row].outputLineLength;
github manaflair / mylittledom / sources / core / misc / TextFormatter.js View on Github external
moveTo(position, { copy = false } = {}) {

        if (this.lineInfo.length === 0)
            return new Point();

        position = Point.fromObject(position, copy);

        position.row = Math.max(0, Math.min(position.row, this.lineInfo.length - 1));
        position.column = Math.max(0, Math.min(position.column, this.lineInfo[position.row].outputLineLength));

        if (position.column === 0 || position.column === this.lineInfo[position.row].outputLineLength)
            return position;

        let tokenLocator = this.tokenLocatorForPosition(position);
        let [ row, tokenIndex, line, token ] = tokenLocator;

        if (token.type === DYNAMIC_TOKEN) {

            // if we're closer to the right side, we jump to it
            if (position.column >= token.outputOffset + token.outputLength / 2) {
                position.column = token.outputOffset + token.outputLength;
github atom / atom / src / project.js View on Github external
const handleBufferState = bufferState => {
      if (bufferState.shouldDestroyOnFileDelete == null) {
        bufferState.shouldDestroyOnFileDelete = () =>

      // Use a little guilty knowledge of the way TextBuffers are serialized.
      // This allows TextBuffers that have never been saved (but have filePaths) to be deserialized, but prevents
      // TextBuffers backed by files that have been deleted from being saved.
      bufferState.mustExist = bufferState.digestWhenLastPersisted !== false;

      return TextBuffer.deserialize(bufferState).catch(_ => {
        return null;
github atom / atom / src / text-mate-language-mode.js View on Github external
row === lastRow ||
          _.isEqual(this.stackForRow(row), previousStack)
        ) {
          filledRegion = true;
          endRow = row;

      if (!filledRegion) this.invalidateRow(endRow + 1);

        Range(Point(startRow, 0), Point(endRow + 1, 0))

    if (this.firstInvalidRow() != null) {
    } else {


A container for large mutable strings with annotated regions

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