How to use the testcafe.Role function in testcafe

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few testcafe examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github DevExpress / testcafe / test / server / data / test-suites / typescript-defs / roles.ts View on Github external
import { Role, Selector, t } from 'testcafe';

const userName = Selector('#user-name');

const someUser = Role('http://localhost:3000/fixtures/api/es-next/roles/pages/login-page.html', async() => {
    await t
        .typeText('input[name="name"]', 'SomeUser')
}, { preserveUrl: false });

fixture `AnonymousRole`
    .page `http://localhost:3000/fixtures/api/es-next/roles/pages/index.html`;

test('Test1', async() => {
    await t
github flow-typed / flow-typed / definitions / npm / testcafe_v0.x.x / test_testcafe_v0.x.x_role.js View on Github external
import { Role, Selector, t } from 'testcafe';

// $ExpectError - string as Selector
const userName = Selector('#user-name');

const someUser = Role('http://localhost:3000/fixtures/api/es-next/roles/pages/login-page.html', async() => {
    await t
        .typeText('input[name="name"]', 'SomeUser')

fixture `AnonymousRole`
    .page `http://localhost:3000/fixtures/api/es-next/roles/pages/index.html`;

test('Test1', async() => {
  await t
github openpitrix / dashboard / test / e2e / role.js View on Github external
import { Role } from 'testcafe';
import setup from './setup';

const user = 'normal';
const pass = 'zhu88jie';

const normalRole = Role(setup.getPageUrl('login'), async t => {
  await t
    .typeText('input[name=username]', user)
    .typeText('input[name=password]', pass)

// workaround
const fixCookie = () => {
  let role = 'normal',
    now =,
    domain = 'localhost'; // fix domain when in docker env

  document.cookie = `user=${user}; path=/; domain=${domain}`;
  document.cookie = `role=${role}; path=/; domain=${domain}`;
  document.cookie = `last_login=${now}; path=/; domain=${domain}`;
github gridgain / gridgain / modules / web-console / e2e / testcafe / roles.js View on Github external
export const createRegularUser = (login = 'a@a', password = 'a') => {
    return Role(resolveUrl('/signin'), async() => {
        await t.eval(() => window.localStorage.clear());

        // Disable "Getting started" modal.
        await t.eval(() => window.localStorage.showGettingStarted = 'false');
        await page.login(login, password);
github neos / neos-ui / Tests / IntegrationTests / contentModule.js View on Github external
import {Selector, Role} from 'testcafe';
import {ReactSelector} from 'testcafe-react-selectors';
import checkPropTypes from '../checkPropTypes';

import Page from './pageModel';

const subSection = name => console.log('\x1b[33m%s\x1b[0m', ' - ' + name);

/* global fixture:true */
/* eslint babel/new-cap: 0 */

const page = new Page();

const adminUrl = '!';

const adminUser = Role(adminUrl, async t => {
    await t
        .typeText('#username', 'admin')
        .typeText('#password', 'password')
}, {preserveUrl: true});

async function waitForIframeLoading(t) {
    await t.expect(ReactSelector('Provider').getReact(({props}) => {
        const reduxState =;
        return !reduxState.ui.contentCanvas.isLoading;
    })).ok('Loading stopped');

async function discardAll(t) {
    await t
        .click(ReactSelector('PublishDropDown ContextDropDownHeader'))
github GravityPDF / gravity-pdf / tests / e2e / auth.js View on Github external
import { Role } from 'testcafe'


export const baseURL = process.env.E2E_TESTING_URL

export const admin = Role(`${baseURL}/wp-login.php`, async t => {
  await t
    .typeText('#user_login', 'admin', { paste: true })
    .typeText('#user_pass', 'password', { paste: true })
github yunity / karrot-frontend / e2e / tests.js View on Github external
import { Selector, Role } from 'testcafe'
const testTime = Math.floor(new Date() / 1000)

const testUser = Role('http://localhost:8080/#/login', async t => {
  const mailField = Selector('div').withText('E-mail').child('input')
  const passwordField = Selector('div').withText('Password').child('input')
  await t
    .typeText(mailField, `user${testTime}`)
    .typeText(passwordField, 'user')


test('create user', async t => {
  await t
    .click(Selector('button').withText('SIGN UP!'))
github rquellh / testcafe-cucumber / features / step_definitions / github.js View on Github external
await testController.navigateTo(githubPage.github.url());

When(/^I am typing my search request "([^"]*)" on GitHub$/, async function(text) {
    await testController.typeText(githubPage.github.searchButton(), text);

Then(/^I am pressing (.*) key on GitHub$/, async function(text) {
    await testController.pressKey(text);

Then(/^I should see that the first GitHub\'s result is (.*)$/, async function(text) {
    await testController.expect(githubPage.github.firstSearchResult().innerText).contains(text);

const gitHubRoleForExample = Role(githubPage.github.url() + 'login', async function(t) {
    await t
        .expect(githubPage.github.loginErrorMessage().innerText).contains('Incorrect username or password.');

Then(/^I am trying to use (.*)$/, async function(text) {
    await testController.useRole(gitHubRoleForExample);
github gentics / mesh-ui / testcafe / roles.ts View on Github external
import { Role } from 'testcafe';

import { api } from './api';
import { containerContents } from './page-object/editor/container-contents';
import { login } from './page-object/login';

export const Admin = Role(
    async t => {
        await login('admin', 'admin');
        await containerContents.expectVisible();
        preserveUrl: false